Ideals and Quotient Rings

Currently it is only possible to create ideals and quotient rings in univariate polynomial rings over fields. Note that these are principal ideal domains: all ideals can be generated by a single element.


Creation of Ideals and Quotients

ideal< R | a1, ..., ar > : RngUPol, RngUPolElt, ..., RngUPolElt -> RngUPol
Given a univariate polynomial ring R over a field K, this function returns the ideal of R generated by the elements a1, ..., ar∈R. This is the same as the ideal generated by the greatest common divisor of the elements ai in R. The function returns the ideal as a subring of R, generated by a single element.
quo< R | I > : RngUPol, RngUPol -> RngUPolRes
quo< R | a1, ..., ar > : RngUPol, RngUPolElt, ..., RngUPolElt -> RngUPolRes, Map
Given an ideal I in the univariate polynomial ring R (over a field), return the quotient R/I, as well as the projection map h: R -> R/I. The ideal I may either be specified as an ideal or by a list a1, a2, ..., ar, of generators. The angle bracket notation can be used to assign names to the indeterminates: Q<q> := quo< I | I >;.

Ideal Arithmetic

Since ideals of R are regarded as subrings of R, the ring R itself is a valid ideal as well.

I + J : RngUPol, RngUPol -> RngUPol
Given ideals I and J in the same polynomial ring R, this function returns the sum of the ideals I and J, which is the ideal generated by the generators of I and those of J. Since we require R to be a principal ideal domain, the resulting ideal will be simply generated by the greatest common divisor of I.1 and J.1.
I * J : RngUPol, RngUPol -> RngUPol
Given ideals I and J in the same polynomial ring R, this function returns the product of the ideals I and J, which is the ideal generated by the products of the generators of I and those of J. Since we require R to be a principal ideal domain, the resulting ideal will be simply generated by I.1 * J.1.
I meet J : RngUPol, RngUPol -> RngUPol
Given ideals I and J in the same polynomial ring R, this function returns the intersection of the ideals I and J. Since we require R to be a principal ideal domain, the resulting ideal will equal the product of I and J and be simply generated by I.1 * J.1.
a in I : RngUPolElt, RngUPol -> BoolElt
Given an element a of a polynomial ring P as well as an ideal I of P, this function returns true if and only if a is contained in I, and false otherwise.
a notin I : RngUPolElt, RngUPol -> BoolElt
Given an element a of a polynomial ring P as well as an ideal I of P, this function returns false if and only if a is contained in I, and true otherwise.
I eq J : RngUPol, RngUPol -> BoolElt
Given two ideals I and J in the same polynomial ring R this returns true if and only if I and J are the same, and false otherwise.
I ne J : RngUPol, RngUPol -> BoolElt
Given two ideals I and J in the same polynomial ring R this returns false if and only if I and J are the same, and true otherwise.
I subset J : RngUPol, RngUPol -> BoolElt
Given two ideals I and J in the same polynomial ring R this returns true if and only if I is contained in J, and false otherwise.
I notsubset J : RngUPol, RngUPol -> BoolElt
Given two ideals I and J in the same polynomial ring R this returns false if and only if I is contained in J, and true otherwise.

Other Functions on Ideals

Since ideals are considered as subrings of polynomial rings, and in particular are in the same Magma category as polynomial rings, most of the function listed in this chapter for polynomial rings do also apply to ideals, but some restrictions apply. Thus it will be possible to get the coefficient ring but it will not be possible to use ChangeRing to change it. We list some functions here that additional comments.

I . 1 : RngUPol -> RngUPolElt
Given an ideal I in a univariate polynomial ring R, return the generator of I in R as an element of I.

Other Functions on Quotients

Contrary to ideals, quotient rings form a separate Magma category. Only very few functions are available on these rings; however most element functions for polynomial rings apply to elements of quotients as well, in particular the coefficient, term and degree functions.

Modulus(Q) : RngUPolRes -> RngUPolElt
Given a quotient ring Q=R[x]/I of the univariate polynomial ring R[x] obtained by factoring out by the ideal I, return the generator for I as an element of R.
PreimageRing(Q) : RngUPolRes -> RngUPol
If Q is the quotient Q = R / I for some univariate polynomial ring R, this function returns R.
V2.28, 13 July 2023