Verbose Printing

There is one verbose printing variable, called "LSeries" that controls verbose printing for all of the functions in this chapter.

> SetVerbose("LSeries",n);

It accepts verbosity levels n such that 0≤n≤3. The values are as follows:

n=0 is the (default) quiet mode. The functions do not print anything apart from loss-of-precision warnings.

n=1 is possibly the most useful setting. The sign and the residues of L * (s) are printed whenever they are determined from the functional equation.

n=2 generates messages that allow the user to keep track of what is currently happening. So messages are printed when a new L-function is constructed, when coefficients are generated or when expansions of special functions are computed.

n=3 is a "keep-alive" setting that basically informs the user that the computer has not crashed yet and, yes, something is still happening. For L-functions of large conductor or very high precision that require a large number of coefficients, Magma will print a "progress indicator" every time 1000 new coefficients are generated and every 5000 terms in the series computations that test the functional equation or compute the L-values. (The frequencies 1000 and 5000 are stored in the attributes L`vprint_coeffs and L`vprint_series of a variable L of type LSeries and may be changed at the user's desire.)

V2.28, 13 July 2023