Operations on Curves


Elementary Invariants

aInvariants(E) : CrvEll -> [ RngElt ]
Coefficients(E) : CrvEll -> [ RngElt ]
ElementToSequence(E) : CrvEll -> [ RngElt ]
Eltseq(E) : CrvEll -> [ RngElt ]
Given an elliptic curve E, this function returns a sequence consisting of the Weierstrass coefficients of E; this is the sequence [a1, a2, a3, a4, a6] such that E is defined by y2z + a1xyz + a3yz2=x3 + a2x2z + a4xz2 + a6z3. Note that this function returns the five coefficients even if E was defined by a sequence [a, b] of length two (the first three coefficients are zero in such a case).
bInvariants(E) : CrvEll -> [ RngElt ]
This function returns a sequence of length 4 containing the b-invariants of the elliptic curve E, namely [b2, b4, b6, b8]. In terms of the coefficients of E these are defined by
b_2 = a_1^2 + 4*a_2
b_4 = a_1*a_3 + 2*a_4
b_6 = a_3^2 + 4*a_6
b_8 = a_1^2*a_6 + 4*a_2*a_6 - a_1*a_3*a_4 + a_2*a_3^2 - a_4^2.
cInvariants(E) : CrvEll -> [ RngElt ]
This function returns a sequence of length 2 containing the c-invariants of the elliptic curve E, namely [c4, c6]. In terms of the b-invariants of E these are defined by
c_4 = b_2^2 - 24*b_4
c_6 = -b_2^3 + 36*b_2*b_4 - 216*b_6.
Discriminant(E) : CrvEll -> RngElt
This function returns the discriminant d of the elliptic curve E. In terms of the b-invariants of E it is defined by
d = -b_2^2*b_8 - 8*b_4^3 - 27*b_6^2 + 9*b_2*b_4*b_6
and there is also the relationship 1728*d = c_4^3 - c_6^2.
jInvariant(E) : CrvEll -> RngElt
Return the j-invariant of the elliptic curve E. In terms of the c-invariants and the discriminant of E it is defined by j = c_4^3 / d. Two elliptic curves defined over the same base field are isomorphic over some extension field exactly when their j-invariants are equal.
HyperellipticPolynomials(E) : CrvEll -> RngUPolElt, RngUPolElt
Returns polynomials x3 + a2 x2 + a4 x + a6 and a1 x + a3, formed from the invariants of the elliptic curve E.

Example CrvEll_Invariants (H128E10)

Here are a few simple uses of the above functions.
> E := EllipticCurve([0, -1, 1, 1, 0]);
> E;
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x^2 + x over Rational Field
> aInvariants(E);
[ 0, -1, 1, 1, 0 ]
> Discriminant(E);
> c4, c6 := Explode(cInvariants(E));
> jInvariant(E) eq c4^3 / Discriminant(E);

Example CrvEll_GenericCurve (H128E11)

By constructing a generic elliptic curve we can see that the relationships described above hold.
> F<a1, a2, a3, a4, a6> := FunctionField(Rationals(), 5);
> E := EllipticCurve([a1, a2, a3, a4, a6]);
> E;
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + a1*x*y + a3*y = x^3 + a2*x^2 + a4*x + a6
over F
> aInvariants(E);
> bInvariants(E);
    a1^2 + 4*a2,
    a1*a3 + 2*a4,
    a3^2 + 4*a6,
    a1^2*a6 - a1*a3*a4 + a2*a3^2 + 4*a2*a6 - a4^2
> b2,b4,b6,b8 := Explode(bInvariants(E));
> cInvariants(E);
    a1^4 + 8*a1^2*a2 - 24*a1*a3 + 16*a2^2 - 48*a4,
    -a1^6 - 12*a1^4*a2 + 36*a1^3*a3 - 48*a1^2*a2^2 + 72*a1^2*a4 +
        144*a1*a2*a3 - 64*a2^3 + 288*a2*a4 - 216*a3^2 - 864*a6
> c4,c6 := Explode(cInvariants(E));
> c4 eq b2^2 - 24*b4;
> c6 eq -b2^3 + 36*b2*b4 - 216*b6;
> d := Discriminant(E);
> d;
-a1^6*a6 + a1^5*a3*a4 - a1^4*a2*a3^2 - 12*a1^4*a2*a6 + a1^4*a4^2 +
    8*a1^3*a2*a3*a4 + a1^3*a3^3 + 36*a1^3*a3*a6 - 8*a1^2*a2^2*a3^2 -
    48*a1^2*a2^2*a6 + 8*a1^2*a2*a4^2 - 30*a1^2*a3^2*a4 + 72*a1^2*a4*a6 +
    16*a1*a2^2*a3*a4 + 36*a1*a2*a3^3 + 144*a1*a2*a3*a6 - 96*a1*a3*a4^2 -
    16*a2^3*a3^2 - 64*a2^3*a6 + 16*a2^2*a4^2 + 72*a2*a3^2*a4 +
    288*a2*a4*a6 - 27*a3^4 - 216*a3^2*a6 - 64*a4^3 - 432*a6^2
> d eq -b2^2*b8 - 8*b4^3 - 27*b6^2 + 9*b2*b4*b6;
> 1728*d eq c4^3 - c6^2;

Associated Structures

Category(E) : CrvEll -> Cat
Type(E) : CrvEll -> Cat
Returns the category of elliptic curves, CrvEll.
BaseRing(E) : CrvEll -> Rng
CoefficientRing(E) : CrvEll -> Rng
The base ring of the elliptic curve E; that is, the parent of its coefficients and the coefficient ring of the default point set of E.

Predicates on Elliptic Curves

E eq F : CrvEll, CrvEll -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the elliptic curves E and F are defined over the same ring and have the same coefficients.
E ne F : CrvEll, CrvEll -> BoolElt
The logical negation of eq.
IsIsomorphic(E, F) : CrvEll, CrvEll -> BoolElt, Map
Given two elliptic curves E and F this function returns true if there exists an isomorphism between E and F over the base field, and false otherwise. If E and F are isomorphic then the isomorphism is returned as a second value. This function requires being able to take roots in the base field.
IsIsogenous(E, F) : CrvEll[FldRat], CrvEll[FldRat] -> BoolElt, Map
IsIsogenous(E, F) : CrvEll[FldFin], CrvEll[FldFin] -> BoolElt
Given two elliptic curves E and F defined over the rationals or a finite field, this function returns true if the curves E and F are isogenous over this field and false otherwise. In the rational case, if the curves are isogenous then the isogeny will be returned as the second value. For finite fields the isogeny computation operates via point counting and thus no isogeny is returned.

Example CrvEll_Twists2 (H128E12)

We return to the curves in the earlier quadratic twist example. By definition, these curves are not isomorphic over their base field, but are isomorphic over a quadratic extension.
> K := GF(13);
> E := EllipticCurve([K | 3, 1]);
> E5 := QuadraticTwist(E, 5);
> IsIsomorphic(E, E5);
> IsIsomorphic(BaseExtend(E, 2), BaseExtend(E5, 2));
Since they are isomorphic over an extension, their j-invariants must be the same.
> jInvariant(E) eq jInvariant(E5);
V2.28, 13 July 2023