Assume that G is a finite group of exponent m with k conjugacy classes of elements. The operators discussed here are concerned with the ring of class functions on G, defined to be the ring of complex-valued functions on G that are constant on conjugacy classes. This ring is made into a C-algebra by identifying c∈C with the constant function that is c everywhere. In fact we will restrict ourselves to functions with values that are elements of cyclotomic fields.

Elements of the ring, that is, objects of type AlgChtrElt, are represented by the k values (elements of some cyclotomic field Q(ζn)) on the classes. The numbering of those elements matches the numbering of the classes as returned by Classes applied to the underlying group G: Thus X[i] is the value of the character X on the i-th class, i.e. Classes(G)[i].

V2.28, 28 February 2025