Creation of a Group

A user can create a GrpPC representation of a finite soluble group in a variety of ways. There are several built-in construction functions for creating standard examples such as cyclic or dihedral groups. For greater flexibility, it is possible to define a group directly from a power-commutator presentation. One can also build new groups out of old groups using standard constructions such as direct product. Finally, there are several conversion functions which will automatically compute a pc-presentation for an existing soluble group in some other category (such as permutation group or matrix group). We will start with the first two styles of construction and describe the remaining two in later sections.

In each case, regardless of how the group was originally defined, Magma will store the group internally as a pc-presentation and will display the pc-presentation whenever the group is printed. Normally when printing a pc-presentation, trivial conjugate relations are omitted. In the case of a p-group, then trivial power relations (those indicating that a generator has order p) are also omitted. The one exception to this policy is in the case of elementary abelian p-groups (which would have no relations displayed under the above policies). In the elementary abelian case, Magma will display the power relations, even though they are trivial.


Construction Functions

The simplest method of producing a pc-presentation for a group is to use one of the built-in construction functions. By specifying the category GrpPC as the first parameter of each function, we produce the desired representation.

It is also possible to obtain a pc-presentation for many small soluble groups by using the function SmallGroup described in Chapter DATABASES OF GROUPS.

CyclicGroup(GrpPC, n) : Cat, RngIntElt -> GrpPC
The cyclic group of order n as a pc-group.
AbelianGroup(GrpPC, Q) : Cat, [RngIntElt] -> GrpPC
Construct the abelian group defined by the sequence Q = [n1, ..., nr] of positive integers as a pc-group. The function returns the abelian group which is the direct product of the cyclic groups Cn1 x Cn2 x ... x Cnr.
DihedralGroup(GrpPC, n) : Cat, RngIntElt -> GrpPC
The dihedral group of order 2 * n as a pc-group.
ExtraSpecialGroup(GrpPC, p, n : parameters) : Cat, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> GrpPC
Given a small prime p and a small positive integer n, construct an extra-special group G of order p2n + 1 in the category GrpPC. The isomorphism type of G may be selected using the parameter Type.
     Type: MonStgElt                     Default: "+"
Possible values for this parameter are "+" (default) and "-".

If Type is set to "+", the function returns, for p = 2, the central product of n copies of the dihedral group of order 8, and for p > 2 it returns the unique extra-special group of order p2n + 1 and exponent p.

If Type is set to "-", the function returns for p = 2 the central product of a quaternion group of order 8 and n - 1 copies of the dihedral group of order 8, and for p > 2 it returns the unique extra-special group of order p2n + 1 and exponent p2.

Example GrpPC_Standard (H69E1)

A pc-representation for the cyclic group C12 can be computed as follows.
> G := CyclicGroup(GrpPC, 12);
We can then check various properties of G.
> Order(G);
> IsAbelian(G);
> IsSimple(G);
If we simply print G, we will see the presentation which Magma has generated for this group.
> G;
GrpPC : G of order 12 = 2^2 * 3
    G.1^2 = G.2,
    G.2^2 = G.3,
    G.3^3 = Id(G)
Or, we could build a slightly different group.
> H := AbelianGroup(GrpPC, [2,2,3]);
> Order(H);
> IsCyclic(H);

Definition by Presentation

While the standard construction functions are convenient, most groups cannot be defined in that way. Complete flexibility in defining a soluble group can be obtained by directly specifying the group's pc-presentation.

One uses a power-conjugate presentation to define a soluble group by means of the PolycyclicGroup constructor, or the quo constructor for finitely presented groups.

PolycyclicGroup< x1, ..., xn | R : parameters > : List(Identifiers), List(GrpFPRel) -> GrpPC, Map
    Check: BoolElt                      Default: true
    ExponentLimit: RngIntElt            Default: 20
    Class: MonStgElt                    Default: 
Construct the soluble group G defined by the power-conjugate presentation < x1, ..., xn | R >.

The construct x1, ..., xn defines names for the generators of G that are local to the constructor, i.e. they are used when writing down the relations to the right of the bar. However, no assignment of values to these variables is made. If the user wants to refer to the generators by these (or other) names, then the generators assignment construct must be used on the left hand side of an assignment statement.

The construct R denotes a list of pc-relations. Thus, an element of R must be one of:

A power relation ajpj = wjj, 1 ≤j ≤n, where wjj is 1 or a word in generators aj + 1, ..., an for j < n, and wjj = 1 for j = n, and pj a prime.
A conjugate relation ajai = wij, 1 ≤i < j ≤n, where wij is a word in the generators ai + 1, ..., an.
A power ajpj, 1 ≤j ≤n and pj a prime, which is treated as the power relation ajpj = Id(F).
A set of (a) -- (c).
A sequence of (a) -- (c).

Note the following points:

A power relation must be present for each generator ai, i = 1, ..., n;
Conjugate relations involving commuting generators (i.e. of the form yx=y) may be omitted;
The words wij must be in normal form.

In addition, one can alternatively specify a power-commutator presentation using commutator relations rather than conjugate relations.

A commutator relation (aj, ai) = wij, 1 ≤i < j ≤n, where wij is a word in the generators ai + 1, ..., an.

However, commutators and conjugates cannot be mixed in a single presentation.

A map f from the free group of rank n to G is returned as well.

The parameters Check and ExponentLimit may be used. Check indicates whether or not the presentation is checked for consistency. Setting Check to false will reduce the overheads incurred in constructing the group, but should only be done when the user is sure the given presentation is consistent.

ExponentLimit determines the amount of space that will be used by the group to speed calculations. Given ExponentLimit := e, the group will precompute and store normal words for appropriate products ai * bj where a and b are generators and i and j are in the range 1 to e.

If the construction of an object in the category GrpPC fails because R is not a valid power-conjugate presentation, an attempt is made to construct a group in the category GrpGPC. This feature can be turned off by setting the parameter Class to "GrpPC"; an invalid power-conjugate presentation then causes a runtime error. Since, by default, the constructor always returns a group in the category GrpPC if possible, this is the only effect of setting the parameter Class to "GrpPC".

quo< GrpPC : F | R : parameters > : GrpFP, List(GrpFPRel) -> GrpPC, Map
    Check: BoolElt                      Default: true
    ExponentLimit: RngIntElt            Default: 20
Given a free group F of rank n with generating set X, and a collection R of pc-relations on X, construct the soluble group G defined by the power-conjugate presentation < X | R >.

The construct R denotes a list of pc-relations. The syntax and semantics for the relations clause is identical to that appearing in the PolycyclicGroup-construct.

This constructor returns a pc-group because the category GrpPC is stated. If no category were stated, it would return an fp-group.

The parameters Check and ExponentLimit may be used as described in the PolycyclicGroup-construct.

The natural homomorphism, F -> G, is also returned.

Example GrpPC_PolycyclicGroup (H69E2)

Consider the group of order 80 defined by the presentation
\  < a, b, c, d, e | a^2 = c, b^2, c^2 = e, d^5, e^2, b^a = b*e, c^a = c, c^b = c,
\       d^a = d^2, d^b = d, d^c = d^4, e^a = e, e^b = e, e^c = e, e^d = e >.
Giving the relations in the form of a list, this presentation would be specified as follows:
> G<a,b,c,d,e> := PolycyclicGroup<a, b, c, d, e |
>              a^2 = c, b^2, c^2 = e, d^5, e^2,
>              b^a = b*e, d^a = d^2, d^c = d^4 >;
Starting from a free group and giving the relations in the form of a set of relations, this presentation would be specified as follows:
> F<a,b,c,d,e> := FreeGroup(5);
> rels := { a^2 = c, b^2 = Id(F), c^2 = e, d^5 = Id(F), e^2 = Id(F),
>      b^a = b*e, d^a = d^2, d^c = d^4 };
> G<a,b,c,d,e> := quo< GrpPC : F | rels >;
Notice that here we have redefined the variables a, ... , e to be the pc-generators in G. Thus, when G is printed, Magma displays the following presentation:
> G;
GrpPC : G of order 80 = 2^4 * 5
    a^2 = c,
    b^2 = Id(G),
    c^2 = e,
    d^5 = Id(G),
    e^2 = Id(G),
    b^a = b * e,
    d^a = d^2,
    d^c = d^4
> Order(G);
> IsAbelian(G);

Possibly Inconsistent Presentations

The PolycyclicGroup and quo constructors accept a parameter Check which enables the user to suppress the automatic consistency checking for input presentations. This is primarily intended to be used when it is certain that the input presentation is consistent, in order to save time. For instance, the presentation may have been generated from some other reliable program, or even from an earlier Magma session. This parameter should be used with care, since all of the Magma functions assume that every GrpPC group is consistent. The user will encounter numerous bizarre results if an attempt is made to compute with an inconsistent presentation.

On occasion, a user may wish to "try out" a series of pc-presentations, some of which may not be consistent. The Check parameter can be used, along with the function IsConsistent, to test a presentation for consistency.

IsConsistent(G) : GrpPC -> BoolElt
Returns true if G has a consistent presentation, false otherwise.

Example GrpPC_IsConsistent (H69E3)

The following example demonstrates generating a family of presentations, and then checking consistency. Of course, it is easy to predict the outcome in this simple example.
> F := FreeGroup(2);
> for p in [n: n in [3..10] | IsPrime(n)] do
>   r := [F.1^3=Id(F), F.2^p=Id(F), F.2^F.1=F.2^2];
>   G := quo<GrpPC: F | r: Check:=false>;
>   if IsConsistent(G) then
>     print "For p=",p," the group is consistent.";
>   else
>     print "For p=",p," the group is inconsistent.";
>   end if;
> end for;
For p= 3  the group is inconsistent.
For p= 5  the group is inconsistent.
For p= 7  the group is consistent.
V2.28, 13 July 2023