Invariants of an Additive Code


The Ambient Space and Alphabet

A length n additive code has an alphabet F and coefficient field K ⊆F. The code consists of codewords which are a K-linear subspace of F(n).

Alphabet(C) : Code -> Rng
Field(C) : Code -> Rng
The underlying field (or alphabet) of the codewords of the additive code C. A length n additive code with alphabet F consists of codewords from F(n).
CoefficientField(C) : Code -> Rng
The field over which the codewords of the additive code C are considered linear. This will be a subfield of the alphabet of C.
AmbientSpace(C) : Code -> ModTupRng
The ambient space of the additive code C, i.e. the generic R-space V in which C is contained.
Generic(C) : Code -> Code
Given a length n additive code C, return the generic [n, n, 1] code in which C is contained.

Example CodeAdd_alphabet-coeff-field (H166E6)

A code can often be represented using several different coefficient fields.
> F<w> := GF(5,4);
> K := GF(5,2);
> C := RandomAdditiveCode(F, K, 12, 5);
> C:Minimal;
[12, 2 1/2 : 5] GF(5^2)-Additive Code over GF(5^4)
> #C;
> Alphabet(C);
Finite field of size 5^4
> CoefficientField(C);
Finite field of size 5^2
> C1 := AdditiveCode(GF(5), C);
> C1:Minimal;
[12, 2 1/2 : 10] GF(5)-Additive Code over GF(5^4)
> #C1;
> Alphabet(C1);
Finite field of size 5^4
> CoefficientField(C1);
Finite field of size 5

Basic Numerical Invariants

Length(C) : Code -> RngIntElt
Return the block length n of an additive code C.
Dimension(C) : Code -> FldRatElt
The (rational) dimension k of C. If the alphabet of C is F, then the dimension is defined by the equation #C = (#F)k.

Note that since any basis of the additive code C is relative to the coefficient field K, this dimension is not necessarily equal to the number of generators of C and is not even necessarily integral.

NumberOfGenerators(C) : Code -> RngIntElt
Ngens(C) : Code -> RngIntElt
The number of generators of the additive code C. Note that if the coefficient ring of C is not the same as its alphabet then this will be different from the dimension of C.
# C : Code -> RngIntElt
Given an additive code C, return the number of codewords belonging to C.
InformationRate(C) : Code -> FldPrElt
The information rate of the [n, k] code C. This is the ratio k/n.

The Code Space

GeneratorMatrix(C) : Code -> ModMatFldElt
BasisMatrix(C) : Code -> ModMatRngElt
The generator matrix for an [n, k(kg)] K-additive code C over F is a kg x n matrix over F, whose kg rows form a basis for C when considered as vectors over K.
Basis(C) : Code -> [ ModTupRngElt ]
Generators(C) : Code -> { ModTupFldElt }
A basis for the K-additive code C, returned as a sequence of codewords over the alphabet of C, which generate the code over K.
C . i : Code, RngIntElt -> ModTupFldElt
Given an [n, k(kg)] K-additive code C and a positive integer i, 1 ≤i ≤kg, return the i-th element of the current basis of C over K.

The Dual Space

Dual(C) : CodeAdd -> CodeAdd
The code that is dual to the code C. For an additive code C, this is the nullspace with respect to the trace inner product of the coefficient field.
ParityCheckMatrix(C) : Code -> ModMatFldElt
The parity check matrix for the code C, returned as an element of Hom(V, U).
V2.28, 13 July 2023