Database of Lattices

Magma includes a database containing most of the lattices explicitly presented in the Catalogue of Lattices maintained by Neil J.A. Sloane and Gabriele Nebe [NS01b].

Many standard lattices included in the Sloane & Nebe catalogue are not in the database as they may be obtained by applying Magma's standard lattice creation functions. Also omitted from the database are a small number of catalogued lattices defined over rings other than Z or Q.

The information available for any given lattice in the catalogue varies considerably. A similar variety is found in the Magma database version, although some data (generally either easily computable or rarely available in the catalogue) is omitted.

Where the Magma database does retain data, it is not altered from the data in the catalogue. Thus the caveat which comes with that catalogue remains relevant: "Warning! Not all the entries have been checked!"

A second version of the Lattice Database has been made available with Version 2.16 of Magma. It adds a few more lattices, contains more information about automorphism groups, and adds Θ-series as attributes. Furthermore, it removes some duplicates. The user should be warned that the numbering of lattices (and naming in some cases) differs between the two versions. The newer version, however, does not contain information about any Hermitian structure at the current time.

The entries of the database can be accessed in three ways:

the i-th entry of the database can be requested;
the i-th entry of a particular dimension d can be specified;
the desired entry can be denoted by its name N. This name is specified exactly as in the catalogue, including all punctuation and whitespace. In the rare event that two or more entries share a single name, particular entries may be distinguished by supplying an integer i in addition to N, to denote the i-th entry with name N.


Creating the Database

LatticeDatabase() : -> DB
This function returns a database object which contains information about the database.

Database Information

This section gives the functions that enable the user to find out what is in the database.

# D: DB -> RngIntElt
NumberOfLattices(D): DB -> RngIntElt
Returns the number of lattices stored in the database.
LargestDimension(D): DB -> RngIntElt
Returns the largest dimension of any lattice in the database.
NumberOfLattices(D, d): DB, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Returns the number of lattices of dimension d stored in the database.
NumberOfLattices(D, N): DB, MonStgElt -> RngIntElt
Returns the number of lattices named N stored in the database. (This should always be 1 now).
LatticeName(D, i): DB, RngIntElt -> MonStgElt, RngIntElt
Return the name and dimension of the i-th entry of the database D.
LatticeName(D, d, i): DB, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RecMonStgElt, RngIntElt
Return the name and dimension of the i-th entry of dimension d of the database D.
LatticeName(D, N): DB, MonStgElt -> RecMonStgElt, RngIntElt
Return the name and dimension of the first entry of the database with name N.
LatticeName(D, N, i): DB, MonStgElt, RngIntElt -> RecMonStgElt, RngIntElt
Return the name and dimension of the i-th entry of the database with name N.

Example Lat_latdb-names (H31E23)

We find out the names of the database entries.
> D := LatticeDatabase();
> NumberOfLattices(D);
The database contains 699 lattices. We get the set of all names in the database.
> names := {LatticeName(D,i): i in [1..#D]};
> #names; // No duplicate names anymore
> Random(names);
> NumberOfLattices(D, "S4(5):2");

Accessing the Database

The following functions retrieve lattice information from the database.

Lattice(D, i: parameters): DB, RngIntElt -> Lattice
Lattice(D, d, i: parameters): DB, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> Lattice
Lattice(D, N: parameters): DB, MonStgElt -> Lattice
Lattice(D, N, i: parameters): DB, MonStgElt, RngIntElt -> Lattice
    TrustAutomorphismGroup: Bool        Default: true
Returns the i-th entry (of dimension d or name N) from the database D as a lattice L.

If the TrustAutomorphismGroup parameter is assigned false, then any data which claims to be the automorphism group will not be stored in L.

LatticeData(D, i): DB, RngIntElt -> Rec
LatticeData(D, d, i): DB, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> Rec
LatticeData(D, N): DB, MonStgElt -> Rec
LatticeData(D, N, i): DB, MonStgElt, RngIntElt -> Rec
Returns a record which contains all the information about the i-th lattice stored in the database D (of dimension d or name N). The automorphism group is returned separately from the lattice and not stored in it.

Example Lat_latdb (H31E24)

We look up a lattice in the database. There are 19 lattices of dimension 6 in the database. We get the 10th.
> D := LatticeDatabase();
> NumberOfLattices(D, 6);
> L := Lattice(D, 6, 10);
> L;
Standard Lattice of rank 6 and degree 6
Minimum: 4
Inner Product Matrix:
[4 1 2 2 2 2]
[1 4 2 2 2 2]
[2 2 4 1 2 2]
[2 2 1 4 2 2]
[2 2 2 2 4 1]
[2 2 2 2 1 4]
There may be more information stored than just what is returned by the Lattice function. We get the record containing all the stored lattice data.
> R := LatticeData(D, 6, 10);
> Format(R);
recformat<name, dim, lattice, minimum, kissing_number,
is_integral, is_even, is_unimodular, is_unimodular_hermitian,
modularity, group_names, group, group_order,
hermitian_group_names, hermitian_group, hermitian_group_order,
This lists all possible fields in the record. They may or may not be assigned for any particular lattice.
> R`lattice eq L;
> R`name;
> assigned R`kissing_number;
> R`kissing_number;
> assigned R`group;
> A := AutomorphismGroup(L);
> A : Minimal;
MatrixGroup(6, Integer Ring) of order 96 = 2^5 * 3
The result of the Lattice call is equal to the lattice field of the data record. The kissing number was stored, but the automorphism group wasn't. We computed the group (as a matrix group over the integers) and found it has order 96.

Hermitian Lattices

There are a few facilities for computing with Hermitian lattices over an imaginary quadratic field or a quaternion algebra. However, these functions apply to a Gram matrix, and not a lattice per se. The main application is for automorphism groups that preserve a structure.

HermitianTranspose(M) : Mtrx -> Mtrx
QuaternionicTranspose(M) : Mtrx -> Mtrx
Given a matrix over an imaginary quadratic field or a quaternion algebra, return the conjugate transpose.
ExpandBasis(M) : Mtrx -> Mtrx
QuaternionicBasis(M) : Mtrx -> Mtrx
Given a matrix over an imaginary quadratic field or a quaternion algebra, expand it to a basis over the rationals.
HermitianAutomorphismGroup(M) : Mtrx -> GrpMat
QuaternionicAutomorphismGroup(M) : Mtrx -> GrpMat
Given a conjugate symmetric Gram matrix, compute the automorphism group.

Various functions for matrix groups over associative algebras are available here, such as CharacterTable and IsConjugate which simply use a re-writing over the rationals, and InvariantForms which after using GHom needs to restrict to elements fixed by the quaterionic structure. Finally, there is QuaternionicGModule which will split a G-module over a quaternionic structure.

InvariantForms(G) : GrpMat -> SeqEnum
Given a matrix group over an associative algebra or an imaginary quadratic field, return a basis for the forms fixed by it.
QuaternionicGModule(M, I, J) : ModGrp, AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt -> ModGrp
Given a G-module M and I and J in the endomorphism algebra that anti-commute and whose squares are scalars, write G over the quaternionic structure given by I and J.
MooreDeterminant(M) : Mtrx -> Mtrx
Given a conjugate-symmetric matrix over a quaternion algebra, compute the Moore determinant. This is the "normal" determinant, which is well-defined here because all the diagonal elements are rational, and thus there is no ambiguity between left/right division.

Example Lat_coxeter-todd (H31E25)

We construct the Coxeter-Todd lattice over Q3, ∞ starting with the group SU(3, 3).
> G := SU(3, 3);
> chi := CharacterTable(G)[2];
> M := GModule(chi,Integers());
> E := EndomorphismAlgebra (M);
> while true do
>     r := &+[Random([-2..2])*E.i : i in [1..4]];
>     if r^2 eq -1 then break; end if;
> end while;
> while true do
>     s := &+[Random([-2..2])*E.i : i in [1..4]];
>     if s^2 eq -3 and r*s eq -s*r then break; end if;
> end while;
> MM := QuaternionicGModule(M, r, s);
> Discriminant(BaseRing(MM));
> MG := MatrixGroup(MM);
> IF := InvariantForms(MG); IF;
    [1 -1/2*i + 1/6*k 1/3*k]
    [1/2*i - 1/6*k 1 -1/3*j]
    [-1/3*k 1/3*j 1]
> assert IsIsomorphic(G, MG);

Example Lat_quaternionic-auto-group (H31E26)

We compute the quaternionic automorphism group for the Leech lattice.
> A<i,j,k> := QuaternionAlgebra<Rationals()|-1,-1>;
> v := [];
> v[1] := [2+2*i,0,0,0,0,0]; /* from Wilson's paper */
> v[2] := [2,2,0,0,0,0];
> v[3] := [0,2,2,0,0,0];
> v[4] := [i+j+k,1,1,1,1,1];
> v[5] := [0,0,1+k,1+j,1+j,1+k];
> v[6] := [0,1+j,1+j,1+k,0,1+k];
> V := [Vector(x) : x in v];
> W := [Vector([Conjugate(x) : x in Eltseq(v)]): v in V];
> M6 := Matrix(6,6,[(V[i],W[j])/2 : i,j in [1..6]]); /* 6-dim over A */
> time Q := QuaternionicAutomorphismGroup(M6);
> assert #Q eq 503193600;

The same can be done for the Coxeter-Todd lattice.

> A<i,j,k> := QuaternionAlgebra<Rationals()|-1,-3>;
> a := (1+i+j+k)/2;
> M3 := Matrix(3,3,[2,a,-1, Conjugate(a),2,a, -1,Conjugate(a),2]);
> time Q := QuaternionicAutomorphismGroup(M3);
> assert #Q eq 12096;

One can also compute the automorphism group over the Eisenstein field, using InvariantForms on the realisation of this group as ShephardTodd(34).

> G := ShephardTodd(34);
> IF := InvariantForms(G); // scaled Coxeter-Todd over Q(sqrt(-3))
> A := HermitianAutomorphismGroup(IF[1]);
> assert IsIsomorphic(A,G);
V2.28, 13 July 2023