Elements of Quaternion Algebras

For more information about elements of orders of associative algebras, see Section Orders.


Creation of Elements

A ! 0 : AlgQuat, RngIntElt -> AlgQuatElt
Zero(A) : AlgQuat -> AlgQuatElt
The zero element of the quaternion algebra A.
A ! 1 : AlgQuat, RngIntElt -> AlgQuatElt
One(A) : AlgQuat -> AlgQuatElt
The identity element of the quaternion algebra A.
A . i : AlgQuat, RngIntElt -> AlgQuatElt
Name(A, i) : AlgQuat, RngIntElt -> AlgQuatElt
Given a quaternion algebra A and an integer 1≤i≤3, returns the ith generator of A as an algebra over the base ring. Note that the element 1 is always the first element of a basis, and is never returned as a generating element.
A ! x : AlgQuat, Any -> AlgQuatElt
Return an element of the quaternion algebra A described by x, where x may be an algebra element, a module element, a sequence, an element of an order of an associative algebra or be coercible into the coefficient ring of A.

Arithmetic of Elements

x + y : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuatElt -> AlgQuatElt
The sum of x and y.
x - y : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuatElt -> AlgQuatElt
The difference of x and y.
x * y : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuatElt -> AlgQuatElt
The product of x and y.
x / y : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuatElt -> AlgQuatElt
x / y : AlgQuatOrdElt, AlgQuatOrdElt -> AlgQuatElt
The quotient of x by the unit y in the quaternion algebra.
x eq y : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuatElt -> BoolElt
Returns true if the elements x and y are equal; otherwise false.
x ne y : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuatElt -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the elements x and y are not equal.
x in A : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuat -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if x is in the algebra A.
x notin A : AlgQuatElt, AlgQuat -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if x is not in the algebra A.
Conjugate(x) : AlgQuatElt -> AlgQuatElt
Conjugate(x) : AlgQuatOrdElt -> AlgQuatOrdElt
Conjugate(x) : AlgAssVOrdElt -> AlgAssVOrdElt
The conjugate bar(x) of the element x of a quaternion algebra, defined so that the reduced trace and reduced norm are bar(x) + x and bar(x)x, respectively.
ElementToSequence(x) : AlgQuatElt -> SeqEnum
Eltseq(x) : AlgQuatElt -> SeqEnum
Coordinates(x) : AlgQuatElt -> SeqEnum
Given an element x of a quaternion algebra or order, this function returns the sequence of coordinates of x in terms of the basis of its parent.
Norm(x) : AlgQuatElt -> FldElt
Norm(x) : AlgQuatOrdElt -> RngElt
The reduced norm N(x) of the element x of a quaternion algebra, defined so that the characteristic polynomial for x is x2 - Tr(x)x + N(x) = 0, where Tr(x) is the reduced trace.
Trace(x) : AlgQuatElt -> FldElt
Trace(x) : AlgQuatOrdElt -> RngElt
The reduced trace Tr(x) of the element x of a quaternion algebra, defined so that the characteristic polynomial for x is x2 - Tr(x)x + N(x) = 0, where N(x) is the reduced norm.
CharacteristicPolynomial(x) : AlgQuatElt -> RngUPolElt
CharacteristicPolynomial(x) : AlgQuatOrdElt -> RngUPolElt
The characteristic polynomial of degree 2 for the element x of a quaternion algebra over the base ring of its parent.
MinimalPolynomial(x) : AlgQuatElt -> RngUPolElt
The minimal polynomial of degree 1 or 2 for the element x of a quaternion algebra over the base ring of its parent.

Example AlgQuat_Element_Arithmetic (H93E9)

We demonstrate the relation between characteristic polynomial, and reduced trace and norm in the following example.
> A := QuaternionAlgebra< RationalField() | -17, -271 >;
> x := A![1,-2,3,0];
> Trace(x);
> Norm(x);
> x^2 - Trace(x)*x + Norm(x);
Note that trace and norm of an element x of any algebra can be defined as the trace and norm of the linear operator corresponding to right-multiplication by x. The reduced trace and norm in a quaternion algebra A are taken instead to be the corresponding trace and determinant in any two-dimensional matrix representation of A, or equivalently, the sum and product of an element with its conjugate. The definition of norm and trace used for a general algebra can be realised in a quaternion algebra by the following code.
> P<X> := PolynomialRing(RationalField());
> M := RepresentationMatrix(x, A);
> M;
[   1   -2    3    0]
[  34    1    0    3]
[-813    0    1    2]
[   0 -813  -34    1]
> Trace(M);
> Factorization(CharacteristicPolynomial(M));
    <X^2 - 2*X + 2508, 2>
The general definition of trace (for the algebra) is twice the reduced trace, and the general definition of norm is the square of the reduced norm.
V2.28, 28 February 2025