- coefficient
- KSpace(V, F) : ModTupFld, Fld -> ModTupFld, Map
- KMatrixSpace(V, F) : ModTupFld, Fld -> ModTupFld, Map
- KModule(V, F) : ModTupFld, Fld -> ModTupFld, Map
- Changing the Coefficient Field (VECTOR SPACES)
- Changing the Coefficient Ring (FREE MODULES)
- Coefficients and Degree (POWER, LAURENT AND PUISEUX SERIES)
- Coefficients and Terms (UNIVARIATE POLYNOMIAL RINGS)
- Coefficients, Monomials and Terms (MULTIVARIATE POLYNOMIAL RINGS)
- Coefficients, Monomials, Terms and Degree (FINITELY PRESENTED ALGEBRAS)
- coefficient-degree
- coefficient-monomial-term
- coefficient-monomial-term-degree
- coefficient-term
- CoefficientDenominator
- CoefficientField
- CoefficientHeight
- CoefficientIdeals
- CoefficientLength
- CoefficientMap
- CoefficientNumerator
- CoefficientRing
V2.28, 13 July 2023