Accessing and Modifying Sets

Enumerated sets can be modified by inserting or removing elements. Indexed sets allow some sequence-like operators for modification and access.


Accessing Sets and their Associated Structures

# R : SetIndx -> RngIntElt
# R : SetEnum -> RngIntElt
# R : SetMulti -> RngIntElt
Cardinality of the enumerated, indexed, or multi- set R. Note that for a multiset, repetitions are significant, so the result may be greater than the underlying set.
Category(S) : Any -> Cat
Type(S) : Any -> Cat
The category of the object S. For a set this will be one of SetEnum, SetIndx, SetMulti, or SetFormal. For a power set the type is one of PowSetEnum, PowSetIndx, PowSetMulti.
Parent(R) : Set -> Str
Returns the parent structure of R, that is, the structure consisting of all (enumerated) sequences over the universe of R.
Universe(R) : Set -> Str
Returns the `universe' of the (enumerated or indexed or multi- or formal) set R, that is, the common structure to which all elements of the set belong. An error is signalled when R is the null set.
Index(S, x) : SetIndx, Elt -> RngIntElt
Position(S, x) : SetIndx, Elt -> RngIntElt
Given an indexed set S, and an element x, returns the index i such that S[i]=x if such index exists, or return 0 if x is not in S. If x is not in the universe of S, an attempt will be made to coerce it; an error occurs if this fails.
S[i] : SetIndx, RngIntElt -> Elt
Return the i-th entry of indexed set S. If i < 1 or i > #S an error occurs. Note that indexing is not allowed on the left hand side.
S[I] : SetIndx, [RngIntElt] -> SetIndx
The indexed set {S[i1], ..., S[ir]} consisting of terms selected from the indexed set S, according to the terms of the integer sequence I. If any term of I lies outside the range 1 to #S, then an error results. If I is the empty sequence, then the empty set with universe the same as that of S is returned.

Example Set_Miscellaneous (H10E7)

We build an indexed set of sets to illustrate the use of the above functions.
> B := {@ { i : i in [1..k] } : k in [1..5] @};
> B;
   { 1 },
   { 1, 2 },
   { 1, 2, 3 },
   { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
   { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
> #B;
> Universe(B);
Set of subsets of Integer Ring
> Parent(B);
Set of indexed subsets of Set of subsets of Integer Ring
> Category(B);
> Index(B, { 2, 1 });
> #B[2];
> Universe(B[2]);
Integer Ring

Selecting Elements of Sets

Most finite structures in Magma, including enumerated sets, allow one to obtain a random element using Random. There is an alternative (and often preferable) option for enumerated sets in the random{ } constructor. This makes it possible to choose a random element of the set without generating the whole set first.

Likewise, rep{ } is an alternative to the general Rep function returning a representative element of a structure, having the advantage of aborting the construction of the set as soon as one element has been found.

Here, E will again be an enumerable structure, that is, a structure that allows enumeration of its elements (see the Appendix for an exhaustive list).

Note that random{ e(x) : x in E | P(x) } does not return a random element of the set of values e(x), but rather a value of e(x) for a random x in E which satisfies P (and mutatis mutandis for rep).

See the subsection on Notation in the Introduction (Chapter INTRODUCTION TO AGGREGATES) for conventions regarding e, x, E, P.

Random(R) : SetIndx -> Elt
Random(R) : SetEnum -> Elt
A random element chosen from the enumerated, indexed or multi- set R. Every element has an equal probability of being chosen for enumerated or indexed sets, and a weighted probability in proportion to its multiplicity for multisets. Successive invocations of the function will result in independently chosen elements being returned as the value of the function. If R is empty an error occurs.
random{ e(x) : x in E | P(x) }
Given an enumerated structure E and a Boolean expression P, return the value of the expression e(y) for a randomly chosen element y of E for which P(y) is true.

The expression P may be omitted if it is always true.

random{ e(x1, ..., xk) : x1 in E1,..., xk in Ek | P(x1, ..., xk) }
Given enumerated structures E1, ..., Ek, and a Boolean expression P(x1, ..., xk), return the value of the expression e(y1, ..., yk) for a randomly chosen element < y1, ..., yk > of E1 x ... x Ek, for which P(y1, ..., yk) is true.

The expression P may be omitted if it is always true.

If successive structures Ei and Ei + 1 are identical, then the abbreviation xi, xi + 1 in Ei may be used.

Example Set_Random (H10E8)

Here are two ways to find a `random' primitive element for a finite field.
> p := 10007;
> F := FiniteField(p);
> proots := { z : z in F | IsPrimitive(z) };
> #proots;
> Random(proots);
This way, a set of 5002 elements is built (and primitivity is checked for all elements of F), and a random choice is made. Alternatively, we use random.
> random{ x : x in F | IsPrimitive(x) };
In this case random elements in F are chosen until one is found that is primitive. Since almost half of F's elements are primitive, only very few primitivity tests will be done before success occurs.
Representative(R) : SetIndx -> Elt
Rep(R) : SetIndx -> Elt
Representative(R) : SetEnum -> Elt
Rep(R) : SetEnum -> Elt
An arbitrary element chosen from the enumerated, indexed, or multi- set R.
ExtractRep(~R, ~r) : SetEnum, Elt ->
Assigns an arbitrary element chosen from the enumerated set R to r, and removes it from R. Thus the set R is modified, as well as the element r. An error occurs if R is empty.
rep{ e(x) : x in E | P(x) }
Given an enumerated structure E and a Boolean expression P, return the value of the expression e(y) for the first element y of E for which P(y) is true. If P(x) is false for every element of E, an error will occur.
rep{ e(x1, ..., xk) : x1 in E1, ...,xk in Ek | P(x1, ..., xk) }
Given enumerated structures E1, ..., Ek, and a Boolean expression P(x1, ..., xk), return the value of the expression e(y1, ..., yk) for the first element < y1, ..., yk > of E1 x ... x Ek, for which P(y1, ..., yk) is true. An error occurs if no element of E1 x ... x Ek satisfies P.

The expression P may be omitted if it is always true.

If successive structures Ei and Ei + 1 are identical, then the abbreviation xi, xi + 1 in Ei may be used.

Example Set_ExtractRep (H10E9)

As an illustration of the use of ExtractRep, we modify an earlier example, and find cubes satisfying x3 + y3=z3 - 1 (with x, y, z ≤1000).
> cubes := { Integers() | x^3 : x in [1..1000] };
> cc := cubes;
> min := { };
> while not IsEmpty(cc) do
>    ExtractRep(~cc, ~a);
>    for b in cc do
>       if a+b+1 in cubes then
>          min join:= { <a, b> };
>       end if;
>    end for;
> end while;
> { < Iroot(x[1], 3), Iroot(x[2], 3) > : x in min };
{ <138, 135>, <823, 566>, <426, 372>, <242, 720>,
       <138, 71>, <426, 486>, <6, 8> }
Note that instead of taking cubes over again, we only have to take cube roots in the last line (on the small resulting set) once.
Minimum(S) : SetIndx -> Elt, RngIntElt
Min(S) : SetIndx -> Elt, RngIntElt
Minimum(S) : SetEnum -> Elt
Min(S) : SetEnum -> Elt
Minimum(S) : SetMulti -> Elt
Min(S) : SetMulti -> Elt
Given a non-empty enumerated, indexed, or multi- set S, such that lt and eq are defined on the universe of S, this function returns the minimum of the elements of S. If S is an indexed set, the position of the minimum is also returned.
Maximum(S) : SetIndx -> Elt, RngIntElt
Max(S) : SetIndx -> Elt, RngIntElt
Maximum(S) : SetEnum -> Elt
Max(S) : SetEnum -> Elt
Maximum(S) : SetMulti -> Elt
Max(S) : SetMulti -> Elt
Given a non-empty enumerated, indexed, or multi- set S, such that lt and eq are defined on the universe of S, this function returns the maximum of the elements of S. If S is an indexed set, the position of the maximum is also returned.
Hash(x) : Elt -> RngIntElt
Given a Magma object x which can be placed in a set, return the hash value of x used by the set machinery. This is a fixed but arbitrary non-negative integer (whose maximum value is the maximum value of a C unsigned long on the particular machine). The crucial property is that if x and y are objects and x equals y then the hash values of x and y are equal (even if x and y have different internal structures). Thus one could implement sets manually if desired by the use of this function.

Modifying Sets

Include(~S, x) : SetEnum, Elt ->
Include(S, x) : SetEnum, Elt -> SetEnum
Include(~S, x) : SetIndx, Elt ->
Include(S, x) : SetIndx, Elt -> SetIndx
Include(~S, x) : SetMulti, Elt ->
Include(S, x) : SetMulti, Elt -> SetMulti
Create the enumerated, indexed, or multi- set obtained by putting the element x in S (S is unchanged if S is not a multiset and x is already in S). If S is an indexed set, the element will be appended at the end. If S is a multiset, the multiplicity of x will be increased accordingly. If x is not in the universe of S, an attempt will be made to coerce it; an error occurs if this fails.

There are two versions of this: a procedure, where S is replaced by the new set, and a function, which returns the new set. The procedural version takes a reference ~S to S as an argument.

Note that the procedural version is much more efficient since the set S will not be copied.

Exclude(~S, x) : SetEnum, Elt ->
Exclude(S, x) : SetEnum, Elt -> SetEnum
Exclude(~S, x) : SetMulti, Elt ->
Exclude(S, x) : SetMulti, Elt -> SetMulti
Create a new set by removing the element x from S. If S is an enumerated set, nothing happens if x is not in S. If S is a multiset, the multiplicity of x will be decreased accordingly. If x is not in the universe of S, an attempt will be made to coerce it; an error occurs if this fails.

There are two versions of this: a procedure, where S is replaced by the new set, and a function, which returns the new set. The procedural version takes a reference ~S to S as an argument.

Note that the procedural version is much more efficient since the set S will not be copied.

ChangeUniverse(~S, V) : SetEnum, Str ->
ChangeUniverse(S, V) : SetEnum, Str -> SetEnum
ChangeUniverse(~S, V) : SetIndx, Str ->
ChangeUniverse(S, V) : SetIndx, Str -> SetIndx
ChangeUniverse(~S, V) : SetMulti, Str ->
ChangeUniverse(S, V) : SetMulti, Str -> SetMulti
Given an enumerated, indexed, or multi- set S with universe U and a structure V which contains U, construct a new set of the same type which consists of the elements of S coerced into V.

There are two versions of this: a procedure, where S is replaced by the new set, and a function, which returns the new set. The procedural version takes a reference ~S to S as an argument.

Note that the procedural version is much more efficient since the set S will not be copied.

CanChangeUniverse(S, V) : SetEnum, Str -> Bool, SeqEnum
CanChangeUniverse(S, V) : SetIndx, Str -> Bool, SeqEnum
CanChangeUniverse(S, V) : SetMulti, Str -> Bool, SeqEnum
Given an enumerated, indexed, or multi- set S with universe U and a structure V which contains U, attempt to construct a new set T of the same type which consists of the elements of S coerced into V; if successful, return true and T, otherwise return false.

Example Set_Include (H10E10)

This example uses Include and Exclude to find a set (if it exists) of cubes of integers such that the elements of a given set R can be expressed as the sum of two of those.
> R := { 218, 271, 511 };
> x := 0;
> cubes := { 0 };
> while not IsEmpty(R) do
>    x +:= 1;
>    c := x^3;
>    Include(~cubes, c);
>    Include(~cubes, -c);
>    for z in cubes do
>        Exclude(~R, z+c);
>        Exclude(~R, z-c);
>    end for;
> end while;
We did not record how the elements of R were obtained as sums of a pair of cubes. For that, the following suffices.
> R := { 218, 271, 511 }; // it has been emptied !
> { { x, y } : x, y in cubes | x+y in R };
    { -729, 1000 },
    { -125, 343 },
    { -1, 512 },
SetToIndexedSet(E) : SetEnum -> SetIndx
Given an enumerated set E, this function returns an indexed set with the same elements (and universe) as E.
IndexedSetToSet(S) : SetIndx -> SetEnum
Isetset(S) : SetIndx -> SetEnum
Given an indexed set S, this function returns an enumerated set with the same elements (and universe) as E.
IndexedSetToSequence(S) : SetIndx -> SeqEnum
Isetseq(S) : SetIndx -> SeqEnum
Given an indexed set S, this function returns a sequence with the same elements (and universe) as E.
MultisetToSet(S) : SetMulti -> SetEnum
Given a multiset S, this function returns an enumerated set with the same elements (and universe) as S.
SetToMultiset(E) : SetEnum -> SetMulti
Given an enumerated set E, this function returns a multiset with the same elements (and universe) as E.
SequenceToMultiset(Q) : SeqEnum -> SetMulti
Given an enumerated sequence E, this function returns a multiset with the same elements (and universe) as E.
V2.28, 13 July 2023