The Weight Distribution


The Minimum Weight

An adaptation of the minimum weight algorithm for linear codes (see Section The Minimum Weight) has been developed for additive codes by Markus Grassl and Greg White.

From a user's perspective, the description given in The Minimum Weight is sufficient to understand the additive case. The algorithm is still new, and has yet to be optimised to its full potential.

MinimumWeight(C: parameters) : CodeAdd -> RngIntElt
MinimumDistance(C: parameters) : CodeAdd -> RngIntElt
    RankLowerBound: RngIntElt           Default: 0
    MaximumTime: RngReSubElt            Default: ∞
Determine the minimum weight of the words belonging to the code C, which is also the minimum distance between any two codewords. The parameter RankLowerBound sets a minimum rank on the information sets used in the calculation, while the parameter MaximumTime sets a time limit (in seconds of "user time") after which the calculation is aborted.

By setting the verbose flag "Code", information about the progress of the computation can be printed. An example to demonstrate the interpretation of the verbose output follows:

> SetVerbose("Code", true);
> SetSeed(1);
> MinimumWeight(RandomAdditiveCode(GF(4),GF(2),82,39));
GF(2)-Additive code over GF(4) of length 82 with 39 generators.
Is not cyclic
Lower Bound: 1, Upper Bound: 64
Constructed 5 distinct generator matrices
Total Ranks:     21  20  20  20  20
Relative Ranks:  21  20  20  20   1
Starting search for low weight codewords... 0.020
     Discarding non-contributing rank 1 matrix
Enumerating using 1 generator at a time:
     New codeword identified of weight 48, time 0.020
     New codeword identified of weight 46, time 0.020
     New codeword identified of weight 44, time 0.020
     New codeword identified of weight 42, time 0.020
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower =  5, upper = 42. Time so far: 0.030
     New codeword identified of weight 41, time 0.030
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower =  6, upper = 41. Time so far: 0.030
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower =  7, upper = 41. Time so far: 0.040
     New codeword identified of weight 40, time 0.040
   Completed Matrix  4:  lower =  8, upper = 40. Time so far: 0.040
Enumerating using 2 generators at a time:
     New codeword identified of weight 37, time 0.050
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower =  9, upper = 37. Time so far: 0.050
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 10, upper = 37. Time so far: 0.050
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 11, upper = 37. Time so far: 0.060
     New codeword identified of weight 36, time 0.060
   Completed Matrix  4:  lower = 12, upper = 36. Time so far: 0.060
Enumerating using 3 generators at a time:
     New codeword identified of weight 34, time 0.070
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower = 13, upper = 34. Time so far: 0.070
     New codeword identified of weight 33, time 0.080
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 14, upper = 33. Time so far: 0.090
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 15, upper = 33. Time so far: 0.100
   Completed Matrix  4:  lower = 16, upper = 33. Time so far: 0.110
Enumerating using 4 generators at a time:
     New codeword identified of weight 32, time 0.120
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower = 17, upper = 32. Time so far: 0.170
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 18, upper = 32. Time so far: 0.250
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 19, upper = 32. Time so far: 0.320
   Completed Matrix  4:  lower = 20, upper = 32. Time so far: 0.390
Termination predicted with 7 generators at matrix 4
Enumerating using 5 generators at a time:
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower = 21, upper = 32. Time so far: 0.960
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 22, upper = 32. Time so far: 1.570
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 23, upper = 32. Time so far: 2.160
   Completed Matrix  4:  lower = 24, upper = 32. Time so far: 2.750
Termination predicted at 118 s (1 m 57 s) with 7 generators at matrix 4
Enumerating using 6 generators at a time:
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower = 25, upper = 32. Time so far: 6.680
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 26, upper = 32. Time so far: 10.969
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 27, upper = 32. Time so far: 15.149
   Completed Matrix  4:  lower = 28, upper = 32. Time so far: 19.440
Termination predicted at 114 s (1 m 54 s) with 7 generators at matrix 4
Enumerating using 7 generators at a time:
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower = 29, upper = 32. Time so far: 41.739
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 30, upper = 32. Time so far: 66.239
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 31, upper = 32. Time so far: 90.780
   Completed Matrix  4:  lower = 32, upper = 32. Time so far: 115.510
Final Results: lower = 32, upper = 32, Total time: 115.510

Verbose output can be invaluable in the case of lengthy minimum weight calculations.

The algorithm constructs different (equivalent) generator matrices, each of which has pivots in different column positions of the code, called its information set. The relative rank of a generator matrix is the size of its information set independent of the previously constructed matrices.

When enumerating all generators taken r at a time, once r exceeds the difference between the total rank of a matrix, and its relative rank, the lower bound on the minimum weight will be incremented by 1 for that step.

The upper bound on the minimum weight is determined by the minimum weight of codewords that are enumerated. As soon as these bounds become equal, the computation is complete.

Example CodeAdd_additive-minweight (H166E8)

We illustrate the much greater efficiency of the minimum weight algorithm compared to computing the full weight distribution.
> SetVerbose("Code",true);
> C := RandomAdditiveCode(GF(9),GF(3),39,25);
> MinimumWeight(C);
GF(3)-Additive code over GF(9) of length 39 with 25 generators. Is not cyclic
Lower Bound: 1, Upper Bound: 28
Constructed 4 distinct generator matrices
Total Ranks:     13  13  13  13
Relative Ranks:  13  13  12   1
Starting search for low weight codewords... 0.009
     Discarding non-contributing rank 1 matrix
Enumerating using 1 generator at a time:
     New codeword identified of weight 25, time 0.009
     New codeword identified of weight 23, time 0.009
     New codeword identified of weight 21, time 0.009
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower =  3, upper = 21. Time so far: 0.009
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower =  4, upper = 21. Time so far: 0.009
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower =  5, upper = 21. Time so far: 0.009
Enumerating using 2 generators at a time:
     New codeword identified of weight 20, time 0.009
     New codeword identified of weight 19, time 0.009
     New codeword identified of weight 18, time 0.009
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower =  6, upper = 18. Time so far: 0.009
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower =  7, upper = 18. Time so far: 0.019
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower =  8, upper = 18. Time so far: 0.019
Enumerating using 3 generators at a time:
     New codeword identified of weight 17, time 0.070
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower =  9, upper = 17. Time so far: 0.089
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 10, upper = 17. Time so far: 0.149
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 11, upper = 17. Time so far: 0.210
Enumerating using 4 generators at a time:
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower = 12, upper = 17. Time so far: 1.379
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 13, upper = 17. Time so far: 2.539
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 14, upper = 17. Time so far: 3.719
Termination predicted at 49 s with 5 generators at matrix 3
Enumerating using 5 generators at a time:
   Completed Matrix  1:  lower = 15, upper = 17. Time so far: 19.409
   Completed Matrix  2:  lower = 16, upper = 17. Time so far: 35.019
   Completed Matrix  3:  lower = 17, upper = 17. Time so far: 50.649
Final Results: lower = 17, upper = 17, Total time: 50.649
> time WeightDistribution(C);
[ <0, 1>, <17, 2>, <18, 58>, <19, 496>, <20, 4000>, <21, 29608>, <22, 194760>,
<23, 1146680>, <24, 6126884>, <25, 29400612>, <26, 126624092>, <27, 487889854>,
<28, 1672552654>, <29, 5075315756>, <30, 13534236754>, <31, 31434430104>, <32,
62869109200>, <33, 106686382216>, <34, 150616653852>, <35, 172132748756>, <36,
153007413552>, <37, 99247655566>, <38, 41788710876>, <39, 8571983110> ]
Time: 224142.820

The Weight Distribution

WeightDistribution(C) : CodeAdd -> [ <RngIntElt, RngIntElt> ]
This function determines the weight distribution for the code C. The distribution is returned in the form of a sequence of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains the i-th weight, wi say, and the number of codewords having weight wi.
DualWeightDistribution(C) : CodeAdd -> [ <RngIntElt, RngIntElt> ]
The weight distribution of the code which is dual to the additive code C (see WeightDistribution).

The Weight Enumerator

WeightEnumerator(C): CodeAdd -> RngMPolElt
The (Hamming) weight enumerator WC(x, y) for the additive code C. The weight enumerator is the sum over u in C of (xn - wt(u)ywt(u))
CompleteWeightEnumerator(C): CodeAdd -> RngMPolElt
The complete weight enumerator (W)C(z0, ..., zq - 1) for the additive code C where q is the size of the alphabet E of C. Let the q elements of E be denoted by ω0, ..., ωq - 1. If E is a prime field, we let ωi be i (i.e. take the natural representation of each number). If E is a non-prime field, we let ω0 be the zero element of E and let ωi be αi - 1 for i = 1 ... q - 1 where α is the primitive element of E. Now for a codeword u of C, let si(u) be the number of components of u equal to ωi. The complete weight enumerator is the sum over u in C of ((z0)s0(u) ... (zq - 1)sq - 1(u))
CompleteWeightEnumerator(C, u): Code, ModTupFldElt -> RngMPolElt
The complete weight enumerator (W)C + u(z0, ..., zq - 1) for the coset C + u, where u is an element of the generic vector space for the code C.

The MacWilliams Transform

MacWilliamsTransform(n, k, q, W) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt, [ <RngIntElt, RngIntElt> ] -> [ <RngIntElt, RngIntElt> ]
Let C be a hypothetical [n, k] linear code over a finite field of cardinality q. Let W be the weight distribution of C (in the form as returned by the function WeightDistribution). This function applies the MacWilliams transform to W to obtain the weight distribution W' of the dual code of C. The transform is a combinatorial algorithm based on n, k, q and W alone. Thus C itself need not exist---the function simply works with the sequence of integer pairs supplied by the user. Furthermore, if W is not the weight distribution of an actual code, the result W' will be meaningless and even negative weights may be returned.


The functions in this section only apply to codes over finite fields.

Words(C, w: parameters) : Code, RngIntElt -> { ModTupFldElt }
    Cutoff: RngIntElt                   Default: ∞
    StoreWords: BoolElt                 Default: true
Given a linear code C defined over a finite field, return the set of all words of C having weight w. If Cutoff is set to a non-negative integer c, then the algorithm will terminate after a total of c words have been found. If StoreWords is true then the words generated will be stored internally.
NumberOfWords(C, w) : Code, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Given a linear code C defined over a finite field, return the number of words of C having weight w.
WordsOfBoundedWeight(C, l, u: parameters) : Code, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> { ModTupFldElt }
    Cutoff: RngIntElt                   Default: ∞
    StoreWords: BoolElt                 Default: true
Given a linear code C defined over a finite field, return the set of all words of C having weight between l and u, inclusive. If Cutoff is set to a non-negative integer c, then the algorithm will terminate after a total of c words have been found. If StoreWords is true then any words of a single weight generated will be stored internally.
V2.28, 13 July 2023