- Whitehead
- WhiteheadReduction
- Width
- Widths
- Wildly
- Williams
- MacWilliamsTransform(n, k, K, W) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, FldFin, RngMPol -> RngMPol
- MacWilliamsTransform(n, k, q, W) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt, [ <RngIntElt, RngIntElt> ] -> [ <RngIntElt, RngIntElt> ]
- MacWilliamsTransform(n, k, q, W) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt, [ <RngIntElt, RngIntElt> ] -> [ <RngIntElt, RngIntElt> ]
- Winding
- TwistedWindingElement(M, i, eps) : ModSym, RngIntElt, GrpDrchElt -> ModSymElt
- TwistedWindingSubmodule(M, j, eps) : ModSym, RngIntElt, GrpDrchElt -> ModTupFld
- WindingElement(M) : ModSym -> ModSymElt
- WindingElement(M, i) : ModSym, RngIntElt -> ModSymElt
- WindingLattice(M, j : parameters) : ModSym, RngIntElt -> Lat
- WindingSubmodule(M, j : parameters) : ModSym, RngIntElt -> ModTupFld
- winding
- WindingElement
- WindingLattice
- WindingSubmodule
- With
- CharacterWithSchurIndex(n: parameters) : RngIntElt -> AlgChtrElt. GrpPC
- ConeWithInequalities(B) : Set -> TorCon
- ConstituentsWithMultiplicities(M) : ModRng -> [ <ModRng, RngIntElt> ], [ RngIntElt ]
- EllipticCurveSearch(N, Effort) : RngOrdIdl, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum
- FanWithWeights(W) : SeqEnum -> TorFan
- IdealWithFixedBasis(B) : [ RngMPolElt ] -> RngMPol
- IdealWithFixedBasis(B) : [ RngMPolLocElt ] -> RngMPolLoc
- ImageWithBasis(X, M) : ModMatRngElt, ModRng -> ModRng
- IntersectionWithNormalSubgroup(G, N: parameters) : GrpPerm, GrpPerm -> GrpPerm
- IsCanonicalWithTwist(D) : DivSchElt -> BoolElt, RngIntElt
- IsGlobalUnitWithPreimage(a) : FldFunElt -> BoolElt, GrpAbElt
- IsGlobalUnitWithPreimage(a) : FldFunElt -> BoolElt, GrpAbElt
- IsIsomorphic(S, T) : ShfCoh, ShfCoh -> BoolElt, ShfHom
- IsSUnitWithPreimage(a, S) : FldFunElt, SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> BoolElt, GrpAbElt
- IsUnitWithPreimage(a) : RngFunOrdElt -> BoolElt, GrpAbElt
- KMatrixSpaceWithBasis(Q) : [ ModMatRngElt ] -> ModMatRng
- LatticeWithBasis(G, B) : GrpMat, ModMatRngElt -> Lat
- LatticeWithBasis(G, B, M) : GrpMat, ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt -> Lat
- LatticeWithBasis(B) : ModMatRngElt -> Lat
- LatticeWithBasis(B, M) : ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt -> Lat
- LatticeWithGram(F) : AlgMatElt -> Lat
- LatticeWithGram(G, F) : GrpMat, AlgMatElt -> Lat
- LinearlyEquivalentDivisorWithNoSupportOn(D,S) : DivTorElt,[RngMPolElt] -> DivTorElt
- ModuleWithBasis(Q): SeqEnum -> ModAlg
- NumberFieldLatticeWithGram(F) : Mtrx -> LatNF
- PolyhedronWithInequalities(A,c) : SeqEnum,[RngIntElt] -> TorPol
- QuotientWithPullback(L, I) : AlgLie, AlgLie -> AlgLie, Map, UserProgram, UserProgram
- RMatrixSpaceWithBasis(Q) : [ ModMatRngElt ] -> ModMatRng
- RMatrixSpaceWithBasis(Q) : [ModTupRngElt] -> ModMatRng
- RModuleWithAction(H) : HomModAbVar -> ModED
- RModuleWithAction(H, p) : HomModAbVar, RngIntElt -> ModED
- RModuleWithBasis(Q) : [ModFldElt] -> ModFld
- RandomProcess(G) : GrpFin -> Process
- TableauxOnShapeWithContent(S, C) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt], SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> SetEnum
- TableauxWithContent(C) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> SetEnum
- UnitsWithSigns(O, x) : RngOrd, RngElt -> [ RngOrdElt ]
- UnitsWithSigns(O, oo, Signs) : RngOrd, [ PlcNumElt ], [ RngInt ] -> [ RngOrdElt ]
- UnitsWithSigns(x) : RngOrdElt -> [ RngOrdElt ]
- VectorSpaceWithBasis(Q) : [ModTupFldElt] -> ModTupFld
- with
V2.28, 13 July 2023