Lazy series rings have variables, names for their variables and a coefficient ring.
The ith variable of the lazy power series ring R, where i is between 1 and the rank of R.
Given a lazy series ring R with n indeterminates and a sequence S of n strings, assign the elements of S to the names of the variables of R.
The coefficient ring of the lazy power series ring R. The coefficients of all the series in R will lie in this ring.
The number of variables associated with the lazy power series ring R.
Return true if the lazy series rings R1 and R2 are the same ring, that is, they have the same coefficient ring and rank.
> L := LazyPowerSeriesRing(FiniteField(73), 7); > L.4; Lazy power series > AssignNames(~L, ["a", "b", "c", "d", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh"]); > L.4; Lazy power seriesThe names for the variables of L are not used in default series printing. However they are used when printing an element to a given precision using PrintToPrecision.
> CoefficientRing(L); Finite field of size 73 > Rank(L); 7 > L eq LazyPowerSeriesRing(CoefficientRing(L), Rank(L)); true