Elementary Invariants

These functions return some simple information partially defining a local ring.

Prime(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
Prime(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
Prime(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
Prime(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Given a local ring or field L, return the prime p defining the p-adic ring or field underlying L. This is also the characteristic of the residue class field of L.
InertiaDegree(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
InertiaDegree(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
InertiaDegree(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
InertiaDegree(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Return the inertia degree of the local ring or field L over its coefficient ring.
InertiaDegree(K, L) : RngPad, RngPad -> RngIntElt
InertiaDegree(K, L) : FldPad, FldPad -> RngIntElt
InertiaDegree(K, L) : RngPadRes, RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
InertiaDegree(K, L) : RngPadResExt, RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Return the inertia degree of the local ring or field K relative to its subring L.
AbsoluteInertiaDegree(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteInertiaDegree(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteInertiaDegree(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteInertiaDegree(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteInertiaIndex(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteInertiaIndex(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteInertiaIndex(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteInertiaIndex(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Return the inertia degree of the local ring or field L over the p-adic ring.
RamificationDegree(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
RamificationDegree(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
RamificationDegree(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
RamificationDegree(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
RamificationIndex(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
RamificationIndex(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
RamificationIndex(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
RamificationIndex(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Return the ramification degree of the local ring or field L over its coefficient ring.
RamificationDegree(K, L) : RngPad, RngPad -> RngIntElt
RamificationDegree(K, L) : FldPad, FldPad -> RngIntElt
RamificationDegree(K, L) : RngPadRes, RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
RamificationDegree(K, L) : RngPadResExt, RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
RamificationIndex(K, L) : RngPad, RngPad -> RngIntElt
RamificationIndex(K, L) : FldPad, FldPad -> RngIntElt
RamificationIndex(K, L) : RngPadRes, RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
RamificationIndex(K, L) : RngPadResExt, RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Return the ramification degree of the local ring or field K relative to its subring L.
AbsoluteRamificationDegree(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteRamificationDegree(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteRamificationDegree(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteRamificationDegree(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteRamificationIndex(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteRamificationIndex(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteRamificationIndex(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
AbsoluteRamificationIndex(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Return the ramification degree of the local ring or field L over the p-adic ring.
AbsoluteDegree(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
The degree of L over Zp.
Degree(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
Degree(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
Degree(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
Degree(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Return the degree of the local ring or field L over its coefficient ring.
Degree(K, L) : RngPad, RngPad -> RngIntElt
Degree(K, L) : FldPad, FldPad -> RngIntElt
Degree(K, L) : RngPadRes, RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
Degree(K, L) : RngPadResExt, RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Return the degree of the local ring or field K relative to its subring L.
DefiningPolynomial(L) : RngPad -> RngUPolElt
DefiningPolynomial(L) : FldPad -> RngUPolElt
DefiningPolynomial(L) : RngPadRes -> RngUPolElt
DefiningPolynomial(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngUPolElt
Return the minimal polynomial of the generator of L over its coefficient ring. If L is p-adic, the polynomial x - 1 is returned. For free precision rings and fields, the coefficients of the defining polynomial are given to the default precision of L.
DefiningPolynomial(K, L) : RngPad, RngPad -> RngUPolElt
DefiningPolynomial(K, L) : FldPad, FldPad -> RngUPolElt
DefiningPolynomial(K, L) : RngPadRes, RngPadRes -> RngUPolElt
DefiningPolynomial(K, L) : RngPadResExt, RngPadRes -> RngUPolElt
DefiningPolynomial(K, L) : RngPadResExt, RngPadResExt -> RngUPolElt
Return the minimal polynomial of the generator of K over its coefficient ring L.
DefiningMap(L) : RngPad -> Map
DefiningMap(L) : FldPad -> Map
Given a free precision local ring or field L, return the map that was used to define the extension (see Section Creation of Unbounded Precision Extensions for information on defining extension by maps). If a map was not used, then an error is raised.
HasDefiningMap(L) : RngPad -> BoolElt, Map
DefiningMap(L) : FldPad -> BoolElt, Map
Given a free precision local ring or field L, return true if L is defined by a map; if so, the defining map is also returned.
PrimeRing(L) : RngPad -> RngPad
PrimeRing(L) : RngPadRes -> RngPadRes
PrimeRing(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngPadRes
PrimeField(L) : FldPad -> FldPad
pAdicRing(L) : RngPad -> RngPad
pAdicRing(L) : RngPadRes -> RngPadRes
pAdicRing(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngPadRes
pAdicField(L) : FldPad -> FldPad
Given a local ring or field L, return the p-adic ring or field which is a subring of L.
BaseRing(L) : RngPad -> RngPad
BaseRing(L) : RngPadRes -> RngPadRes
BaseRing(L) : RngPadResExt -> Rng
CoefficientRing(L) : RngPad -> RngPad
CoefficientRing(L) : RngPadRes -> RngPadRes
CoefficientRing(L) : RngPadResExt -> Rng
BaseField(L) : FldPad -> FldPad
CoefficientField(L) : FldPad -> FldPad
BaseRing(L) : FldPad -> FldPad
Given a local ring or field L, return the base ring of L.
ResidueClassField(L) : RngPad -> FldFin, Map
Given a local ring or field L, return the residue class field K of L, and a map from L to K.
ResidueSystem(R) : RngPad -> [RngPadElt]
ResidueSystem(R) : RngPadRes -> [RngPadEltRes]
ResidueSystem(R) : RngPadResExt -> [RngPadEltResExt]
ResidueSystem(R) : FldPad -> [FldPadElt]
Given a p-adic ring or field R, compute a set of representatives of the residue class field of R as elements of R.
UniformizingElement(L) : RngPad -> RngPadElt
UniformizingElement(L) : RngPadRes -> RngPadResElt
UniformizingElement(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngPadResExtElt
UniformizingElement(L) : FldPad -> FldPadElt
Given a local ring or field L, return the uniformizing element of L.
L . 1 : RngPad -> RngPadElt
L . 1 : RngPadRes -> RngPadResElt
L . 1 : RngPadResExt -> RngPadResExtElt
L . 1 : FldPad -> FldPadElt
Given a local ring or field L, return an element α of L such that if K is L's base ring or field, then the powers of α give a basis of L as a vector space over K.
Precision(L) : RngPad -> RngIntElt
Precision(L) : RngPadRes -> RngIntElt
Precision(L) : RngPadResExt -> RngIntElt
Precision(L) : FldPad -> RngIntElt
Given a local ring or field L, return the precision with which L has been created. If L is a local ring this is the maximum absolute precision to which its elements can be created. If L is a local field this is the maximum relative precision to which its elements can be created. If L is an unbounded free precision ring or field, then infinity is returned.
HasPRoot(R) : RngPad -> BoolElt
Given a local ring R extending Zp for some prime p, decide if R contains a primitive p-th root of unity.
HasRootOfUnity(L, n) : RngPad, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
Given a local ring L and some positive integer n, decide if L contains a primitive nth root of unity.
Discriminant(R) : RngPad -> RngPadElt
Compute the discriminant of the local ring R over its coefficient ring. Since R is defined by either an inertial polynomial or an Eisenstein one, this is equivalent to computing the discriminant of the defining polynomial.
Discriminant(K, k) : RngPad, RngPad -> RngPadElt
Given p-adic rings K/k, compute the discriminant of K as an extension of k.
AdditiveGroup(R) : RngPadRes -> GrpAb, Map
The additive group of the p-adic quotient R as an abelian group and the isomorphism from this group back to R.

Example RngLoc_elinvar (H48E6)

We illustrate the functions in this section for rings. Similar constructions can be used for fields.
> Zp := pAdicRing(5, 20);
> I<a> := UnramifiedExtension(Zp, 3);
> R<x> := PolynomialRing(I);
> L<b> := ext<I | x^3 + 5*a*x^2 + 5>;
> Prime(L);
> InertiaDegree(L);
The inertia degree of L is returned as 1 because L has been defined as a totally ramified extension of I. However, the inertia degree of L over Zp is 3, because I itself is an unramified extension of Zp.
> InertiaDegree(L, Zp);
> Degree(L);
> Degree(L, Zp);
> DefiningPolynomial(L);
x^3 + 5*a*x^2 + 5
> P<y> := PolynomialRing(Zp);
> DefiningPolynomial(I);
y^3 + 3*y + 3
> BaseRing(L);
Unramified extension defined by the polynomial x^3 + 3*x + 3
 over 5-adic ring mod 5^20
> PrimeRing(L);
5-adic ring mod 5^20
> PrimeRing(I);
5-adic ring mod 5^20
> ResidueClassField(L);
Finite field of size 5^3
Mapping from: RngPad: L to GF(5^3)
> ResidueClassField(I);
Finite field of size 5^3
Mapping from: RngPad: I to GF(5^3)
Here, we see that the residue class fields of I and L are identical. This is due to the fact that L is a totally ramified extension of I.
> UniformizingElement(L);
> Precision(L);
> Precision(I);
> R<a> := ext<pAdicRing(2) | 2>;
> DefiningPolynomial(R);
(1 + O(2^20))*$.1^2 + (1 + O(2^20))*$.1 + 1 + O(2^20)
> Precision(R);
AbsoluteRootNumber(K) : FldPad -> FldCycElt
The root number of a p-adic extension K/(Q)p can be computed as in S3.3 of [JR06], with the result returned (using their convention and not Deligne's) as an element of (Q)(ζ4).
RootNumber(K) : FldPad -> FldCycElt
The root number of a relative p-adic extension can be computed by using AbsoluteRootNumber and an induction relation.

Example RngLoc_padic-rootno-ex (H48E7)

We compute the root numbers of some p-adic extensions.

> K := ext<pAdicField(2,20)|Polynomial([10,0,1])>; K;
Totally ramified extension defined by the polynomial x^2 + 10
 over 2-adic field mod 2^20
> RootNumber(K);
> K := pAdicField(3,40);
> A := AllExtensions(K,3);
> _<x> := PolynomialRing(Integers(K)); // printing
> [<RootNumber(FieldOfFractions(a)),DefiningPolynomial(a)> : a in A];
    <zeta_4, x^3 + 3*x + 3>,
    <-zeta_4, x^3 + 6*x + 3>,
    <1, x^3 + 3*x^2 + 3>,
    <1, x^3 + 6*x^2 + 3>,
    <1, x^3 + 6*x^2 + 12>,
    <1, x^3 + 6*x^2 + 21>,
    <zeta_4, x^3 + 3>,
    <zeta_4, x^3 + 12>,
    <zeta_4, x^3 + 21>,
    <1, x^3 + 2*x + 1>

We take an example where the relative and absolute root numbers differ.

> K := pAdicField(3,20);
> L := ext<K|Polynomial([3,0,1])>; // both ramified
> M := ext<L|Polynomial([L.1,0,1])>; // both ramified
> RootNumber(M); // relative for M/L
> AbsoluteRootNumber(M); // absolute for M/Q3
> RootNumber(L); // intermediate field
> X := AbsoluteTotallyRamifiedExtension(Integers(M));
> RootNumber(FieldOfFractions(X));
V2.28, 13 July 2023