Let M be a space of cuspidal modular symbols, which is the kernel of an ideal in the Hecke algebra. When M has weight 2 there is an abelian variety AM attached to M; more generally, there is a complex torus AM(C) attached to M. The associated complex torus AM(C) is constructed as follows. Let S be the space of modular forms corresponding to M. The integration pairing gives rise to a natural map M -> Hom(S, C), and the cokernel of this map is AM(C).
The cyclic subgroup of the complex torus attached to the space of modular symbols M that is generated by the image under the period map of the modular symbol x.
An abelian group that is isomorphic to the finite group generated by the sequence of images π(s[i]) in the complex torus attached to M, where π is PeriodMapping(M).
The cuspidal subgroup of J0(N) is the subgroup generated by the degree 0 divisors on X0(N) of the form (α) - (β), where α and β are cusps. The following examples illustrate how to use the above functions to compute the cuspidal subgroup, as an abstract abelian group.
The modular symbols approach has the advantage that it is essentially no more complicated for N highly composite than for N prime. However, it is only applicable when the corresponding space of modular symbols can be computed in a reasonable amount of time, which at present means that N should have less than 5 decimal digits. There are other methods which may be much more efficient in special cases. For example, when p is prime Andrew Ogg showed that the cuspidal subgroup of J0(p) is cyclic of order equal to the numerator of (p - 1)/12. More generally, he gave a simple formula for the order of the cuspidal subgroup when N=pq is the product of two primes. See also papers of Ligozat.
> M := ModularSymbols(20); M; Full Modular symbols space of level 20, weight 2, and dimension 7 > e := M ! <1, [Cusps()|0,Infinity()] >; // the path from 0 to infinity > e; -1*{oo, 0} > J0of20 := CuspidalSubspace(M); > A := SubgroupOfTorus(J0of20, e); A; Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/6 Defined on 1 generator Relations: 6*A.1 = 0 > // Next, the subgroup generated by all cusps > A := SubgroupOfTorus(J0of20, IntegralBasis(M)); A; Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/6 Defined on 1 generator Relations: 6*A.1 = 0 > // Let's do another example. > M := ModularSymbols(100); > J0of100 := CuspidalSubspace(M); > A := SubgroupOfTorus(J0of100, IntegralBasis(M)); A; Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/6 + Z/30 + Z/30 + Z/30 + Z/30 Defined on 5 generators Relations: 6*A.1 = 0 30*A.2 = 0 30*A.3 = 0 30*A.4 = 0 30*A.5 = 0 > M := ModularSymbols(77); > J0of77 := CuspidalSubspace(M); > A := SubgroupOfTorus(J0of77, IntegralBasis(M)); A; Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/10 + Z/60 Defined on 2 generators Relations: 10*A.1 = 0 60*A.2 = 0 > M := ModularSymbols(97); > A := SubgroupOfTorus(CuspidalSubspace(M), IntegralBasis(M)); A; Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/8 Defined on 1 generator Relations: 8*A.1 = 0 > Numerator((97-1)/12); 8
> function CuspidalSubgroup(N) > M := ModularSymbols(N); > J := CuspidalSubspace(M); > G := SubgroupOfTorus(J,IntegralBasis(M)); > return G; > end function; > // Test the function > CuspidalSubgroup(65); Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/2 + Z/84 Defined on 2 generators Relations: 2*$.1 = 0 84*$.2 = 0 > procedure CuspidalTable(start, stop) > fname := Sprintf("cuspidal_subgroup_%o-%o.m", start, stop); > file := Open(fname,"w"); > for N in [start..stop] do > G := Invariants(CuspidalSubgroup(N)); > fprintf file, "C[%o] := \t%o;\n\n", N, G; > printf "C[%o] := \t%o;\n\n", N, G; > Flush(file); > end for; > end procedure;
The kernel of the modular isogeny. Let T be the complex torus attached to the space of modular symbols M. Then the modular isogeny is the natural map from the dual of T into T induced by autoduality of CuspidalSubspace(AmbientSpace(M)).
Bound: RngIntElt Default: -1
The congruence group of the space of cusp forms corresponding to the space of cuspidal modular symbols M. Let S=Sk(Γ0(N), Z), let V be the sub Z-module corresponding to M, and W be its orthogonal complement. Then the congruence group is S/(V + W). This group encodes information about congruences between forms in V and forms in the complement of V.The optional parameter Bound is a positive integer b such that the q-expansions of cusp forms are computed to absolute precision b. If the bound is too small, then CongruenceGroup will give only an upper bound on the correct answer. The default is HeckeBound(M) + 1, which gives a provably correct answer.
An abelian group G that encodes information about the intersection of the complex tori corresponding to the spaces of modular symbols M1 and M2. We require that M1 and M2 lie in a common ambient space. When the IntersectionGroup(M1,M2) is finite, it is isomorphic to AM1(C) ∩AM2(C).
An abelian group G that encodes information about the intersection of the collection of complex tori corresponding to the sequence S of spaces of modular symbols.
> M43 := ModularSymbols(43,2); // Level 43, weight 2. > H1 := CuspidalSubspace(M43); // H_1(X_0(43),Q) > D := NewformDecomposition(H1); // factors corresponding to newforms > A,B := Explode(D); > A; // The homology of the elliptic curve "43A" Modular symbols space of level 43, weight 2, and dimension 2 > B; // The homology of the 2-dimensional abelian variety "43B" Modular symbols space of level 43, weight 2, and dimension 4 > LRatio(B,1); // L(B,1)/Omega_B 2/7The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture predicts that the Shafarevich-Tate group of B has order as given by the formula for ShaAn in the code below. To compute this value, it remains to compute #B(Q) and the Tamagawa number c43.
> T := TorsionBound(B,11); T; // #B(Q) divides this number 7 > // Compute the subgroup of B(Q) generated by (0)-(oo). > C := SubgroupOfTorus(B,WindingElement(M43)); C; Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/7 Defined on 1 generator Relations: 7*C.1 = 0 > TamagawaNumber(B,43); 7 > ShaAn := LRatio(B,1)*TorsionBound(B,11)^2/TamagawaNumber(B,43);ShaAn is the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectural order of the Shafarevich-Tate group of B, under the assumption that the Manin constant of B is 1.
> ShaAn; 2One of the Galois conjugate newforms associated to B is given below.
> qEigenform(B,12); q + a*q^2 - a*q^3 + (-a + 2)*q^5 - 2*q^6 + (a - 2)*q^7 - 2*a*q^8 - q^9 + (2*a - 2)*q^10 + (2*a - 1)*q^11 + O(q^12) > BaseRing(Parent(qEigenform(B,12))); Univariate Quotient Polynomial Algebra in a over Rational Field with modulus a^2 - 2 > qIntegralBasis(B,12); [ q + 2*q^5 - 2*q^6 - 2*q^7 - q^9 - 2*q^10 - q^11 + O(q^12), q^2 - q^3 - q^5 + q^7 - 2*q^8 + 2*q^10 + 2*q^11 + O(q^12) ]By integrating homology against the differentials corresponding to the two modular forms above, we obtain a lattice that defines the complex torus AB(C):
> Periods(B,97); [ (-0.2259499583067642118739519224 - 1.766644676299599532273333140*i 0.5250281159132219433729491648 + 0.8066018577029307230283142371*i), (0.5981563162241222986475767220 - 1.920085638612119493276485632*i 0.8241062742261960348649172082 - 0.1534409622571770568748354995*i), (-0.8241062745308865105215286445 - 0.1534409623125199610031524920*i -0.2990781583129740914919680434 - 0.9600428199601077799031497367*i), (-0.5981563162241222986475767220 - 1.920085638612119493276485632*i -0.8241062742261960348649172083 - 0.1534409622571770568748354995*i) ]
Finally, it is tempting to ask whether or not the (conjectural) two-torsion element of the Shafarevich-Tate group of B suggested above is "visible" in the sense that it is "explained by a jump in the rank of the Mordell-Weil group of A" (see [CM00]). The following computation suggests, but does not prove, that this is the case.
> G := MordellWeilGroup(EllipticCurve(A)); G; Abelian Group isomorphic to Z Defined on 1 generator (free) > IntersectionGroup(A,B); Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/2 + Z/2 Defined on 2 generators Relations: 2*$.1 = 0 2*$.2 = 0
Let M be a space of modular symbols the corresponds to a Galois-conjugacy class of newforms. The period map attached to M is a linear map (AmbientSpace(M)) -> Cd, where d is the dimension of the space of modular forms associated to M. The cokernel of the period map is a complex torus AM(C). The terminology "period mapping" comes from the fact that there are (often?) mereomorphic functions on Cd whose periods are the image of the integral cuspidal modular symbols under the period mapping.
In the functions below, M must not be a +1 or -1 quotient and must be cuspidal.
The period mapping attached to the space of modular symbols M, computed using prec terms of the q-expansions of modular forms associated to M.
The complex period lattice associated to the space of modular symbols M, computed using prec terms of the q-expansions of modular forms associated to M.
The value rj(f) = int0i∞ f(z) zj dz.
Let M be a space of modular symbols over a field K. For many purposes it is useful to have a surjective map π: (AmbientSpace(M)) -> V, where V is a vector space over K and ker(π) is the same as the kernel of the period mapping.
A surjective linear map from the ambient space of the space of modular symbols M to a vector space, such that the kernel of this map is the same as the kernel of the period mapping.
A surjective linear map from the ambient space of the space of modular symbols M to a vector space, such that the kernel of this map is the same as the kernel of the period mapping. This map is chosen in such a way that the image ofIntegralBasis(CuspidalSubspace(AmbientSpace(M)))
is the standard Z-lattice. (Note that M must be defined over Q.)
> M := ModularSymbols(33); M; Full Modular symbols space of level 33, weight 2, and dimension 9 > S := CuspidalSubspace(M); > N := NewSubspace(S); > phi := RationalMapping(N); > [phi(x) : x in IntegralBasis(S)]; [ ( -2 4/3), ( -4 2/3), ( -2 2/3), (-2 0), ( -2 -2/3), (-4 0) ]Notice that the image of the basis IntegralBasis(S) for H1(X0(33), Z) is not Z x Z. However, IntegralMapping(N) is normalized so that the image is Z x Z:
> int := IntegralMapping(N); > [int(S.i) : i in [1..Dimension(S)]]; [ ( 2 -1), ( 1 -2), ( 1 -1), ( 0 -2), ( 0 -1), (-1 -1) ]Consider a quotient Af of J0(N) attached to a newform f∈S2(Γ0(N)). Using IntegralMapping and the Abel-Jacobi theorem, we can see the image in Af(Q) of the point (0) - (∞) ∈J0(N)(Q). In the level 97 example below, this image has order 8, which is the numerator of (97 - 1)/12.
> Af := ModularSymbols("97B"); Af; Modular symbols space of level 97, weight 2, and dimension 8 > int := IntegralMapping(Af); > // Let x be the modular symbol {0,oo} > x := AmbientSpace(Af)!<1,[Cusps()|0,Infinity()]>; > int(x); (-5/8 1/4 -1/4 0 0 1/4 3/8 1/4) > Numerator((97-1)/12); 8