- minusform
- MinusInfinity
- MinusTamagawaNumber
- MinusVolume
- misc
- Miscellaneous
- miscellaneous
- Mixed
- mixed
- MixedCanonicalForm
- MixedHomotopisms
- MMap
- Mobile
- Mod
- EulerFactorModChar(J) : JacHyp -> RngUPolElt
- FixDualMod(M,H): ModGrp, Grp -> Mod
- FixMod(M, H): ModGrp, Grp -> Mod
- HomMod(M, N) : ModGrp, ModGrp -> ModGrp
- InverseMod(E, M) : RngOrdElt, RngIntElt -> RngOrdElt
- LocalMultiplicativeGroupModSquares(p) : RngOrdIdl -> ModFld, Map
- ModByPowerOf2(n, b) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
- Modinv(n, m) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
- mod
- Modular Curves and Quotients (Canonical Embeddings) (MODULAR CURVES)
- Reduction Mod p (SCHEMES)
- The Module Structure of a Structure Constant Algebra (STRUCTURE CONSTANT ALGEBRAS)
- a mod P : FldArithElt, OMIdl -> FldArithElt
- a mod P : FldArithElt, OMIdl -> FldArithElt
- a mod I : RngFunOrdElt, RngFunOrdIdl -> RngFunOrdElt
- a mod I : RngFunOrdElt, RngFunOrdIdl -> RngFunOrdElt
- n mod m : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
- n mod m : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
- a mod I : RngOrdElt, RngOrdIdl -> RngOrdElt
- a mod I : RngOrdElt, RngOrdIdl -> RngOrdElt
- a mod b : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
- f mod g : RngUPolElt, RngUPolElt -> RngUPolElt
- mod-crv-quotient
- mod-deg
- modabvar
- Modabvar-Abelian_Varieties_Attached_to_Modular_Forms
- Modabvar-Abelian_Varieties_Attached_to_Modular_Forms3
- Modabvar-Abelian_Varieties_Attached_to_Modular_Forms5
- Modabvar-Abelian_Varieties_Attached_to_Modular_Symbols
- Modabvar-Base_Change
- Modabvar-Coercion
- Modabvar-Coercion2
- Modabvar-Conductor
- Modabvar-Creating_the_Modular_Jacobian_$J_0(N)$
- Modabvar-Creating_the_Modular_Jacobians_$J_1(N)$_and_$J_H(N)$
- Modabvar-Creation_of_Abelian_Subvarieties
- Modabvar-Creation_Using_a_Label
- Modabvar-Embeddings
- Modabvar-Equality_and_Inclusion_Testing
- Modabvar-Equality_and_Inclusion_Testing2
- Modabvar-Inner_Twists_and_Complex_Multiplication
- Modabvar-Inner_Twists_and_Complex_Multiplication2
- Modabvar-Invariants
- Modabvar-Invariants2
- Modabvar-Invariants3
- Modabvar-Invariants4
- Modabvar-Modular_Embedding_and_Parameterization
- Modabvar-Modular_Embedding_and_Parameterization2
- Modabvar-Modular_Symbols_to_Homology
- Modabvar-Modular_Symbols_to_Homology2
- Modabvar-Number_of_Points
- Modabvar-Predicates
V2.28, 13 July 2023