Number Field Lattice Elements



Zero(L) : LatNF -> LatNFElt
The zero vector of the number field lattice L.
L ! e : LatNF, Any -> LatNFElt
Object e is coerced into the number field lattice L. The possibilities for the coerced object e are vectors of number field lattices, vectors in the proper degree ambient, and sequences of the proper length.
L . i : LatNF, RngIntElt -> LatNFElt
The ith pseudobasis vector of a number field lattice L. The given integer i must be nonnegative (0 gives the zero vector, also obtainable by Zero), and not exceed the rank of L. The ith coefficient ideal must also be trivial.
CoordinatesToLattice(L, S) : LatNF, SeqEnum -> LatNFElt
CoordinatesToLattice(L, v) : LatNF, ModTupFldElt -> LatNFElt
Given a sequence (or vector) S coercible into the coefficient field of number field lattice L whose length is equal to the rank of L, return the lattice vector with these coordinates. A check is made as to whether the vector (S or v) is in L.

Parent and Element Relations

v in L : ModTupRngElt, LatNF -> BoolElt, ModTupFldElt
v in L : LatNFElt, LatNF -> BoolElt, ModTupFldElt
Given a vector in an ambient space A of the number field lattice L where A has the same degree as L, determine whether v is in L. If so, then the coordinates of v with respect to the pseudobasis of L will also be returned. The coordinates of v will actually be returned whenever v lies in the K-span of the pseudobasis.
Parent(v) : LatNFElt -> LatNF
The parent number field lattice to which the given lattice vector v belongs.


v + w : LatNFElt, LatNFElt -> LatNFElt
v - w : LatNFElt, LatNFElt -> LatNFElt
- v : LatNFElt -> LatNFElt
v eq w : LatNFElt, LatNFElt -> BoolElt
v ne w : LatNFElt, LatNFElt -> BoolElt
IsZero(v) : LatNFElt -> BoolElt
Addition, subtraction, negation, and (non)equality of the number field lattice elements v and w.
s * v : RngElt, LatNFElt -> LatNFElt
v * s : LatNFElt, RngElt -> LatNFElt
v / s : LatNFElt, RngElt -> LatNFElt
Given a vector v belonging to the number field lattice L defined over the number field K and an element s of K, scale v by s as indicated. The result is checked for membership of L.
T * v : Mtrx, LatNFElt -> LatNFElt
Given a vector v belonging to the number field lattice L defined over the number field K, and a matrix T defined over K, the pseudobasis coordinates of v are transformed by T. The result is checked for membership of L.
v * T : LatNFElt, Mtrx -> LatNFElt
Given a vector v belonging to the number field lattice L defined over the field K, and a matrix T acting on the ambient space of L, transform v by T. The result is checked for membership of L.
v ^ M : LatNFElt, Mtrx -> LatNFElt
Given an element v belonging to the number field lattice L and a matrix M acting on the ambient space of L, return the image of v under the transformation M. Here the action is on the coordinates of the vector (so M must be square, of dimensions equal to the rank of L), and the resulting vector must belong to the lattice.
v ^ G : LatNFElt, GrpMat -> Setq[LatNFElt]
Orbit(G, v) : GrpMat, LatNFElt -> Setq[LatNFElt]
Given an element v belonging to the number field lattice L and a matrix group G acting on L, return the orbit of v under the action of G. This operation is also available if v is replaced by a set or sequence of elements of L. The user is responsible for ensuring that the orbit is finite.
Stabilizer(G, v) : GrpMat, LatNFElt -> GrpMat
Given an element v belonging to the number field lattice L and a matrix group G acting on the coordinates of the vectors of L, return the stabilizer of v under the action of G. This operation is also available if v is replaced by a set or sequence of elements of L. The user is responsible for ensuring that the group G is finite.
Norm(v) : LatNFElt -> FldNumElt
The norm of a given number field lattice element v.
InnerProduct(v, w) : LatNFElt, LatNFElt -> FldNumElt
The inner product of two number field lattice elements v and w.

Example LatNF_nflatelt-ex (H32E3)

Here are some examples with number field lattice elements.
> K<s13> := NumberField(Polynomial([-13,0,1])); // Q(sqrt(13))
> L := NumberFieldLattice(K,3);
> v := Zero(L);
> assert IsZero(v);
> w1 := L.1;
> w2 := L.2-L.3;
> CoordinatesToLattice(L,Vector(5*w1-s13*w2));
(   5 -s13  s13)
> assert w2 in L;
> assert not Vector(w2)/2 in L; // cannot divide w2 by 2 directly
> assert Parent(v) eq L;
> Norm(w2);
> InnerProduct(w1,w2);
> T := Matrix(3,3,[K|s13,1,0, 3,-1,1+s13, s13,-s13,2+s13]);
> T*w2;
(-s13 + 3  s13 - 1       -1)
> w2*T; // same, as basis is standard
(-s13 + 3  s13 - 1       -1)
> S := sub<L|[w1,w2]>;
> Submatrix(T,1,1,2,2)*(S.1); // random input data, 2x2 mat in T*v
(s13   1  -1)
> G := AutomorphismGroup(L);
> assert #G eq 48;
> w2^G; // Orbit
    ( 0  1 -1),
    (-1  1  0),
    ( 1  0 -1),
    (0 1 1),
    ( 1 -1  0),
    (-1  0 -1),
    (1 1 0),
    (1 0 1),
    ( 0 -1 -1),
    (-1  0  1),
    (-1 -1  0),
    ( 0 -1  1)
> assert #$1 eq 12;
> #Stabilizer(G,w2); // 4*12 is 48
> #Stabilizer(G,w1);
> #Orbit(G,{w1,w2});

Access Functions

Vector(v) : LatNFElt -> ModTupFldElt
Given an element v of the number field lattice L, return the underlying vector of the ambient space associated with v.
Eltseq(v) : LatNFElt -> SeqEnum
Given an element v of the number field lattice L, return the sequence corresponding to the Vector of the element.
Coordinates(v) : LatNFElt -> ModTupFldElt
Given an element v of the number field lattice L, return the coordinates of v, with respect to the pseudobasis of the parent lattice.
V2.28, 13 July 2023