Subgroup Chains

Series involving centres or commutator subgroups are likely to be trivial for abelian groups, but are noted here for completeness.

ChiefSeries(G) : GrpAb -> [GrpAb]
CompositionSeries(G) : GrpAb -> [GrpAb]
A composition series for the finite abelian group G returned as a sequence of subgroups.
Agemo(G, i) : GrpAb, RngIntElt -> GrpAb
Given a finite p-group G, return the characteristic subgroup of G generated by the elements xpi, x ∈G, where i is a positive integer.
Omega(G, i) : GrpAb, RngIntElt -> GrpAb
Given a finite p-group G, return the characteristic subgroup of G generated by the elements of order dividing pi, where i is a positive integer.
ElementaryAbelianSeries(G) : GrpAb -> [ GrpAb ]
A descending series of subgroups of G where each quotient is elementary abelian.
DerivedSeries(G) : GrpAb -> [ GrpAb ]
LowerCentralSeries(G) : GrpAb -> [ GrpAb ]
The derived series of G.
UpperCentralSeries(G) : GrpAb -> [ GrpAb ]
The upper central series of G.
SubnormalSeries(G, H) : GrpAb, GrpAb -> [ GrpAb ]
A subnormal series from G to the subnormal subgroup H.
V2.28, 28 February 2025