Operations on Forms



Conjugate(f) : QuadBinElt -> QuadBinElt
Given a form f = ax2 + bxy + cy2, returns the conjugate form ax2 - bxy + cy2.
f * g : QuadBinElt, QuadBinElt -> QuadBinElt
Composition(f, g) : QuadBinElt, QuadBinElt -> QuadBinElt
    Al: MonStgElt                       Default: "Gauss"
    Reduction: BoolElt                  Default: false
Returns the composition of two binary quadratic forms f and g. The operator `*' returns a reduced form equivalent to the product using a fast composition algorithm of Shanks. In contrast, by default Composition returns the true composition in the group of forms, unless the parameter Reduction := true. The function Composition takes a further parameter Al which specifies whether the algorithm of Gauss or Shanks, set to "Gauss" by default. The algorithm of Shanks performs partial intermediate reductions, so it is not allowed to select Al := "Shanks" and Reduction := false.
f ^ n : QuadBinElt, RngIntElt -> QuadBinElt
Power(f, n) : QuadBinElt, RngIntElt -> QuadBinElt
    Al: MonStgElt                       Default: "Gauss"
    Reduction: BoolElt                  Default: false
Returns the n-th power of a form f. The operator `^' returns a reduced representative, using the fast composition algorithm of Shanks. In contrast, by default Power returns the true composition in the group of forms, unless the parameter Reduction := true. The function Power takes the further parameter Al which specifies whether the algorithm of Gauss or Shanks is used, set to "Gauss" by default. The algorithm of Shanks performs partial intermediate reductions, so it is not allowed to select Al := "Shanks" and Reduction := false.

Matrix Action

The right action of SL(2, Z) on the set of quadratic forms of discriminant D is given by the rule

f(x, y) ((r s atop t u)) = f(rx + sy, tx + uy).

f * M : QuadBinElt, GrpMatElt -> QuadBinElt
The right action of M ∈SL(2, Z) on the binary quadratic form f.


Reduction(f) : QuadBinElt -> QuadBinElt, Mtrx
ReducedForm(f) : QuadBinElt -> QuadBinElt, Mtrx
Returns a reduced quadratic form equivalent to f, and the transformation matrix.
ReductionStep(f) : QuadBinElt -> QuadBinElt
The result of applying one reduction step to the quadratic form f.
ReductionOrbit(f) : QuadBinElt -> {@ QuadBinElt @}
For a binary quadratic form f of positive discriminant, this returns an indexed set containing all reduced forms equivalent to f. These are obtained by iterating the ReductionStep operator, starting with Reduction(f).

Order(f) : QuadBinElt -> RngIntElt
For a binary quadratic form f of discriminant D, this returns the order of f in the class group for discriminant D (see ClassGroup). Note that the class group is defined using the equivalence relation IsEquivalent(f1, f2 : Narrow := false).

Attribute Access

The coefficient sequence can be accessed as a sequence of integers, providing the inverse operation to the forms coercion constructor.

f[i] : QuadBinElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
The i-th coefficient of f, where 1 ≤i ≤3.
Eltseq(f) : QuadBinElt -> SeqEnum[RngIntElt]
ElementToSequence(f) : QuadBinElt -> SeqEnum[RngIntElt]
The sequence [a, b, c] where f is the form ax2 + bxy + cy2.

Boolean Operations

f in Q : QuadBinElt, QuadBin -> BoolElt
Return true if and only if f is in Q, that is f and Q have the same discriminant.
f eq g : QuadBinElt, QuadBinElt -> BoolElt
Return true if the quadratic form f and g are equal and false otherwise.
IsIdentity(f) : QuadBinElt -> BoolElt
Return true if and only if f is the principal form in its parent structure.
IsReduced(f) : QuadBinElt -> BoolElt
Return true if the quadratic form f is reduced; false otherwise.
IsEquivalent(f, g) : QuadBinElt, QuadBinElt -> BoolElt, AlgMatElt
    Narrow: BoolElt                     Default: true
For binary quadratic forms f and g of the same discriminant, this returns whether the forms are equivalent; that is, whether they can be obtained from each other by a unimodular transformation. When the forms are equivalent, a transformation matrix is also returned.

If the parameter Narrow is false, the function tests a different notion of equivalence in the case of positive discriminant, which may be weaker. This is defined by merging the equivalence classes of forms < a, b, c > and < - a, b, - c > into a single equivalence class. (Another way to describe it is as follows: Forms are equivalent iff their associated ideals are in the same ordinary ideal class. On the other hand, "narrow" equivalence of forms corresponds to narrow ideal classes.) In this case, the transformation matrix may produce the complementary form of g.

Maps of Forms

FundamentalQuotient(Q) : QuadBin -> Map
The quotient homomorphism from the class group of Q to the class group of fundamental discriminant.
QuotientMap(Q1, Q2) : QuadBin, QuadBin -> Map
Given two structures of quadratic forms Q1 and Q2, such that the discriminant of Q1 equals a square times the discriminant of Q2, the quotient homomorphism from Q1 to Q2 is returned as a map.
Q ! f : QuadBin, QuadBinElt -> QuadBinElt
The ! operator coerces a binary quadratic form f into the structure Q, when they are compatible. This requires that Q is QuadraticForms(D) and f has discriminant m2D for some integer m.

Related Structures

Parent(f) : QuadBinElt -> QuadBin
Category(Q) : QuadBin -> Cat
QuadraticOrder(Q) : QuadBin -> RngQuad
Given a structure of quadratic forms of discriminant D, returns the quadratic order of discriminant D.
Ideal(f) : QuadBinElt -> RngQuadIdl
Given a quadratic form f = ax2 + bxy + cy2, returns the ideal (a, ( - b + Sqrt(D))/2) in the quadratic order Z[(t + Sqrt(D))/2], where t equals 0 or 1.
V2.28, 28 February 2025