Ideals of Orders


Construction of Ideals

lideal<O | E> : AlgAssVOrd, [AlgAssVOrdElt] -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
rideal<O | E> : AlgAssVOrd, [AlgAssVOrdElt] -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
ideal<O | E> : AlgAssVOrd, [AlgAssVOrdElt] -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
For an associative order O, this constructs the left, right or two sided O-ideal generated by the elements in the given sequence E (these elements should be coercible into O).
lideal<O | M> : AlgAssVOrd, PMat -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
lideal<O | M> : AlgAssVOrd, Mtrx -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
rideal<O | M> : AlgAssVOrd, PMat -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
rideal<O | M> : AlgAssVOrd, Mtrx -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
ideal<O | M> : AlgAssVOrd, PMat -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
ideal<O | M> : AlgAssVOrd, Mtrx -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
Constructs a left, right or two sided ideal of the associative order O whose basis is given by M, which may be either a matrix or a pseudo matrix.
O * e : AlgAssVOrd, RngElt -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
e * O : RngElt, AlgAssVOrd -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
The principal left (right) ideal of the associative order O generated by the element e.

Attributes of Ideals

In this section, I is an ideal of some order in an associative algebra.

Order(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrd
For an ideal I created as an ideal of an order O, this returns O.
Algebra(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgAssV
This returns Algebra(Order(I)).
LeftOrder(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrd
RightOrder(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrd
For an ideal I, this returns the (full) order in Algebra(I) which stabilizes I under multiplication on the left or right respectively. Explicitly, the left order of I is defined as { x : x I ⊆I }.
ArithmeticRadical(O, p) : AlgAssVOrd[RngOrd], RngOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
ArithmeticRadical(O, p) : AlgQuat, RngElt -> AlgQuatOrdIdl
Given an order O over a number ring R and a prime ideal p in R, return the Arithmetic Radical of O over p. This is the unique two-sided ideal J of O over pO such that J/pO is the Jacobson radical of O/pO.
RadicalIdealizer(O, p) : AlgAssVOrd[RngOrd], RngOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrd
RadicalIdealizer(O, p) : AlgQuat, RngElt -> AlgQuat
    Side: MonStgElt                     Default: "Intersection"
Returns either the left or right order of the arithmetical radical of O at p or the intersection of these two orders, depending on whether Side is "Left", "Right" or "Intersection".
Neighbors(I,p) : AlgAssVOrdIdl, RngOrdIdl -> SeqEnum[AlgAssVOrdIdl]
Returns the p-neighbors of the ideal I, namely the ideals J ⊆I such that Norm(J) = p Norm(I). Currently, only implemented for squarefree ideals p coprime to Norm(I).
ElementsOfNorm(I, n) : AlgAssVOrdIdl, RngElt -> SeqEnum
    ModUnits: BoolElt                   Default: false
Returns the elements in I of norm n. Currently, only implemented for n generating a squarefree ideal coprime to I. If ModUnits is set to true, returns only one representative from every orbit under the action of the group of units of norm 1 in O, where O is Order(I).

Bases of Ideals

In this section, I is an ideal of an order O in an associative algebra.

Denominator(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> RngElt
This returns an element d of BaseRing(O) such that d I ⊆O, where O is Order(I).
PseudoBasis(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> SeqEnum
Given an ideal I of an order over R, where R is an order in a number field, this returns data describing I as an R-module. It returns a sequence of tuples < Ii, bi > where Ii is an ideal of R and bi is an element of Algebra(I), such that I is the direct sum of the R-modules Ii bi. In particular, the bi form a basis of Algebra(I) as a vector space over the field of fractions of R. Note that the bi may not lie in I.
PseudoMatrix(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> PMat
PseudoMatrix(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngFunOrd] -> PMat
Returns the pseudomatrix corresponding to PseudoBasis(I).
Basis(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> SeqEnum
When I is an ideal of an order over Z, this returns a Z-module basis of I.

When the base ring of Order(I) is an extension of Z, this returns part of the data returned by PseudoBasis(I): it returns a basis of Algebra(I). Note that this determines nothing about I, while the full data returned by PseudoBasis(I) determines I.

BasisMatrix(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgMatElt
This returns Basis(I) as a row matrix.
ZBasis(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> [AlgAssVOrdElt]
Returns a Z-module basis for the ideal I.
Generators(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> [AlgAssVOrdElt]
Returns a sequence of generators for the ideal I as a module over its base ring.
LocalBasis(I, p) : AlgAssVOrdIdl, RngOrdIdl -> [AlgAssElt]
    Type: MonStgElt                     Default: ""
Given an ideal I of an R-order in an algebra A, this function returns a basis of a free R-module F in A such that I and F agree at the completion at the prime ideal p of R. If Type is specified, it must either be "Submodule" or "Supermodule". In which case F is either a sub- or supermodule of I.
PseudoBasis(I, R) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd], Str -> SeqEnum
PseudoMatrix(I, R) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd], Str -> PMat
Basis(I, R) : AlgAssVOrdIdl, Str -> SeqEnum
BasisMatrix(I, R) : AlgAssVOrdIdl, Str -> AlgMatElt
In these variants of the functions described above, the elements of the basis are expressed with respect to the basis of R, where R is some ring contained in A = Algebra(I) such that R tensor F = A where F is the base field of A.

Arithmetic for Ideals

I + J : AlgAssVOrdIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
The sum of the ideals I and J, which are ideals which share a side in equal orders.
I * J: AlgAssVOrdIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrdIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl
I * J: AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd], AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> AlgAssVOrdIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl
The product of the ideals I and J, where I is a right ideal and J is a left ideal of the same order O. Returns the product given the structure of left and right ideal.
a * I: RngElt, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
I * a: AlgAssVOrdIdl, RngElt -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
Returns the product of a and I as an ideal.
A * I : RngOrdFracIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd]) -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
I * A : RngOrdFracIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd]) -> AlgAssVOrdIdl
Returns the product of a fractional ideal A of the base ring with I as an ideal.
Colon(J, I): AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd], AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> PMat
If I, J are left ideals, returns the colon (J:I)={x ∈A: xI ⊂J}, similarly defined if I, J are right ideals.
MultiplicatorRing(I): AlgAssVOrdIdl -> AlgAssVOrd
Returns the colon (I:I) of the ideal I, the set of all elements which multiply I into I.

Predicates on Ideals

IsLeftIdeal(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt
IsRightIdeal(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt
IsTwoSidedIdeal(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt
Return true if the associative ideal I is a left, right or two sided ideal (respectively).
I eq J : AlgAssVOrdIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt
Return true if the associative ideals I and J are equal.
I subset J : AlgAssVOrdIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the ideal I is contained in the ideal J.
a in I : AlgAssVElt, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt
a notin I : AlgAssVElt, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt
Return true (false) if the element a of an associative algebra is contained in the associative ideal I.

Other Operations on Ideals

Norm(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> RngOrdIdl
Returns the norm of the ideal I, the ideal of the base number ring of I generated by the norms of the elements in I.

Example AlgAss_sumandadjoin (H88E12)

> F<w> := CyclotomicField(3);
> R := MaximalOrder(F);
> A := Algebra(FPAlgebra<F, x, y | x^3-3, y^3+5, y*x-w*x*y>);
> O := Order([A.i : i in [1..9]]);
> MinimalPolynomial(O.2);
$.1^3 + 5/1*R.1
> I := rideal<O | O.2>;
> IsLeftIdeal(I), IsRightIdeal(I), IsTwoSidedIdeal(I);
false true false
> MultiplicatorRing(I) eq O;
> PseudoBasis(I);
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (0 R.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)>,
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (0 0 0 R.1 0 0 0 0 0)>,
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (0 0 0 0 -R.1 - R.2 0 0 0 0)>,
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (-5/1*R.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)>,
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (0 0 0 0 0 0 -R.1 - R.2 0 0)>,
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R.2 0)>,
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (0 0 5/1*R.1 + 5/1*R.2 0 0 0 0 0 0)>,
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R.2)>,
    <Principal Ideal of R
        R.1, (0 0 0 0 0 -5/1*R.2 0 0 0)>
> ZBasis(I);
[ [0 R.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], [0 R.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], [0 0 0 R.1 0 0 0 0 0], [0 0 0
    R.2 0 0 0 0 0], [0 0 0 0 -R.1 - R.2 0 0 0 0], [0 0 0 0 R.1 0 0 0 0],
    [-5/1*R.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], [-5/1*R.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ]
> Norm(I);
Principal Ideal of R
> J := rideal<O | O.3>;
> Norm(J);
Principal Ideal of R
> A!1 in I+J;
> Denominator(1/6*I);
[1, 0]
> Colon(J,I);
Pseudo-matrix over Maximal Equation Order with defining polynomial x^2 + x + 1
over its ground order
Principal Ideal of R
    3/1*R.1 * ( R.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )
Principal Ideal of R
    3/1*R.1 * ( 0 R.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )
Principal Ideal of R
    R.1 * ( 0 0 R.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 )
Fractional Principal Ideal of R
    3/5*R.1 * ( 0 0 0 R.1 0 0 0 0 0 )
Principal Ideal of R
    R.1 * ( 0 0 0 0 R.1 0 0 0 0 )
Principal Ideal of R
    R.1 * ( 0 0 0 0 0 R.1 0 0 0 )
Fractional Principal Ideal of R
    -1/5*R.1 * ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 R.1 0 0 )
Principal Ideal of R
    R.1 * ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R.1 0 )
Fractional Principal Ideal of R
    1/5*R.1 * ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R.1 )
V2.28, 28 February 2025