Creation Functions


Structure Creation

ClassFunctionSpace(G) : Grp -> AlgChtr
CharacterRing(G) : Grp -> AlgChtr
Given a finite group G, create the ring of complex-valued class functions. This function will trigger the computation of the conjugacy classes of G if these are not yet known. Information about the irreducible characters is stored in the ring when it is computed.
ClassFunctionSpace(Q) : SeqEnum -> AlgChtr
CharacterRing(Q) : SeqEnum -> AlgChtr
Construct the ring of complex-valued class functions for a group that has classes data as given in Q. The sequence Q must be a sequence of pairs <o, n>, each representing one conjugacy class, where o is the order of the elements in the class, and n is the length of the class. The first class must be the class of the group identity element. This is a sequence as returned by the ClassesData intrinsic.

This function allows the creation of a space to work with characters without the attached group.

Element Creation

The elementary constructions for class functions are listed. Other useful ways of defining class functions and characters are defined in sections discussing the permutation character, the (de)composition functions, and the sections on the conjugating, restricting and inducing of class functions.

elt< R | a1, ..., ak :parameters> : AlgChtr, FldCycElt, ..., FldCycElt -> AlgChtrElt
R ! [ a1, ..., ak ] : AlgChtr, SeqEnum -> AlgChtrElt
Given the ring of class functions R of a finite group G with k conjugacy classes and k elements ai contained in some common cyclotomic field, create a class function on G for which the value on the i-th class is equal to the i-th term ai.
     Character: BoolElt                  Default: false
If Character is set to true, then the resulting character is flagged to be a proper character.
R ! a : AlgChtr, RngIntElt -> AlgChtrElt
R ! a : AlgChtr, FldRatElt -> AlgChtrElt
R ! a : AlgChtr, FldCycElt -> AlgChtrElt
Define a constant class function for the ring of class functions R of the group G. Here a is allowed to be an integer, a rational field element or a cyclotomic field element.
Id(R) : AlgChtr -> AlgChtrElt
Identity(R) : AlgChtr -> AlgChtrElt
One(R) : AlgChtr -> AlgChtrElt
PrincipalCharacter(G) : Grp -> AlgChtrElt
Given the finite group G or its ring of class functions R, create the principal character (which takes on the value 1 on every element of G).
Zero(R) : AlgChtr -> AlgChtrElt
Given a ring of class functions R create its zero element (which is the class function that takes on the value 0 on every element of the group).
V2.28, 13 July 2023