The Standard Forms

This section describes the "standard" alternating, hermitian, quadratic and symmetric forms defined on a finite dimensional vector space over a field. These are forms of maximal Witt index together with the quadratic forms of non-maximal Witt index over finite fields (see Section Isotropic and Singular Vectors and Subspaces). The standard forms are preserved by the Magma implementation of the classical groups over finite fields.

If J is the matrix of a bilinear form, X preserves the form if XJXtr = J. If J represents an hermitian form and if /line(X) is obtained from X by application of the field automorphism, then X preserves the form if XJ/line(X)tr = J.

If β is a non-degenerate alternating form, then rad(V) and the anisotropic component of a hyperbolic splitting are zero. Thus the dimension of V must be even and V has a basis of mutually orthogonal hyperbolic pairs. In particular, up to equivalence, there is only one non-degenerate alternating form on V.

StandardAlternatingForm(n,R) : RngIntElt, Rng -> AlgMatElt
StandardAlternatingForm(n,q) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
If n = 2m, this function returns the n x n matrix of a non-degenerate alternating form over the ring R (or the field of q elements) such that if e1, e2, ..., e2m is the standard basis, then (e1, e2m), (e2, e2m - 1), ..., (em, em + 1) are mutually orthogonal hyperbolic pairs.

The group of isometries of this form is the symplectic group Sp(2m, R).

Example FldForms_alternatingform (H30E8)

Create a symplectic geometry with the standard alternating form and then check that every non-zero vector is isotropic.
> K := GF(5);
> J := StandardAlternatingForm(4,K);
> J;
[0 0 0 1]
[0 0 1 0]
[0 4 0 0]
[4 0 0 0]
> V := VectorSpace(K,4,J);
> forall{ v : v in V | DotProduct(v,v) eq 0 };
StandardPseudoAlternatingForm(n,K) : RngIntElt, Fld -> AlgMatElt
StandardPseudoAlternatingForm(n,q) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
The matrix of the standard pseudo-alternating form of degree n over the field K (or the finite field of order q), which must have characteristic 2; that is, a symmetric form which is not alternating.
StandardHermitianForm(n,K) : RngIntElt, Fld -> AlgMatElt, Map
StandardHermitianForm(n,q) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt, Map
The first return value of this function is the n x n anti-diagonal matrix (δi, n - i + 1) over the field K (or the field of q2 elements). If K is the finite field of q2 elements, the second return value is the field involution K to K :x |-> xq. If K is a field which admits the operation of complex conjugation, the second return value is the field automorphism which sends each element to its complex conjugate.

If β is a non-degenerate hermitian form over a finite field, then rad(V) is zero and the dimension of the anisotropic component of a hyperbolic splitting is either 1 or 0.

In the finite field case, the group of isometries of this form is GU(n, q).

StandardQuadraticForm(n, K : parameters) : RngIntElt, Fld -> AlgMatElt
StandardQuadraticForm(n, q : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
    Minus: BoolElt                      Default: false
    Variant: MonStgElt                  Default: "Default"
An n x n upper triangular matrix representing a quadratic form over the field K (or the field of order q). The default option is to return a form of maximal Witt index, namely the upper triangular matrix whose non-zero entries are δi, n - i + 1, where 1 ≤i ≤(n + 1)/2.

If Minus is true and n = 2m, this function returns a form whose Witt index is m - 1. If Minus is true, n = 2m + 1 and K is a finite field of odd characteristic, the return value is a form of Witt index m which is similar to but not congruent to the default form. Use the Revised option of Variant to obtain the form preserved by the orthogonal groups AltGOMinus(n,q) and subgroups.

If K is a finite field of order q and W is the anisotropic component of a hyperbolic splitting of a form of even rank and Minus type, then W has basis vectors e and f such that Q(e) = - 1, β(e, f) = - ξ - ξq and Q(f) = - ξξq, where ξ is a primitive element of GF(q2). If the characteristic of K is odd, the Revised option returns a form corresponding to an orthonormal basis for W.

Example FldForms_minusform (H30E9)

Construct a standard quadratic form of minus type.
> K<z> := GF(7,2);
> Q := StandardQuadraticForm(4,49 : Minus);
> Q;
[   0    0     0    1]
[   0    6     5    0]
[   0    0  z^29    0]
[   0    0     0    0]
> _<x> := PolynomialRing(K);
> a := Q[2,2] * Q[3,3];
> IsIrreducible(x^2+x+a);

Example FldForms_revisedminus (H30E10)

Compare the revised form with the standard form: the forms Q above and QR below have different entries in the central 2 x 2 block.
> QR := StandardQuadraticForm(4,49 : Minus, Variant := "Revised");
> QR;
[   0    0     0    1]
[   0    4     0    0]
[   0    0  z^11    0]
[   0    0     0    0]
StandardSymmetricForm(n, K) : RngIntElt, Fld -> AlgMatElt
StandardSymmetricForm(n, q : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
    Minus: BoolElt                      Default: false
    Variant: MonStgElt                  Default: "Default"

In all cases this is Q + Q^(tr), where Q is the corresponding standard quadratic form, as defined above.

V2.28, 13 July 2023