The sum of the elements a and b of an algebra A.
The negation of the algebra element a.
The difference of the elements a and b of an algebra A.
The product of the elements a and b of an algebra A.
r * a : RngElt, AlgGenElt -> AlgGenElt
The product of the element a of the algebra A and the ring element
r ∈R, where R is the coefficient ring of A.
The product of the element a of the R-algebra A and the ring element
1 / r ∈R, where R is a field.
If n is positive, form the (left-normed) n-th power
(( ... ((a * a) * a) ... ) * a) of a;
if the parent algebra A of a has an identity and n is zero,
return the identity;
if n < 0 and a has an inverse a - 1 in A,
form the n-th power of a - 1.
If R is a field or the integer ring, return the minimal polynomial of the
algebra element a.
For an element a in an algebra A return A.
Returns true if the elements a and b of an algebra A are equal; otherwise false.
Returns true if the elements a and b of an algebra A are not equal; otherwise
Returns true if a is in the algebra A; otherwise false.
Returns true if a is not in the algebra A; otherwise false.
Returns true if the algebra element a is zero; otherwise false.
Returns true if the algebra element a is the identity; otherwise false.
Returns true if the algebra element a is the negative of the identity element;
otherwise false.
Returns true if the element a is a unit, plus the inverse; otherwise false.
Returns true if the element a is regular, that is, is not a zero divisor;
otherwise false.
Returns true if the algebra element a is a divisor of zero; otherwise false.
Returns true if the element a is an idempotent, i.e. if a2 = a; otherwise false.
Returns true if the element a is nilpotent, i.e. if an = 0 for some n ≥0;
otherwise false.
If true, the minimal n such that an = 0 is returned as a second value.
V2.28, 28 February 2025