Action of PSL2(R) on the Upper Half Plane


g * z : GrpPSL2Elt, SpcHypElt -> SpcHypElt
g * z : GrpPSL2Elt, [SpcHypElt] -> [SpcHypElt]
g * z : GrpPSL2Elt, SetCspElt -> SetCspElt
g * z : RngIntElt, SpcHypElt -> SpcHypElt
g * z : RngIntElt, [SpcHypElt] -> [SpcHypElt]
g * z : RngIntElt, SetCspElt -> SetCspElt
For z of type SpcHypElt, SetCspElt or [SpcHypElt], and when g is an element of a projective linear group, returns the image of z under the action of g. The type of the image is the same as the type of z. If g is a positive integer, returns return az, which his is equivalent to acting on z with the matrix pmatrix(a & 0
0 & 1)∈PGL2(R).

FixedPoints(g,H) : GrpPSL2Elt, SpcHyp -> SeqEnum
Returns a sequence of points in H fixed by the action of g.
IsEquivalent(G,a,b) : GrpPSL2, SpcHypElt, SpcHypElt -> BoolElt, GrpPSL2Elt
If points a, b in the upper half plane are equivalent under the action of the group G, returns true, and the matrix g in G such that g.a = b. Otherwise returns false and the identity.
EquivalentPoint(x) : SpcHypElt -> SpcHypElt, GrpPSL2Elt
For the point x in the upper half plane, returns a point z in the region with -1/2 < z ≤1/2 and |z| ≥1, and a matrix g in PSL2(Z) with g*x = z
Stabilizer(a,G) : SpcHypElt, GrpPSL2 -> GrpPSL2Elt
Returns a generator of the subgroup of G stabilizing a.
FixedArc(g,H) : GrpPSL2Elt, SpcHyp -> SeqEnum
If g is an element of PSL2(Z) which is an involution, this returns the end points in the real line of the arc fixed by g, with mid point of the arc also fixed by g. Note that for any point b, the arc from b to g.b is fixed by g.


z + a : SpcHypElt, RngIntElt -> SpcHypElt
z + a : SpcHypElt, FldRatElt -> SpcHypElt
z - a : SpcHypElt, RngIntElt -> SpcHypElt
z - a : SpcHypElt, FldRatElt -> SpcHypElt
For any integer a, and element z in the upper half plane, this returns the element z + a in the same copy of the upper half plane.
a * z : RngElt, SpcHypElt -> SpcHypElt
z * a : SpcHypElt, RngElt -> SpcHypElt
a * z : RngIntElt, SetCspElt -> SetCspElt
a * z : FldRatElt, SetCspElt -> SetCspElt
a * seq : RngElt, [SpcHypElt] -> [SpcHypElt]
a * z : RngIntElt, [SetCspElt] -> [SetCspElt]
a * z : FldRatElt, [SetCspElt] -> [SetCspElt]
z * a : SpcHypElt, RngIntElt -> SpcHypElt
z * a : SpcHypElt, RngIntElt -> SpcHypElt
z * a : SpcHypElt, RngIntElt -> SpcHypElt
z * a : SpcHypElt, RngIntElt -> SpcHypElt
z * a : SpcHypElt, RngIntElt -> SpcHypElt
z / a : SpcHypElt, RngIntElt -> SpcHypElt
Given an element z (or a sequence of elements) in the upper half plane, and a positive rational number a, this returns the product (or products) in the same copy of the upper half plane.

Distances, Angles and Geodesics

Distance(z,w) : SpcHypElt, SpcHypElt -> FldReElt
    Precision: RngIntElt                Default: 
Returns the hyperbolic distance between z and w.
TangentAngle(x,y) : SpcHypElt, SpcHypElt -> FldReElt
    Precision: RngIntElt                Default: 
Returns the angle of the tangent at x of the geodescic from x to y, with given precision.
Angle(e1,e2) : [SpcHypElt], [SpcHypElt] -> FldReElt
    Precision: RngIntElt                Default: 
Given two sequences e1 = [z1, z2] and e2 = [z1, z3], where z1, z2, z3 are elements of the upper half plane, this returns the angle between the geodesics at z1.
ExtendGeodesic([z1,z2], H) : [SpcHypElt], SpcHyp -> [SpcHypElt]
Given elements z1, z2 in the upper half plane H, this extends the geodesic between z1 and z2 to a semicircle with endpoints on the real line, and returns the two real endpoints as elements of H.
GeodesicsIntersection(x1,x2) : [SpcHypElt], [SpcHypElt]) -> SeqEnum
GeodesicsIntersection(x1,x2) : [SetCspElt], [SetCspElt]) -> SeqEnum
The intersection in the upper half plane of the two geodesics whose endpoints are given by the sequences x1 and x2. If the geodesics intersect along a line, the empty sequence is returned.
V2.28, 13 July 2023