- image
- image-finder
- image-orbit-stabilizer
- image-orbit-stabilizer-large
- image-preimage
- ImageBasis
- ImageFan
- Images
- ImageSystem
- ImageWithBasis
- Imaginary
- ImaginaryTwist
- implementation
- Implicit
- ImplicitCosetEnumeration
- ImplicitFunction
- Implicitization
- import
- Imprimitive
- ImprimitiveAction
- ImprimitiveBasis
- ImprimitiveReflectionGroup
- ImprimitiveReflectionGroup(m, p, n) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> GrpMat, Fld
- ShephardTodd(m, p, n) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> GrpMat, Fld
- GrpRfl_ImprimitiveReflectionGroup (Example H106E11)
- imprimitivity
- Improve
- improve_prm_ex
- ImproveAutomorphismGroup
- ImproveParametrization
- ims
- in
- Equality and Membership (p-ADIC RINGS AND THEIR EXTENSIONS)
- Planes in Magma (FINITE PLANES)
- IsConsistent (M, v) : SpMat, SpVec -> BoolElt, SpVec
- x in L : ., RngPad -> BoolElt
- x in O : AlgAssVElt, AlgAssVOrd -> BoolElt
- a in I : AlgAssVElt, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt
- x in y : AlgChtrElt, AlgChtrElt -> BoolElt
- f in I : AlgFrElt, AlgFr -> BoolElt
- a in A : AlgGenElt, AlgGen -> BoolElt
- x in R : AlgMatElt, AlgMat -> BoolElt
- x in A : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuat -> BoolElt
- x in D : Any, DiffFun -> BoolElt
- x in M : Any, ModDed -> BoolElt
- a in S : Any,DiffCrv -> BoolElt
- x in S : Elt, SeqEnum -> BoolElt
- x in R : Elt, Set -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpAbElt, GrpAb -> BoolElt
- a in A: GrpAutCrvElt, GrpAutCrv -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpBBElt, GrpBB -> BoolElt
- u in B : GrpBrdElt, GrpBrd -> BoolElt
- u in P : GrpBrdElt, GrpBrdClassProc -> BoolElt, GrpBrdElt
- g in G : GrpFinElt, GrpFin -> BoolElt
- x in H: GrpFP, GrpFPElt -> BoolElt
- u ∈H : GrpFPElt, GrpFP -> BoolElt
- g in C : GrpFPElt, GrpFPCosElt -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpGPCElt, GrpGPC -> BoolElt
- u in e : GrphVert, GrphEdge -> BoolElt
- u in e : GrphVert, GrphEdge -> BoolElt
- s in S : GrphVert, GrphVertSet -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpMatElt, GrpMat -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpMatElt, GrpMatUnip -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpPCElt, GrpPC -> BoolElt
- x in C : GrpPermElt, Elt -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpPermElt, GrpPerm -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpPSL2Elt, GrpPSL2 -> BoolElt
- g in G : GrpSLPElt, GrpSLP -> BoolElt
- p in B : IncPt, IncBlk -> BoolElt
- v in A
- x in L
- x in T
- v in L : LatElt, Lat -> BoolElt
- phi in X : MapModAbVar, List -> BoolElt
- x in X : ModAbVarElt, List -> BoolElt
- x in M : ModBrdtElt, ModBrdt -> BoolElt
- f in M : ModMPolElt, ModMPol -> BoolElt
- u in M : ModRngElt, ModRng -> BoolElt
- v in V : ModTupFldElt, ModTupFld -> BoolElt
- u in C : ModTupRngElt, Code -> BoolElt
- u in C : ModTupRngElt, Code -> BoolElt
- u in C : ModTupRngElt, CodeAdd -> BoolElt
- v in L : ModTupRngElt, LatNF -> BoolElt, ModTupFldElt
- u in M : ModTupRngElt, ModTupRng -> BoolElt
- s in t : MonStgElt, MonStgElt -> BoolElt
- p in l : PlanePt, PlaneLn -> BoolElt
- p in C : Pt,Sch -> BoolElt
- p in X : Pt,Sch -> BoolElt
- P in E : PtEll, CrvEll -> BoolElt
- P in H : PtEll, SetPtEll -> BoolElt
- f in Q : QuadBinElt, QuadBin -> BoolElt
- a in I : RngElt, OMIdl -> BoolElt
- a in I : RngElt, OMIdl -> BoolElt
- a in R : RngElt, Rng -> BoolElt
- a in I : RngElt, RngIdl -> BoolElt
- N in D: RngIntElt, DB -> BoolElt
- f in R : RngMPol, RngInvar -> FldFunUElt, ModMPolElt
- f in I : RngMPolElt, RngMPol -> BoolElt
- f in L : RngMPolElt,LinearSys -> BoolElt
- f in I : RngMPolLocElt, RngMPolLoc -> BoolElt
- E in I: RngOrdElt, RngOrdIdl -> BoolElt
- a in I : RngUPolElt, RngUPol -> BoolElt
- X in L : Sch,LinearSys -> BoolElt
- S in P : SeqEnum, PowSeqEnum -> BoolElt
- Q in X : SeqEnum,Sch -> BoolElt
- S in P : SetEnum, PowSetEnum -> BoolElt
- S in P : SetIndx, PowSetIndx -> BoolElt
- S in P : SetMulti, PowSetMulti -> BoolElt
- T in TS : TenSpcElt, TenSpc -> BoolElt
- C in F : TorCon,TorFan -> BoolElt
- v in C : TorLatElt,TorCon -> BoolElt
- v in L : TorLatElt,TorLat -> BoolElt
- i -> x in S
- x -> v in M
- x in S
- x in S
V2.28, 28 February 2025