Definition of a Module


Construction of Modules of n-tuples

RSpace(R, n) : Rng, RngIntElt -> ModTupRng
RModule(R, n) : Rng, RngIntElt -> ModRng
Given a ring R and a non-negative integer n, create the free right R-module R(n), consisting of all n-tuples over R. The module is created with the standard basis, e1, ..., en, where ei (i = 1, ..., n) is the vector containing a 1 in the i-th position and zeros elsewhere. The function RModule creates a module in reduced mode while RSpace creates a module in embedded mode.
RSpace(R, n, F) : Rng, RngIntElt, Mtrx -> ModTupRng
Given a ring R, a non-negative integer n and a square n x n symmetric matrix F, create the free right R-module R(n) (in embedded form), with inner product matrix F. This is the same as RSpace(R, n), except that the functions Norm and InnerProduct (see below) will be with respect to the inner product matrix F.

Example ModRng_CreateZ6 (H59E1)

We construct the module consisting of 6-tuples over the integers.
> Z := IntegerRing();
> M := RModule(Z, 6);
> M;
RModule M of dimension 6 with base ring Integer Ring

Construction of Modules of m x n Matrices

RMatrixSpace(R, m, n) : Rng, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> ModMatRng
The module comprising all m x n matrices over the ring R.

Construction of a Module with Specified Basis

RModuleWithBasis(Q) : [ModFldElt] -> ModFld
RSpaceWithBasis(Q) : [ModTupRngElt] -> ModTupRng
RSpaceWithBasis(a) : AlgMatElt -> ModTupRng
RSpaceWithBasis(a) : ModMatRngElt -> ModTupRng
Given a sequence Q (or matrix a) of k independent vectors each lying in a module M, construct the submodule of M of dimension k whose basis is Q (or the rows of a). The basis is echelonized internally but all functions which depend on the basis of the space (e.g. Coordinates) will use the given basis.
RMatrixSpaceWithBasis(Q) : [ModTupRngElt] -> ModMatRng
The module of m x n matrices whose basis is given by the linearly independent matrices of the sequence Q.
V2.28, 13 July 2023