Reduction of Matrices and Lattices

The functions in this section perform reduction of lattice bases. For each reduction algorithm there are three functions: a function which takes a basis matrix, a function which takes a Gram matrix and a function which takes a lattice.


LLL Reduction

The Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovász algorithm [LLL82] was first described in 1982 and was immediately used by the authors to provide a polynomial-time algorithm for factoring integer polynomials, for solving simultaneous diophantine equations and for solving the integer programming problem. It very quickly received much attention and in the last 25 years has found an incredible range of applications, in such areas as computer algebra, cryptography, optimisation, algorithmic number theory, group theory, etc. However, the original LLL algorithm is mainly of theoretical interest, since, although it has polynomial time complexity, it remains quite slow in practice. Rather, floating-point variants are used, where the underlying Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation is performed with floating-point arithmetic instead of rational arithmetic (which produces huge numerators and denominators). Most of these floating-point variants are heuristic, but here we use the provable Nguyen-Stehlé algorithm [NS09] (see also [Ste09] for more details about the implementation).

Let δ ∈(1/4, 1] and η ∈[1/2, Sqrt(δ)). An ordered set of d linearly independent vectors b1, b2, ..., bd ∈Rn is said to be (δ, η)-LLL-reduced if the two following conditions are satisfied:

For any i>j, we have |μi, j| ≤η,
For any i<d, we have δ |bi * |2 ≤|bi + 1 * + μi + 1, i bi + 1 * |2,

where μi, j = (bi, bj * )/|bj * |2 and bi * is the i-th vector of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation of (b1, b2, ..., bd). LLL-reduction classically refers to the case where η=1/2 and δ=3/4 since it was the choice of parameters originally made in [LLL82], but the closer that η and δ are to 1/2 and 1, respectively, the more reduced the lattice basis should be. In the classical LLL algorithm, the polynomial-time complexity is guaranteed as long as δ<1, whereas the floating-point LLL additionally requires that η>1/2.

A (δ, η)-LLL-reduced basis (b1, b2, ..., bd) of a lattice L has the following useful properties:

|b1| ≤(δ - η2) - (d - 1)/4 (det L)1/d,
|b1| ≤(δ - η2) - (d - 1)/2 min_(b ∈L \{0})|b|,
i=1d |bi| ≤(δ - η2) - d(d - 1)/4 (det L),
For any j<i, |bj * | ≤(δ - η2)(j - i)/2 |bi * |.

The default Magma parameters are δ=0.75 and η=0.501, so that (δ - η2) - 1/4<1.190 and (δ - η2) - 1/2<1.416. The four previous bounds can be reached, but in practice one usually obtains better bases. It is possible to obtain lattice bases satisfying these four conditions without being LLL-reduced, by using the so-called Siegel condition [Akh02]; this useful variant, though available, is not the default one.

Internally, the LLL routine may use up to eight different LLL variants, one of them being de Weger's exact integer method [dW87], and the seven others relying upon diverse kinds of floating-point arithmetic. All but one of these variants are heuristic and implement diverse ideas from [SE94], Victor Shoup's NTL [Sho] and [NS06]. The heuristic variants possibly loop forever, but when that happens it is hopefully detected and a more reliable variant is used. For a given input, the LLL routine tries to find out which variant should be the fastest, and may eventually call other variants before the end of the execution: either because it deems that the current variant loops forever or that a faster variant could be used with the thus-far reduced basis. This machinery remains unknown to the user (except when the LLL verbose mode is activated) and makes the Magma LLL routine the fastest currently available, with the additional advantage of being fairly reliable.

The floating-point variants essentially differ on the two following points:

whether or not the matrix basis computations are performed with the help of a complete knowledge of the Gram matrix of the vectors (the matrix of the pairwise inner products),
the underlying floating-point arithmetic.

In theory, to get a provable variant, one needs the Gram matrix and arbitrary precision floating-point numbers (as provided by the MPFR-based [Pro] Magma real numbers). In practice, to get an efficient variant, it is not desirable not to maintain the exact knowledge of the Gram matrix (maintaining the Gram matrix represents asymptotically a large constant fraction of the total computational cost), while it is desirable to use the machine processor floating-point arithmetic (for instance, C doubles). Three of the seven variants use the Gram matrix, while the four others do not. In each group (either the three or the remaining four), one variant relies on arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetic, another on C doubles and another on what we call doubles with extended exponent. These last variants are important because they are almost as fast as the variants based on C doubles, and can be used for much wider families of inputs: when the initial basis is made of integers larger than approximately 500 bits, overflows can occur with the C doubles. To be precise, a "double with extended exponent" is a C double with a C integer, the last one being the extended exponent. So far, we have described six variants. The seventh does not rely on the Gram matrix and is based on an idea similar to "doubles with extended exponents". The difference is that for a given vector of dimension n, instead of having n pairs of doubles and integers, one has n doubles and only one integer: the extended exponent is "factorised". This variant is quite often the one to use in practice, because it is reasonably efficient and not too unreliable.

Important warning. By default, the LLL routine is entirely reliable. This implies the default provable variant can be much slower than the heuristic one. By setting Proof to false, a significant run-time improvement can be gained without taking much risk: even in that case, the LLL routine remains more reliable than any other implementation based on floating-point arithmetic. For any application where guaranteed LLL-reduction is not needed, we recommend setting Proof to false.

Recommended usage. The formal description of the function LLL below explains all the parameters in detail, but we first note here some common situations which arise. The desired variant of LLL is often not the default one. Since the LLL algorithm is used in many different contexts and with different output requirements, it seems impossible to define a natural default variant, and so using the LLL routine efficiently often requires some tuning. Here we consider three main-stream situations.

It may be desired to obtain the main LLL inequalities (see the introduction of this subsection), without paying much attention to the δ and η reduction parameters. In this case one should activate the Fast parameter, possibly with the verbose mode to know afterwards which parameters have been used.
It may be desired to have the main LLL inequalities for a given pair of parameters (δ, η). In this case one should set the parameters Delta and Eta to the desired values, and set SwappingCondition to "Siegel".
It may be desired to compute a very well LLL-reduced basis. In this case one should set Delta to 0.9999, Eta to 0.5001, and possibly also activate the DeepInsertion option.

In any case, if you want to be absolutely sure of the quality of the output, you need to keep the Proof option activated.

Example Lat_LLLUsage (H31E7)

This example is meant to show the differences between the three main recommended usages above. Assume that we are interested in the lattice generated by the rows of the matrix B defined as follows.
> R:=RealField(5);
> B:=RMatrixSpace(IntegerRing(), 50, 51) ! 0;
> for i := 1 to 50 do B[i][1] := RandomBits(10000); end for;
> for i := 1 to 50 do B[i][i+1] := 1; end for;
The matrix B is made of 100 vectors of length 101. Each entry of the first column is approximately 10000 bits long. Suppose first that we use the default variant.
> time C:=LLL(B:Proof:=false);
Time: 11.300
> R!(Norm (C[1]));
The output basis is (0.75, 0.501)-reduced. Suppose now that we only wanted to have a basis that satisfies the main LLL properties with δ=0.75 and η=0.501. Then we could have used the Siegel swapping condition.
> time C:=LLL(B:Proof:=false, SwapCondition:="Siegel");
Time: 10.740
> R!(Norm (C[1]));
Notice that the quality of the output is quite often worse with the Siegel condition than with the Lovász condition, but the main LLL properties are satisfied anyway. Suppose now that we want a very well reduced basis. Then we fix δ and η close to 1 and 0.5 respectively.
> time C:=LLL(B:Proof:=false, Delta:=0.9999, Eta:=0.5001);
Time: 19.220
> R!(Norm (C[1]));
This is of course more expensive, but the first output vector is significantly shorter. Finally, suppose that we only wanted to "shorten" the entries of the input basis, very efficiently and without any particular preference for the reduction factors δ and η. Then we could have used the Fast option, that tries to choose such parameters in order to optimize the running-time.
> time C:=LLL(B:Proof:=false, Fast:=1);
Time: 8.500
> R!(Norm (C[1]));
By activating the verbose mode, one can know for which parameters the output basis is reduced.
> SetVerbose ("LLL", 1);
> C:=LLL(B:Proof:=false, Fast:=1);
The output basis is (0.830,0.670)-reduced
LLL(X) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
LLL(X) : AlgMatElt -> AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
    Al: MonStgElt                       Default: "New"
    Proof: BoolElt                      Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "FP"
    Delta: RngElt                       Default: 0.75
    Eta: RngElt                         Default: 0.501
    InitialSort: BoolElt                Default: false
    FinalSort: BoolElt                  Default: false
    StepLimit: RngIntElt                Default: 0
    TimeLimit: RngElt                   Default: 0.0
    NormLimit: RngIntElt                Default: 
    UseGram: BoolElt                    Default: false
    DeepInsertions: BoolElt             Default: false
    EarlyReduction: BoolElt             Default: false
    SwapCondition: MonStgElt            Default: "Lovasz"
    Fast: RngIntElt                     Default: 0
    Weight: SeqEnum                     Default: [0, ...,0]
Given a matrix X belonging to the matrix module S=HomR(M, N) or the matrix algebra S=Mn(R), where R is a subring of the real field, compute a matrix Y whose non-zero rows are a LLL-reduced basis for the Z-lattice spanned by the rows of X (which need not be Z-linearly independent). The LLL function returns three values:
A LLL-reduced matrix Y in S whose rows span the same lattice (Z-module) as that spanned by the rows of X.
A unimodular matrix T in the matrix ring over Z whose degree is the number of rows of X such that TX=Y;
The rank of X.

Note that the returned transformation matrix T is always over the ring of integers Z, even if R is not Z.

The input matrix X does not need to have linearly independent rows: this function performs a floating-point variant of what is usually known as the MLLL algorithm of M. Pohst [Poh87]. By default the rows of the returned matrix Y are sorted so that all the zero rows are at the bottom. The non-zero vectors are sorted so that they form a LLL-reduced basis (except when FinalSort is true; see below).

A detailed description of the parameters now follows. See the discussion and the example above this function for recommended parameters for common cases.

By default, the Proof option is set to true. It means that the result is guaranteed. It is possible, and usually faster, to switch off this option: it will perform the same calculations, without checking that the output is indeed reduced by using the L2 algorithm. For the vast majority of cases, we recommend setting Proof to false.

By default the δ and η constants used in the LLL conditions are set respectively to 0.75 and 0.501 (except when Method is "Integral", see below). The closer δ and η are to 1 and 0.5, respectively, the shorter the output basis will be. In the original description of the LLL algorithm, δ is 0.75 and η is 0.5. Making δ and η vary can have a significant influence on the running time. If Method is "Integral", then by default η is set to 0.5 and δ to 0.99. With this value of Method, the parameter δ can be chosen arbitrarily in (0.25, 1], but when δ is 1, the running time may increase dramatically. If Method is not "Integral", then δ may be chosen arbitrarily in (0.25, 1), and η may be chosen arbitrarily in (0.5, Sqrt(δ)). Notice that the parameters δ and η used internally will be slightly larger and smaller than the given ones, respectively, to take floating-point inaccuracies into account and to ensure that the output basis will indeed be reduced for the expected parameters. In all cases, the output basis will be (δ, η)-LLL reduced.

For matrices over Z or Q, there are two main methods for handling the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation variables used in the algorithm: the Nguyen-Stehlé floating-point method (called L2) and the exact integral method described by de Weger in [dW87]. The Nguyen-Stehlé algorithm is implemented as described in the article, along with a few faster heuristic variants. When Method is "FP", these faster variants will be tried first, and when they are considered as misbehaving, they will be followed by the proved variant automatically. When Method is "L2", the provable L2 algorithm is used directly. Finally, when Method is "Integral", the De Weger integral method is used. In this case, the DeepInsertions, EarlyReduction, Siegel SwapCondition, NormLimit, Fast and Weight options are unavailable (the code is older and has not been updated for these). Furthermore, the default value for Eta is then 0.5. The default FP method is nearly always very much faster than the other two methods.

By default, it is possible (though it happens very infrequently) that the returned basis is not of the expected quality. In order to be sure that the output is indeed correct, Method can be set to either "Integral" or "L2".

Since V2.26, a parallel multi-threaded version of the integral method (selected by Method := "Integral") is now supported. One can call SetNthreads beforehand to specify the number of threads to be used. For inputs in larger dimension, this may lead to a significant speedup.

The parameter InitialSort specifies whether the vectors should be sorted by length before the LLL reduction. When FinalSort is true, the vectors are sorted by increasing length (and alphabetical order in case of equality) after the LLL reduction (this parameter was called Sort before V2.13). The resulting vectors may therefore not be strictly LLL-reduced, because of the permutation of the rows.

The parameter UseGram specifies that for the floating-point methods (L2 and FP) the computation should be performed by computing the Gram matrix F, using the LLLGram algorithm below, and by updating the basis matrix correspondingly. Magma will automatically do this internally for the floating-point method if it deems that it is more efficient to do so, so this parameter just allows one to stipulate that this method should or should not be used. For the integral method, using the Gram matrix never improves the computation, so the value of this parameter is simply ignored in this case.

Setting the parameter StepLimit to a positive integer s will cause the function to terminate after s steps of the main loop. Setting the parameter TimeLimit to a positive real number t will cause the function to terminate after the algorithm has been executed for t seconds (process user) time. Similarly, setting the parameter NormLimit to a non-negative integer N will cause the algorithm to terminate after a vector of norm less or equal to N has been found. In such cases, the current reduced basis is returned, together with the appropriate transformation matrix and an upper bound for the rank of the matrix. Nothing precise can then be said exactly about the reduced basis (it will not be LLL-reduced in general of course) but will at least be reduced to a certain extent.

When the value of the parameter DeepInsertions is true, Schnorr-Euchner's deep insertion algorithm is used [SE94]. It usually provides better bases, but can take significantly more time. In practice, one may first LLL-reduce the basis and then use the deep insertion algorithm on the computed basis.

When the parameter EarlyReduction is true and when any of the two floating-point methods are used, some early reduction steps are inserted inside the execution of the LLL algorithm. This sometimes makes the entries of the basis smaller very quickly. It occurs in particular for lattice bases built from minimal polynomial or integer relation detection problems. The speed-up is sometimes dramatic, especially if the reduction in length makes it possible to use C integers for the basis matrix (instead of multiprecision integers) or C doubles for the floating-point calculations (instead of multiprecision floating-point numbers or doubles with additional exponent).

The parameter SwapCondition can be set either to "Lovasz" (default) or to "Siegel". When its value is "Lovasz", the classical Lovász swapping condition is used, whereas otherwise the so-called Siegel condition is used. The Lovász condition tests whether the inequality |bi * + μi, i - 1bi - 1 * |2 ≥δ |bi - 1 * |2 is satisfied or not, whereas in the Siegel case the inequality |bi * |2 ≥(δ - η2) |bi - 1 * |2 is used (see [Akh02] for more details). In the Siegel case, the execution may be significantly faster. Though the output basis may not be LLL-reduced, the classical LLL inequalities (see the introduction of this subsection) will be fulfilled.

When the option Fast is set to 1 or 2, all the other parameters may be changed internally to end the execution as fast as possible. Even if the other parameters are not set to the default values, they may be ignored. This includes the parameters Delta, Eta and SwapCondition, so that the output basis may not be LLL-reduced. However, if the verbose mode is activated, the chosen values of these parameters will be printed, so that the classical LLL inequalities (see the introduction of this subsection) may be used afterwards. When Fast is set to 2, the chosen parameters are such that the classical LLL inequalities will be at least as strong as for the default parameters Delta and Eta.

If Weight is the list of integers [x1, ..., xn] (where n is the degree of the lattice), then the LLL algorithm uses a weighted Euclidean inner product: the inner product of the vectors (v1, v2, ..., vn) and (w1, w2, ..., wn) is defined to be ∑i=1n (vi .wi .22xi).

By default, the Al parameter is set to New. If it is set to Old, then the former Magma LLL is used (prior to V2.13); notice that in this case, the execution is not guaranteed to finish and that the output basis may not be reduced for the given LLL parameters. This variant is not maintained anymore.

Note 1: If the input basis has many zero entries, then try to place them in the last columns; this will slightly improve the running time.

Note 2: If the elementary divisors of the input matrix are fairly small, relative to the size of the matrix and the size of its entries, then it may be very much quicker to reduce the matrix to Hermite form first (using the function HermiteForm) and then to LLL-reduce this matrix. This case can arise: for example, when one has a "very messy" matrix for which it is known that the lattice described by it has a relatively short basis.

Note 3: Sometimes, the EarlyReduction variant can significantly decrease the running time.

Since V2.21 (2014), Magma also supports an analogue for LLL-reduction for matrices over K[x]. The algorithm is similar to that described in [Pau98]. Note that unlike the integer case, the LLL-reduction of a matrix in the K[x] case is always unique, with the rows sorted by degree.

BasisReduction(X) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
BasisReduction(X) : AlgMatElt -> AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
This is a shortcut for LLL(X:Proof:=false).
LLLGram(F) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
LLLGram(F) : AlgMatElt -> AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
    Isotropic: BoolElt                  Default: false
Given a symmetric matrix F belonging to the the matrix module S=HomR(M, M) or the matrix algebra S=Mn(R), where R is a subring of the real field, so that F=XXtr for some matrix X over the real field, compute a matrix G which is the Gram matrix corresponding to a LLL-reduced form of the matrix X. The rows of the corresponding generator matrix X need not be Z-linearly independent in which case F will be singular. This function returns three values:
A LLL-reduced Gram matrix G in S of the Gram matrix F;
A unimodular matrix T in the matrix ring over Z whose degree is the number of rows of F such that G=TFTtr.
The rank of F (which equals the dimension of the lattice generated by X in the definite case).

The options available are the same as for the LLL routine, except of course the UseGram option that has no sense here. The Weight parameter should not be used either. The routine can be used with any symmetric matrix (possibly not definite nor positive): Simon's indefinite LLL variant (which puts absolute values on the Lovász condition) is used (see [Sim05]).

When the option Isotropic is true, some attempt to deal with isotropic vectors is made. (This is only relevant when working on an indefinite Gram matrix). In particular, if the determinant is squarefree, hyperbolic planes are split off iteratively.

LLLBasisMatrix(L) : Lat -> ModMatElt, AlgMatElt
Given a lattice L with basis matrix B, return the LLL basis matrix B' of L, together with the transformation matrix T such that B'=TB. The LLL basis matrix B' is simply defined to be a LLL-reduced form of B; it is stored in L when computed and subsequently used internally by many lattice functions. The LLL basis matrix will be created automatically internally as needed with δ=0.999 by default (note that this is different from the usual default of 0.75); by the use of parameters to this function one can ensure that the LLL basis matrix is created in a way which is different to the default. The parameters (not listed here again) are the same as for the function LLL (q.v.), except that the limit parameters are illegal.

LLLGramMatrix(L) : Lat -> AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt
Given a lattice L with Gram matrix F, return the LLL Gram matrix F' of L, together with the transformation matrix T such that F'=TFTtr. F' is simply defined to be B'(B')tr, where B' is the LLL basis matrix of L---see the function LLLBasisMatrix. The parameters (not listed here again) are the same as for the function LLL (q.v.), except that the limit parameters are illegal.
LLL(L) : Lat -> Lat, AlgMatElt
Given a lattice L with basis matrix B, return a new lattice L' with basis matrix B' and a transformation matrix T so that L' is equal to L but B' is LLL-reduced and B'=TB. Note that the inner product used in the LLL computation is that given by the inner product matrix of L (so, for example, the resulting basis may not be LLL-reduced with respect to the standard Euclidean norm). The LLL basis matrix of L is used, so calling this function with argument L is completely equivalent (ignoring the second return value) to the invocation LatticeWithBasis(LLLBasisMatrix(L), InnerProductMatrix(L)). The parameters (not listed here again) are the same as for the function LLL (q.v.), except that the limit parameters are illegal. The BasisReduction shortcut to turn off the Proof option is also available.
BasisReduction(L) : Lat -> Lat, AlgMatElt
This is a shortcut for LLL(L:Proof:=false).
SetVerbose("LLL", v) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt ->
(Procedure.) Set the verbose printing level for the LLL algorithm to be v. Currently the legal values for v are true, false, 0, 1, 2 and 3 (false is the same as 0, and true is the same as 1). The three non-zero levels notify when the maximum LLL-reduced rank of the LLL algorithm increases, level 2 also prints the norms of the reduced vectors at such points, and level 3 additionally gives some current status information every 15 seconds.

Example Lat_LLLXGCD (H31E8)

We demonstrate how the LLL algorithm can be used to find very good multipliers for the extended GCD of a sequence of integers. Given a sequence Q=[x1, ..., xn] of integers we wish to find the GCD g of Q and integers mi for 1≤i ≤m such that g=m1.x1 + ... + mn.xm.

For this example we set Q to a sequence of n=10 integers of varying bit lengths (to make the problem a bit harder).

> Q := [ 67015143, 248934363018, 109210, 25590011055, 74631449,
>        10230248, 709487, 68965012139, 972065, 864972271 ];
> n := #Q;
> n;
We next choose a scale factor S large enough and then create the n x (n + 1) matrix X=[In | C] where C is the column vector whose i-th entry is S.Q[i].
> S := 100;
> X := RMatrixSpace(IntegerRing(), n, n + 1) ! 0;
> for i := 1 to n do X[i][i + 1] := 1; end for;
> for i := 1 to n do X[i][1] := S * Q[i]; end for;
> X;
[6701514300     1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[24893436301800 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[10921000       0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[2559001105500  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[7463144900     0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
[1023024800     0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]
[70948700       0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
[6896501213900  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]
[97206500       0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]
[86497227100    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
Finally, we compute a LLL-reduced form L of X.
> L := LLL(X);
> L;
[   0    0    1    0  -15   -6    3    1    2   -3   -3]
[   0   -3    5   -3  -11   -1    0    8  -14    4    3]
[   0   -5   -2    2   -2   14    8   -6    8    1   -4]
[   0    6    1   -3  -10   -3  -14    5    0    8    8]
[   0   -1   -2    0   -2  -13    8    6    8   10   -2]
[   0   -9   -3  -11    5    7   -1    1    9  -11   -2]
[   0   16    0    3    3    9   -3    0   -1   -4  -11]
[   0   -6    1  -16    4   -1    6   -6   -5    7   -7]
[   0    9   -3  -10    7   -3    1   -7    8    0   18]
[-100   -3   -1   13   -1   -4    2    3    4    5   -1]
Notice that the large weighting on the first column forces the LLL algorithm to produce as many vectors as possible at the top of the matrix with a zero entry in the first column (since such vectors will have shorter norms than any vector with a non-zero entry in the first column). Thus the GCD of the entries in Q is the entry in the bottom left corner of L divided by S, so this must be 1 or -1. The last n entries of the last row of L gives a sequence of multipliers M for the extended GCD algorithm. Also, taking the last n entries of each of the first n - 1 rows of L gives independent null-relations for the entries of Q (i.e., the kernel of the corresponding column matrix). We check that M gives a correct sequence of multipliers.
> M := Eltseq(L[10])[2 .. n+1]; M;
[ 3, 1, -13, 1, 4, -2, -3, -4, -5, 1 ]
> &+[Q[i]*M[i]: i in [1 .. n]];

Pair Reduction

PairReduce(X) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt
PairReduce(X) : AlgMatElt -> AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt
Given a matrix X belonging to the the matrix module S=HomR(M, N) or the matrix algebra S=Mn(R), where R is Z or Q, compute a matrix Y whose rows form a pairwise reduced basis for the Z-lattice spanned by the rows of X. Being pairwise reduced (i.e., 2|(v, w)| ≤min(|v|, |w|) for all pairs of basis vectors) is a much simpler criterion than being LLL-reduced, but often yields sufficiently good results very quickly. It can also be used as a preprocessing for LLL or in alternation with LLL to obtain better bases. The rows of X need not be Z-linearly independent. This function returns two values:
The pairwise reduced matrix Y row-equivalent to X as a matrix in S;
A unimodular matrix T in the matrix ring over Z whose degree is the number of rows of X such that TX=Y.
PairReduceGram(F) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
PairReduceGram(F) : AlgMatElt -> AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
    Check: BoolElt                      Default: false
Given a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix F belonging to the the matrix module S=HomR(M, M) or the matrix algebra S=Mn(R), where R is Z or Q, so that F=XXtr for some matrix X over the real field, compute a matrix G which is the Gram matrix corresponding to a pairwise reduced form of the matrix X. The rows of the corresponding matrix X need not be Z-linearly independent. This function returns two values:
The pairwise reduced Gram matrix G of F as a matrix in S;
A unimodular matrix T in the matrix ring over Z whose degree is the number of rows of F which gives the corresponding transformation: G=TFTtr.

The matrix F must be a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix; if it is not the results are unpredictable. By default, Magma does not check this since it may be expensive in higher dimensions and in many applications will be known a priori. The checking can be invoked by setting Check := true.

PairReduce(L) : Lat -> Lat, AlgMatElt
Given a lattice L with basis matrix B, return a new lattice L' with basis matrix B' and a transformation matrix T so that L' is equal to L but B' is pairwise reduced and B'=TB. Note that the inner product used in the pairwise reduction computation is that given by the inner product matrix of L (so, for example, the resulting basis may not be pairwise reduced with respect to the standard Euclidean norm).

Seysen Reduction

Seysen(X) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt
Seysen(X) : AlgMatElt -> AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt
Given a matrix X belonging to the the matrix module S=HomR(M, N) or the matrix algebra S=Mn(R), where R is Z or Q, compute a matrix Y whose rows form a Seysen-reduced basis for the Z-lattice spanned by the rows of X. The rows of X need not be Z-linearly independent. The Seysen-reduced matrix Y is such that the entries of the corresponding Gram matrix G=YYtr and its inverse G - 1 are simultaneously reduced. This function returns two values:
The Seysen-reduced matrix Y corresponding to X as a matrix in S;
A unimodular matrix T in the matrix ring over Z whose degree is the number of rows of X such that TX=Y.
SeysenGram(F) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
SeysenGram(F) : AlgMatElt -> AlgMatElt, AlgMatElt, RngIntElt
    Check: BoolElt                      Default: false
Given a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix F belonging to the the matrix module S=HomR(M, M) or the matrix algebra S=Mn(R), where R is Z or Q, so that F=XXtr for some matrix X over the real field, compute a matrix G which is the Gram matrix corresponding to a Seysen-reduced form of the matrix X. The rows of the corresponding matrix X need not be Z-linearly independent. The Seysen-reduced Gram matrix G is such that the entries of G and its inverse G - 1 are simultaneously reduced. This function returns two values:
The Seysen-reduced Gram matrix G of F as a matrix in S;
A unimodular matrix T in the matrix ring over Z whose degree is the number of rows of F which gives the corresponding transformation: G=TFTtr.

The matrix F must be a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix; if it is not the results are unpredictable. By default, Magma does not check this since it may be expensive in higher dimensions and in many applications will be known a priori. The checking can be invoked by setting Check := true.

Seysen(L) : Lat -> Lat, AlgMatElt
Given a lattice L with basis matrix B, return a new lattice L' with basis matrix B' and a transformation matrix T so that L' is equal to L but B' is Seysen-reduced and B'=TB. Note that the inner product used in the Seysen-reduction computation is that given by the inner product matrix of L (so, for example, the resulting basis may not be Seysen-reduced with respect to the standard Euclidean norm). The effect of the reduction is that the basis of L' and the dual basis of L' will be simultaneously reduced.

Example Lat_Seysen (H31E9)

We demonstrate how the function Seysen can be used on the Gram matrix of the Leech lattice to obtain a gram matrix S for the lattice so that both S and S - 1 are simultaneously reduced. Note that all three reduction methods yield a basis of vectors of minimal length, but the Seysen reduction also has a dual basis of vectors of norm 4. This is of interest in representation theory, for example, as the entries of the inverse of the Gram matrix control the size of the entries in a representation on the lattice.
> F := GramMatrix(Lattice("Lambda", 24));
> [ F[i][i] : i in [1..24] ];
[ 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
> [ (F^-1)[i][i] : i in [1..24] ];
[ 72, 8, 12, 8, 10, 4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 8 ]
> L := LLLGram(F);
> P := PairReduceGram(F);
> S := SeysenGram(F);
> [ L[i][i] : i in [1..24] ];
[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
> [ P[i][i] : i in [1..24] ];
[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
> [ S[i][i] : i in [1..24] ];
[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
> [ (L^-1)[i][i] : i in [1..24] ];
[ 6, 4, 8, 4, 32, 4, 4, 8, 18, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 12, 4, 6, 4, 20, 4, 8, 4, 14, 4 ]
> [ (P^-1)[i][i] : i in [1..24] ];
[ 72, 40, 12, 8, 10, 4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 8 ]
> [ (S^-1)[i][i] : i in [1..24] ];
[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]

HKZ Reduction

An ordered set of d linearly independent vectors b1, b2, ..., bd ∈Rn is said to be Hermite-Korkine-Zolotarev-reduced (HKZ-reduced for short) if the three following conditions are satisfied:

For any i>j, we have |μi, j| ≤0.501,
The vector b1 is a shortest non-zero vector in the lattice spanned by b1, b2, ..., bd,
The vectors b2 - μ2, 1 b1, ..., bd - μd, 1 b1 are themselves HKZ-reduced,

where μi, j=(bi, bj * )/|bj * |2 and bi * is the i-th vector of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation of (b1, b2, ..., bd).

HKZ(X) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt
    Proof: BoolElt                      Default: true
    Unique: BoolElt                     Default: false
    Prune: SeqEnum                      Default: [ ...,[1.0, ...,1.0], ... ]
Given a matrix X over a subring of the real field, compute a matrix Y whose non-zero rows are an HKZ-reduced basis for the Z-lattice spanned by the rows of X (which need not be Z-linearly independent). The HKZ function returns an HKZ-reduced matrix Y whose rows span the same lattice (Z-module) as that spanned by the rows of X, and a unimodular matrix T in the matrix ring over Z whose degree is the number of rows of X such that TX=Y.

Although the implementation relies on floating-point arithmetic, the result can be guaranteed to be correct. By default, the Proof option is set to true, thus guaranteeing the output. The run-time might be improved by switching off this option.

A given lattice may have many HKZ-reduced bases. If the Unique option is turned on, a uniquely determined HKZ-reduced basis is computed. This basis is chosen so that: for any i>j, we have μi, j ∈[ - 1/2, 1/2); for any i, the first non-zero coordinate of the vector bi * is positive; and for any i, the vector bi * is the shortest among possible vectors for the lexicographical order.

The implementation solves the Shortest Vector Problem for lattices of dimensions 1 to d, where d is the number of rows of the input matrix X. The latter instances of the Shortest Vector Problem are solved with the same enumeration algorithm as is used for computing the minimum of a lattice, which can be expressed as a search within a large tree. The i-th table of the Prune optional parameter is used to prune the i-dimensional enumeration. The default value is:

[[1.0: j in [1..i]]: i in [1..NumberOfRows(X)]].

See the introduction of Section Minima and Element Enumeration for more details on the Prune option.

HKZGram(F) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt
    Proof: BoolElt                      Default: true
    Prune: SeqEnum                      Default: [ ...,[1.0, ...,1.0], ... ]
Given a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix F over a subring of the real field so that F=XXtr for some matrix X over the real field, compute a matrix G which is the Gram matrix corresponding to an HKZ-reduced form of the matrix X. The function returns the HKZ-reduced Gram matrix G of F, and a unimodular matrix T in the matrix ring over Z whose degree is the number of rows of F which gives the corresponding transformation: G=TFTtr.
HKZ(L) : Lat -> Lat, AlgMatElt
    Proof: BoolElt                      Default: true
    Prune: SeqEnum                      Default: [ ...,[1.0, ...,1.0], ... ]
Given a lattice L with basis matrix B, return a new lattice L' with basis matrix B' and a transformation matrix T so that L' is equal to L but B' is HKZ-reduced and B'=TB.
SetVerbose("HKZ", v) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt ->
(Procedure.) Set the verbose printing level for the HKZ algorithm to be v. Currently the legal values for v are true, false, 0 and 1 (false is the same as 0, and true is the same as 1). More information on the progress of the computation can be obtained by setting the "Enum" verbose on.
GaussReduce(X) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt
GaussReduceGram(F) : ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngElt, AlgMatElt
GaussReduce(L) : Lat -> Lat, AlgMatElt
Restrictions of the HKZ functions to lattices of rank 2.

Example Lat_HKZ (H31E10)

HKZ-reduced bases are much harder to compute than LLL-reduced bases, but provide a significantly more powerful representation of the spanned lattice. For example, computing all short lattice vectors is more efficient if one starts from an HKZ-reduced basis.
> d:=60;
> B:=RMatrixSpace(IntegerRing(), d, d)!0;
> for i,j in [1..d] do B[i][j]:=Random(100*d); end for;
> time C1 := LLL(B);
Time: 0.020
> time C2 := HKZ(B);
Time: 1.380
> m := Norm(C2[1]);
> time _:=ShortVectors(Lattice(C1), 11/10*m);
Time: 1.750
> time _:=ShortVectors(Lattice(C2), 11/10*m);
Time: 0.850
> time _:=ShortVectors(Lattice(C1), 3/2*m);
Time: 73.800
> time _:=ShortVectors(Lattice(C2), 3/2*m);
Time: 32.220

BKZ Reduction

The notion of block Korkine-Zolotareff reduction (BKZ) allows one to interpolate between LLL and HKZ. In particular, one gives a size parameter n, and at step i the HKZ-reduction of the projected sublattice on the vectors [i..(i + n - 1)] is computed. In practise, one achieves most of the possible reduction from (say) taking n=20.

BKZ(M,n) : Mtrx, RngIntElt -> Mtrx, AlgMatElt,RngIntElt
    Delta: FldReElt                     Default: 0.75
Given a basis matrix M and a parameter n, return a BKZ-reduction.
BKZ(L,n) : Lat, RngIntElt -> Lat, AlgMatElt
As above, but with a lattice (over the integers, rationals, or reals) as input.

Example Lat_bkz-example (H31E11)

We create a 40-dimensional lattice, then take a random transformation of it. Then LLL is applied, but this does not give a great basis (at least with the chosen Delta value). Finally BKZ is used to make the basis a bit better.

> L := Lattice(LatticeDatabase(),"HZ40");
> L := LLL(L : Delta:=0.999);
> Max(Diagonal(GramMatrix(L)));
> R := RandomSLnZ(40,80,320);
> M := R*GramMatrix(L)*Transpose(R);
> A := LLLGram(M : Delta:=0.75);
> Max(Diagonal(A));
> LAT := BKZ(LatticeWithGram(A),20);
> Max(Diagonal(GramMatrix(LAT)));

Recovering a Short Basis from Short Lattice Vectors

ReconstructLatticeBasis(S, B) : ModMatRngElt, ModMatRngElt -> ModMatRngEltLat
Given a basis S of a finite index sublattice of the lattice L spanned by the rows of the integral matrix B, return a matrix C whose rows span L and are not much longer than those of S. Specifically, the algorithm described in Lemma 7.1 of [MG02] is implemented, and the rows of the output matrix satisfy the following properties:
For any i, |ci| ≤i1/2 |si|,
For any i, |ci * | ≤|si * |,

where ci * (respectively si * ) denotes the i-th vector of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation of (c1, c2, ..., cd) (respectively (s1, s2, ..., sd)) .

V2.28, 13 July 2023