Assume that G is a finite group of exponent m with k conjugacy classes of
elements. The operators discussed here are concerned with the ring of class functions on G, defined to be the ring of complex-valued
functions on G that are constant on conjugacy classes. This ring is made
into a C-algebra by identifying c∈C with the constant function that
is c everywhere.
In fact we will restrict ourselves to functions with values that
are elements of cyclotomic fields.
Elements of the ring, that is, objects of type AlgChtrElt,
are represented by the k values (elements of
some cyclotomic field Q(ζn)) on the classes. The numbering of those
elements matches the numbering of the classes as returned by Classes
applied to the underlying group G:
Thus X[i] is the value of the
character X on the i-th class, i.e. Classes(G)[i].
- Creation Functions
- The Table of Irreducible Characters
- Character Ring Operations
- Element Operations
- Arithmetic
- Predicates and Booleans
- Accessing Class Functions
- Conjugation of Class Functions
- Functions Returning a Scalar
- Degree(x) : AlgChtrElt -> RngIntElt
- InnerProduct(x, y) : AlgChtrElt, AlgChtrElt -> FldCycElt
- Order(x) : AlgChtrElt -> RngIntElt
- Norm(x) : AlgChtrElt -> FldCycElt
- Schur(x, k) : AlgChtrElt, RngIntElt -> FldCycElt
- StructureConstant(G, i, j, k) : Grp, RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
- The Schur Index
- Constructions for Characters
- Induction, Restriction and Lifting
- Induction(x, G) : AlgChtrElt, Grp -> AlgChtrElt
- LiftCharacter(c, f, G) : AlgChtrElt, Map, Grp -> AlgChtrElt
- LiftCharacters(T, f, G) : [AlgChtrElt], Map, Grp -> AlgChtrElt
- Restriction(x, H) : AlgChtrElt, Grp -> AlgChtrElt
- SubgroupFusion(G, H) : Grp, Grp -> SeqEnum[RngIntElt]
- Symmetrization
- Permutation Character
- Composition and Decomposition
- Finding Irreducibles
- Brauer Characters
- Structure Creation
- Element Creation
- Arithmetic
- Induction, Restriction and Lifting
- Induction(x, G) : AlgChtrElt, Grp -> AlgChtrElt
- LiftCharacter(c, f, G) : AlgChtrElt, Map, Grp -> AlgChtrElt
- LiftCharacters(T, f, G) : [AlgChtrElt], Map, Grp -> AlgChtrElt
- Restriction(x, H) : AlgChtrElt, Grp -> AlgChtrElt
- Blocks(T, p) : SeqEnum[AlgChtrElt], RngIntElt -> SeqEnum, SeqEnum
- DefectGroup(T, b, p) : SeqEnum[AlgChtrElt], SetEnum[RngIntElt], RngIntElt -> Grp
- DefectGroup(x, p) : AlgChtrElt, RngIntElt -> Grp
- Example Chtr_brauer (H98E9)
- Database of Character Tables
- Bibliography
V2.28, 28 February 2025