Families of Linear Codes


Cyclic Codes

While cyclic linear codes are always generated by a single generating polynomial (vector), this is not the case for additive codes. Cyclic additive codes may be created in Magma using either a single generator, or a sequence of generators.

In the important case of GF(2)-additive vectors over GF4, all cyclic codes can be described in terms of two generators with one generator taken over GF(4) and the other over GF(2). A special function is provided for this construction.

AdditiveCyclicCode(v) : ModTupFldElt -> CodeAdd
AdditiveCyclicCode(K, v) : FldFin, ModTupFldElt -> CodeAdd
AdditiveCyclicCode(Q) : [ModTupFldElt] -> CodeAdd
AdditiveCyclicCode(K, Q) : FldFin, [ModTupFldElt] -> CodeAdd
Given either a single vector v or sequence of vectors Q over some finite field F, return the K-additive code over F generated by all shifts of the inputs. The field K must be a subfield of F and if it is the prime subfield of F, it may be omitted.
AdditiveCyclicCode(n, f) : RngIntElt, RngUPolElt -> CodeAdd
AdditiveCyclicCode(K, n, f) : FldFin, RngIntElt, RngUPolElt -> CodeAdd
AdditiveCyclicCode(n, Q) : RngIntElt, [RngUPolElt] -> CodeAdd
AdditiveCyclicCode(K, n, Q) : FldFin, RngIntElt, [RngUPolElt] -> CodeAdd
Given either a single polynomial f or sequence Q of polynomials over some finite field F, return the K-additive code of length n over F generated by all shifts of the inputs. The field K must be a subfield of F, and if it is the prime subfield of F, it may be omitted.
AdditiveCyclicCode(v4, v2) : ModTupFldElt, ModTupFldElt -> CodeAdd
Given two vectors of equal length n, where v4 is over GF(4) and v2 is over GF(2), return the F2--additive code generated by all of their cyclic shifts. Note that for the case of GF(2)-additive codes over GF(4), two generators suffice to generate any such code.
AdditiveCyclicCode(n, f4, f2) : RngIntElt, RngUPolElt, RngUPolElt -> CodeAdd
Given two polynomials f4 and f2, where f4 is over GF(4) and f2 is over GF(2), return the F2--additive code of length n generated by all of their cyclic shifts. The degree of the polynomials f4 and f2 must not exceed n - 1. Note that for the case of GF(2)-additive codes over GF(4), two generators suffice to generate any such code.

Quasicyclic Codes

Quasicyclic codes are a generalisation of cyclic codes. In Magma quasicyclic codes consist of horizontally joined cyclic blocks.

AdditiveQuasiCyclicCode(n, Q) : RngIntElt, SeqEnum[RngUPolElt] -> CodeAdd
AdditiveQuasiCyclicCode(K, n, Q) : FldFin, RngIntElt, SeqEnum[RngUPolElt] -> CodeAdd
Given an integer n, and a sequence Q of polynomials over some finite field F, return the K--additive quasicyclic code, whose cyclic blocks are generated by the polynomials in Q. The field K must be a subfield of F, and if it is the prime subfield of F, it may be omitted.
AdditiveQuasiCyclicCode(n, Q, h) : RngIntElt, SeqEnum[RngUPolElt], RngIntElt -> CodeAdd
AdditiveQuasiCyclicCode(K, n, Q, h) : FldFin, RngIntElt, SeqEnum[RngUPolElt], RngIntElt -> CodeAdd
Given an integer n, and a sequence Q of polynomials over some finite field F, and an integer h, then return the K--additive quasicyclic code, whose cyclic blocks are generated by the polynomials in Q and stacked 2-dimensionally of height h. The field K must be a subfield of F, and if it is the prime subfield of F, it may be omitted.
AdditiveQuasiCyclicCode(Q) : SeqEnum[ModTupFldElt] -> CodeAdd
AdditiveQuasiCyclicCode(K, Q) : FldFin, SeqEnum[ModTupFldElt] -> CodeAdd
Given a sequence Q of vectors over some finite field F, then return the K--additive quasicyclic code, whose cyclic blocks are generated by the vectors in Q. The field K must be a subfield of F, and if it is the prime subfield of F, it may be omitted.
AdditiveQuasiCyclicCode(Q, h) : SeqEnum[ModTupFldElt], RngIntElt -> CodeAdd
AdditiveQuasiCyclicCode(K, Q, h) : FldFin, SeqEnum[ModTupFldElt], RngIntElt -> CodeAdd
Given a sequence Q of vectors over some finite field F, and an integer h, then return the K--additive quasicyclic code, whose cyclic blocks are generated by the vectors in Q and stacked 2-dimensionally of height h. The field K must be a subfield of F, and if it is the prime subfield of F, it may be omitted.
V2.28, 13 July 2023