Permutation Group Actions



Let G be a group. A G-set is a pair (Y, f), where Y is a set and f : Y x G -> Y is a mapping such that (a) f(f(y, g), h) = f(y, gh), for all g, h ∈G and (b) f(y, 1) = y, for all y ∈Y. The mapping f defines the action of G on the set Y.

If G is defined as a permutation group acting on the set X and Y is another G-set then there is a homomorphism of GX into GY.

We distinguish three types of G-set for a permutation group G. The set on which G is defined will be referred to as the natural G-set and the action of G on X as the natural action of G.

Let A be a set. A derived set of A is defined (recursively) as follows:

A subset of A is a derived set;
A set of k-subsets of A is a derived set;
A set of k-sequences of A is a derived set;
A set of ordered partitions of A is a derived set;
A subset of a cartesian product of derived sets of A is a derived set.

The natural action of G on X induces a natural action on the G-closure Y of any derived set of X. Such a set Y is also a G-set. For example, a subset of X is a G-set for G if and only if it is a union of orbits for G.

Finally, a general G-set is an arbitrary set Y with an action f satisfying the conditions (a) and (b).

The notion of a G-set enables the user to work with several different actions of G. Rather than having to always work with the image of G with respect to an action on a set Y, the user may specify the required operation in terms of G.

Creating a G-Set

GSetFromIndexed(G, Y) : GrpPerm, SetIndx -> GSet
Given a group G and an indexed set Y with the same cardinality as the natural G-set, return a G-set corresponding to the natural bijection between the labelling L (= (Labelling(G))) of G and Y. Explicitly, the bijection is φ: L -> Y: l |-> Y[(Position)(L, l)]. Then the returned G-set is the set Y endowed with the action f: Y x G -> Y: (y, p) |-> φ(p(φ - 1(y))).
GSet(G, X, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet, SetEnum -> GSet
GSet(G, Y) : GrpPerm, Set -> GSet
Return the smallest derived G-set containing Y as a subset under the action of G on X. If X is omitted, then the natural action will be assumed. In practice, the set Y is expanded until for each element y of the expanded Y, the image of y under each generator of G under the action described by X is also in Y. The action of G on Y is then the action induced by the action of G on X.
GSet(G) : GrpPerm -> GSet
Given a permutation group G, return the G-set corresponding to the natural action of G.
GSet(G, Y, f) : GrpPerm, Set, Map -> GSet
Construct the smallest G-set containing Y as a subset with the given action f. The map f must satisfy the requirements of a G-set action. In particular, the domain of f must be a superset of Y x G, the codomain a superset of Y and the two conditions listed at the beginning of this section must be met.
Action(Y) : GSet -> Map
The map giving the action of the group on the G-set Y.
Group(Y) : GSet -> GrpPerm
The group associated with the G-set Y.
Labelling(G) : GrpPerm -> SetIndx
Given a permutation group G of degree n, return an indexed set giving the internal mapping of the natural G-set of G onto the set { 1, ..., n }, where n is the degree of G.
Degree(g, Y) : GrpPermElt, GSet -> RngIntElt
Degree(g) : GrpPermElt -> RngIntElt
Given an element g of a permutation group G and a G-set Y, return the cardinality of the subset of Y consisting of points that are moved by g. If Y is omitted, the natural G-set X is assumed.
Degree(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> RngIntElt
Degree(G) : GrpPerm -> RngIntElt
Given a G-set Y, return the cardinality of Y. If Y is omitted, the natural G-set X is assumed.
Support(g, Y) : GrpPermElt, GSet -> { Elt }
Support(g) : GrpPermElt -> { Elt }
Given an element g of a permutation group G and a G-set Y, return the subset of Y consisting of points that are moved by g. If Y is omitted, the natural G-set X is assumed.
Support(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> { Elt }
Support(G) : GrpPerm -> { Elt }
Given a permutation group G and a G-set Y, return the subset of Y consisting of points that are moved by at least one element of G. If Y is omitted the natural G-set for G is assumed.

Example GrpPerm_GSets (H64E24)

We construct a G-set with a user defined action. Our example will take a group G and a normal subgroup N of index 4. The G-set will be the irreducible characters of N, with the usual G action obtained from permuting the elements of N by conjugation. As this is not a derived set we will define the action via a map.
> G := PGammaL(2, 9);
> N := PSL(2, 9);
> CT := CharacterTable(N);
> X := SequenceToSet(CT);
> XxG := CartesianProduct(X, G);
> f := map< XxG -> X | x :-> x[1]^x[2] >;
> Y := GSet(G, X, f);

This defines our G-set Y. The inertia group of a character is its stabilizer in this action. Let us compute an inertia group.

> chi := CT[2];
> I := Stabilizer(G, Y, chi);
> Index(G, I);
> [#o : o in Orbits(G, Y)];
[ 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 ]

We find that two of the characters have inertia groups of index 2 in G, while three are G-invariant.

Images, Orbits and Stabilizers

x ^ g : Elt, GrpPermElt -> Elt
Given a permutation group G with natural G-set X and an object x which is an element of some derived G-set of X, find the image of x under G.
Image(g, Y, y) : GrpPermElt, GSet, Elt -> Elt
Image(g, y) : GrpPermElt, Elt -> Elt
Given a permutation g belonging to a group G, a G-set Y, and an element y of Y, find the image of y under g. If y is an element of some derived G-set of G, the set Y may be omitted.
Fix(g, Y): GrpPermElt, GSet -> { Elt }
Fix(g): GrpPermElt -> { Elt }
Given a permutation g belonging to a group G and a G-set Y, construct the fixed-point set of g in its action on Y. In the case in which Y is the natural G-set, Y may be omitted. The fixed-point set is returned as a subset of points of Y.
Fix(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> { Elt }
Fix(G) : GrpPerm -> { Elt }
The fixed-point set of the permutation group G in its action on the G-set Y (or the natural G-set for G if Y is omitted).
x ^ G : Elt, GrpPerm -> GSet
Given a permutation group G with natural G-set X and an element x belonging to some derived G-set of X, construct the orbit of x under G. The orbit is returned as a G-set.
Cycle(e, x) : GrpPermElt, Elt -> SetIndx
Let e be an element of a permutation group defined as acting on a set containing x. Returns the set of images of x under repeated application of e as an indexed set with x the first element. This gives the cycle containing x in the disjoint cycle representation of e.
CycleDecomposition(e) : GrpPermElt -> SeqEnum[SetIndx]
Let e be an element of a permutation group defined as acting on a set X. Returns a sequence of indexed sets partitioning X, each of which is a cycle of e. This gives the full disjoint cycle representation of e.
Orbit(G, Y, y) : GrpPerm, GSet, Elt -> GSet
Orbit(G, y) : GrpPerm, Elt -> GSet
Given a permutation group G, a G-set Y, and an element y belonging to Y, construct the orbit of y under G. The orbit is returned as a G-set. If y is an element of some derived G-set of G, the set Y may be omitted.
Orbits(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> [ GSet ]
Orbits(G) : GrpPerm -> [ GSet ]
Given a permutation group G and a G-set Y, construct the orbits of G on Y. If the set Y is omitted, the orbits of G on its natural G-set are constructed. The orbits are returned as a sequence of G-sets.
OrbitRepresentatives(G) : GrpPerm -> SeqEnum
Given a permutation group G, construct the orbits of G on its natural G-set. The orbit descriptions are returned as a sequence of tuples < l, r > giving the length l and a representative r of each orbit of G on its support.

This function stores only the orbit representatives and so is more space-efficient than Orbits. However, it should be used only if the user wants to determine just the orbit representatives; queries about the orbits containing other elements of the support will cause further computation.

OrbitClosure(G, Y, S) : GrpPerm, GSet, { Elt } -> GSet
OrbitClosure(G, S) : GrpPerm, { Elt } -> GSet
Given a subset S of the G-set Y, construct the smallest G-invariant subset of Y that contains S. If Y is the natural G-set for G it may be omitted.
IsConjugate(G, Y, y, z) : GrpPerm, GSet, Elt, Elt -> BoolElt, GrpPermElt
IsConjugate(G, y, z) : GrpPerm, Elt, Elt -> BoolElt, GrpPermElt
Given elements y and z belonging either to a G-set Y or to a (restricted) derived set of Y, return the value true if there exists an element g ∈G such that yg = z. Otherwise, return false. If such an element exists, then it is returned as the second value of the function. If y and z belong to the natural G-set, then Y may be omitted. Currently, y and z are restricted to being elements, sets of elements, multisets of elements, sequences of elements, ordered partitions, or unordered partitions of Y.
Stabilizer(G, Y, y) : GrpPerm, GSet, Elt -> GrpPerm
Stabiliser(G, Y, y) : GrpPerm, GSet, Elt -> GrpPerm
Stabilizer(G, y) : GrpPerm, Elt -> GrpPerm
Stabiliser(G, y) : GrpPerm, Elt -> GrpPerm
Given a permutation group G and a G-set Y, and an object y which is either an element, a sequence of elements, a set of elements, an ordered or unordered partition, or a tuple over the G-set Y, find the stabilizer of y in G. The stabilizer is returned as a subgroup of G. If Y is the natural G-set, it may be omitted.
IsPrimitive(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> BoolElt
IsPrimitive(G) : GrpPerm -> BoolElt
Returns true if G acts primitively on the G-set Y. If Y is the natural G-set, the set Y may be omitted.
IsTransitive(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> BoolElt
IsTransitive(G) : GrpPerm -> BoolElt
Returns true if G acts transitively on the G-set Y. If Y is the natural G-set, the set Y may be omitted.
IsTransitive(G, Y, k) : GrpPerm, GSet, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
IsTransitive(G, k) : GrpPerm, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
Returns true if G acts k-transitively on the G-set Y. If Y is the natural G-set, the set Y may be omitted.
IsSharplyTransitive(G, Y, k) : GrpPerm, GSet, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
IsSharplyTransitive(G, k) : GrpPerm, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
Returns true if G acts sharply k-transitively on the G-set Y. If Y is the natural G-set, the set Y may be omitted.
Transitivity(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> RngIntElt
Transitivity(G) : GrpPerm -> RngIntElt
The degree of transitivity of G acting on the G-set Y. The set Y may be omitted if it is the same as the natural G-set.
IsRegular(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> BoolElt
IsRegular(G) : GrpPerm -> BoolElt
Returns true if G acts regularly on the G-set Y. If Y is the natural G-set, the set Y may be omitted. The algorithm used is that of Sims, see [CB92].
IsSemiregular(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> BoolElt
IsSemiregular(G) : GrpPerm -> BoolElt
Returns true if G acts semiregularly on the G-set Y. If Y is the natural G-set, the set Y may be omitted. The algorithm used is a variation of Sims' regularity test, see [CB92].
IsSemiregular(G, Y, S) : GrpPerm, GSet, SetEnum -> BoolElt
IsSemiregular(G, S) : GrpPerm, SetEnum -> BoolElt
Given a permutation group G, a G-set Y for G, and a union of orbits S for G in its action on Y, return true if G acts semiregularly on S. If Y is the natural G-set, then Y may be omitted.
IsFrobenius(G) : GrpPerm -> BoolElt
Returns true if the permutation group G is a Frobenius group with respect to its natural action, false otherwise. (A group G defined as acting on X is Frobenius if it acts transitively but non-regularly on X and if the pointwise stabilizer of any two distinct points of X is the trivial group.)

Example GrpPerm_Stabilizers (H64E25)

We apply some of these functions to the Mathieu group M24, taking as generators the following three permutations:
> M24 := sub< Sym(24) |
>  (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,24),
>  (2,16,9,6,8)(3,12,13,18,4)(7,17,10,11,22)(14,19,21,20,15),
>  (1,22)(2,11)(3,15)(4,17)(5,9)(6,19)(7,13)(8,20)(10,16)(12,21)(14,18)(23,24)>;
> M24;
Permutation group M24 acting on a set of cardinality 24
    (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
       21, 22, 24)
    (2, 16, 9, 6, 8)(3, 12, 13, 18, 4)(7, 17, 10, 11, 22)(14, 19, 21, 20, 15)
    (1, 22)(2, 11)(3, 15)(4, 17)(5, 9)(6, 19)(7, 13)(8, 20)(10, 16)(12, 21)
       (14, 18)(23, 24)

Choosing a random element x of M24, we use it to compute some images.

> x := Random(M24);
> 1^x;
> [1,2,3,4]^x;
[ 7, 9, 8, 17 ]
> { 1,2,3,4 }^x;
{ 17, 7, 8, 9 }

We find the stabilizer of the point 1, which is the group M23.

> S1 := Stabilizer(M24, 1);
> S1;
Permutation group S1 acting on a set of cardinality 24
Order = 10200960 = 2^7 * 3^2 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 23
    (2, 16, 9, 6, 8)(3, 12, 13, 18, 4)(7, 17, 10, 11, 22)(14, 19, 21, 20, 15)
    (7, 17, 22)(8, 11, 13)(9, 14, 12)(10, 20, 19)(15, 23, 18)(16, 21, 24)
    (3, 6, 18)(5, 16, 14)(7, 21, 22)(8, 19, 17)(9, 20, 24)(11, 12, 13)
    (6, 18, 15)(7, 19, 16)(8, 13, 11)(9, 10, 22)(12, 21, 20)(14, 17, 24)
    (4, 12, 6, 19)(5, 22, 24, 8)(7, 17, 20, 14)(9, 15, 13, 18)(10, 21)(11, 16)
    (6, 22, 7)(8, 13, 11)(9, 20, 16)(10, 18, 21)(12, 15, 19)(14, 24, 23)
    (5, 12, 21)(6, 15, 18)(7, 22, 8)(9, 16, 17)(10, 14, 13)(11, 24, 19)

We next compute the stabilizer of the sequence [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

> SQ := Stabilizer(M24, [1,2,3,4,5]);
> SQ;
Permutation group SQ acting on a set of cardinality 24
Order = 48 = 2^4 * 3
    (6, 18, 15)(7, 19, 16)(8, 13, 11)(9, 10, 22)(12, 21, 20)(14, 17, 24)
    (7, 17, 22)(8, 11, 13)(9, 14, 12)(10, 20, 19)(15, 23, 18)(16, 21, 24)
    (6, 22, 7)(8, 13, 11)(9, 20, 16)(10, 18, 21)(12, 15, 19)(14, 24, 23)
> Orbits(SQ);
    GSet{ at 1 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 2 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 3 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 4 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 5 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 6,18, 22, 15, 21, 9, 7, 23, 19, 20, 24, 10,
    14, 17, 16 12 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 8, 13, 11 atbrace

The five fixed points together with the orbit of length 3 form a block of a 5 - (24, 8, 1) design. By computing the orbit of this block under M24, we obtain all the blocks of the design.

> B := { 1,2,3,4,5,8,11,13 };
> D := B^M24;
> #D;

Finally, we check that the set stabilizer of the block { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13 } has index 759 in M24.

> Index(M24, Stabilizer(M24, { 1,2,3,4,5,8,11,13 }));

Action on a G-Space

Action(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> Hom(Grp), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
Given a permutation group G defined to be acting on X and a set Y, construct the homomorphism φ: G -> L, where the permutation group L gives the action of G on the set Y. The function returns:
The natural homomorphism φ: G -> L;
The induced group L;
The kernel of the action (a subgroup of G).
ActionImage(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> GrpPerm
Given a permutation group G defined to be acting on X and a set Y, construct the permutation group L giving the action of G on the set Y.
ActionKernel(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> GrpPerm
Construct the kernel of the homomorphism φ : G -> L, where the permutation group L gives the action of G on the G-set Y.
IsFaithful(G, Y) : GrpPerm, GSet -> BoolElt
Returns true if the action of G on the G-set Y is faithful.

Example GrpPerm_Actions (H64E26)

We take the group PSL(3, 4) acting on projective points and construct its representation on flags (point-line pairs). In order to construct the flags, we need to find a line. If H is the stabilizer of a point α in PSL(3, 4) in its action on projective points, then a line consists of α together with the points in any non-trivial orbit of O2(G).
> G := ProjectiveSpecialLinearGroup(3, 4);
> O2 := pCore( Stabilizer(G, 1), 2 );
> O2;
Permutation group O2 acting on a set of cardinality 21
Order = 16 = 2^4
       (3, 4)(5, 7)(9, 16)(10, 17)(11, 15)(13, 18)(14, 19)(20, 21)
       (3, 20)(4, 21)(5, 15)(7, 11)(9, 10)(13, 19)(14, 18)(16, 17)
       (2, 8)(5, 15)(6, 12)(7, 11)(9, 17)(10, 16)(13, 18)(14, 19)
       (2, 12)(5, 11)(6, 8)(7, 15)(9, 16)(10, 17)(13, 19)(14, 18)
> flag := < 1, Orbit(O2, 2) >;
> flag;
<1, GSet{ at 2, 6, 8, 12 atbrace>
> flags := GSet(G, Orbit(G, flag));
> #flags;
> GOnFlags := ActionImage(G, flags);
> GOnFlags;
Permutation group GOnFlags acting on a set of
cardinality 105
Order = 20160 = 2^6 * 3^2 * 5 * 7
> Stabilizer(GOnFlags, Rep(flags));
Permutation group acting on a set of cardinality 105
Order = 192 = 2^6 * 3

Action on Orbits

The operations described here are concerned with the class of G-sets consisting of G-invariant subsets of the natural G-set. Because of the special nature of such G-sets, more efficient algorithms are available for computing with homomorphisms of G induced by the action of G on such a G-set. See Butler [But85] for more details.

OrbitAction(G, T) : GrpPerm, GSet -> Hom(Grp), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
The homomorphism f : G -> L induced by the action of G on the G-invariant subset T of X (a union of orbits).
OrbitImage(G, T) : GrpPerm, GSet -> GrpPerm
The group L defined by the action of G on the G-invariant subset T of X (a union of orbits).
OrbitKernel(G, T) : GrpPerm, GSet -> GrpPerm
The kernel of the homomorphism f : G -> L, where the group L gives the action of G on the G-invariant subset T of X (a union of orbits).
IsOrbit(G, S) : GrpPerm, { Elt } -> BoolElt
Returns true if the subset S of Support(G) is invariant under G.

Example GrpPerm_OrbitActions (H64E27)

We study an intransitive group of degree 36 generated by the permutations
(3, 17, 26)(4, 16, 25)(5, 18, 27)(8, 15, 24),
(1, 32, 10)(2, 31, 11)(3, 35, 12)(6, 30, 15),
(12, 33, 24)(13, 29, 20)(14, 28, 19)(17, 30, 21),
(6, 26, 33)(7, 22, 34)(8, 21, 35)(9, 23, 36).
> G := PermutationGroup< 36 | (3, 17, 26)(4, 16, 25)(5, 18, 27)(8, 15, 24),
>                             (1, 32, 10)(2, 31, 11)(3, 35, 12)(6, 30, 15),
>                             (12, 33, 24)(13, 29, 20)(14, 28, 19)(17, 30, 21),
>                             (6, 26, 33)(7, 22, 34)(8, 21, 35)(9, 23, 36) >;
> IsTransitive(G);
> Orbit(G, 1);
GSet{ at 1, 32, 10 atbrace
> O := Orbits(G);
> O;
    GSet{ at 1, 32, 10 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 2, 31, 11 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 4, 16, 25 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 5, 18, 27 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 7, 22, 34 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 9, 23, 36 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 13, 29, 20 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 14, 28, 19 atbrace
    GSet{ at 3, 17, 35, 26, 30, 12, 8, 33, 15, 21, 24, 6 atbrace,
> Order(G);

We see that the group is intransitive having eight orbits of size 3 and one orbit of size 12. We consider the action of G on the orbit of size 12.

> f := OrbitAction(G, O[9]);
> f;
Mapping from: GrpPerm: G to GrpPerm: $
> Im := Image(f);
> Im;
Permutation group acting on a set of cardinality 12
Order = 11520 = 2^8 * 3^2 * 5
    (1, 6, 9)(3, 5, 8)
    (4, 11, 8)(6, 10, 7)
    (6, 8)(7, 11)
    (2, 8, 10)(4, 12, 6)
    (3, 10, 8)(4, 6, 9)
> Ker := Kernel(f);
> Ker;
Permutation group acting on a set of cardinality 36
Order = 81 = 3^4
    (4, 16, 25)(5, 18, 27)
    (7, 22, 34)(9, 23, 36)
    (13, 29, 20)(14, 28, 19)
    (1, 32, 10)(2, 31, 11)(4, 25, 16)(5, 27, 18)
> IsElementaryAbelian(Ker);

Thus G has an elementary abelian normal subgroup of order 81 which is the kernel of the restriction of G to the orbit of size 12.

Action on a G-invariant Partition

This section describes the functions supplied by Magma for computing with block systems for a permutation group.

IsBlock(G, S) : GrpPerm, { Elt } -> BoolElt
Given a transitive permutation group G with natural G-set X, and a subset S of X, return true if S is a block for G in its action on X.
IsPrimitive(G) : GrpPerm -> BoolElt
Returns true if the transitive permutation group G is primitive.
MaximalPartition(G) : GrpPerm -> GSet
Construct a G-invariant partition P for the transitive permutation group G with natural G-set X. The partition P is maximal in the sense that there is no G-invariant partition P' of X such that some block of P' properly contains a block of the partition P. The block system is returned as a partition of X. If G is primitive, the partition with one block is returned.
MinimalPartition(G: parameters) : GrpPerm -> GSet
Construct a non-trivial G-invariant partition P of the natural G-set X of the transitive permutation group G. The partition P is minimal in the sense that there is no G-invariant partition P' of X such that some block of P' is properly contained in some block of the partition P. The block system is returned as a partition of X. If G is primitive, or if no partition satisfying the side-condition (see below) is found, then the empty set is returned. The algorithm used is based on Schönert & Seress [SS94].
     Block = S: { Elt }                  Default: []
If S is non-empty, then the partition P must possess a block B such that S is a subset of B. In this case the algorithm used is that of Atkinson, [Atk75].
MinimalPartitions(G: parameters) : GrpPerm -> [ GSet ]
Construct all non-trivial minimal G-invariant partitions of the natural G-set X of the transitive permutation group G. A partition P is minimal in the sense that there is no G-invariant partition P' of X such that some block of P' is properly contained in some block of the partition P.

The minimal block systems are returned as a sequence of sets of sets. If G is primitive, the function returns the empty sequence.

The algorithm used is based on Schönert & Seress [SS94].

     Limit = n: RngIntElt                Default: ∞
The function will return after creating at most n block systems. This option is useful in situations where, say, two distinct minimal blocks systems are required for a reduction algorithm.
MinimalBlocks(G: parameters) : GrpPerm -> [ SetEnum ]
A variant of texttt{MinimalPartitions} where a sequence of non-trivial blocks, one from each minimal partition, is returned.
AllPartitions(G) : GrpPerm -> SetEnum
Construct all non-trivial G-invariant partitions of the natural G-set X of the transitive permutation group G. The structure returned is a set containing one block from each such partition. The block chosen is the block containing the first element of Labelling(G).
BlocksAction(G, P) : GrpPerm, Any -> Hom(GrpPerm), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
BlocksAction(G, P) : GrpPerm, GSet -> Hom(GrpPerm), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
BlocksAction(G, P) : GrpPerm, SeqEnum -> Hom(GrpPerm), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
BlocksAction(G, P) : GrpPerm, SetIndx -> Hom(GrpPerm), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
BlocksAction(G, P) : GrpPerm, SetEnum -> Hom(GrpPerm), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
Given a transitive permutation group G with natural G-set X and a G-invariant partition P of X, construct the group L induced by the action of G on the blocks of P. In the second form, P is specified by giving a single block of the partition. The function returns
The natural homomorphism f: G -> L;
The induced group;
The kernel of the action (a subgroup of G).

The relationship between the supports of G and L is given by the returned mapping, which may also be used as a map from Labelling(G) to Labelling(L). In the forward direction this takes each element in the support of G to its block number in the support of L, while in the reverse direction this takes a block number to a representative of the block.

BlocksImage(G, P) : GrpPerm, Any -> GrpPerm
BlocksImage(G, P) : GrpPerm, GSet -> GrpPerm
BlocksImage(G, P) : GrpPerm, SetIndx -> GrpPerm
BlocksImage(G, P) : GrpPerm, SeqEnum -> GrpPerm
BlocksImage(G, P) : GrpPerm, SetEnum -> GrpPerm
Given a transitive permutation group G with natural G-set X and a G-invariant partition P of X, construct the group induced by the action of G on the blocks of P. In the second form, P is specified by giving a single block of the partition.
BlocksKernel(G, P) : GrpPerm, Any -> GrpPerm
BlocksKernel(G, P) : GrpPerm, GSet -> GrpPerm
BlocksKernel(G, P) : GrpPerm, SetIndx -> GrpPerm
BlocksKernel(G, P) : GrpPerm, SeqEnum -> GrpPerm
BlocksKernel(G, P) : GrpPerm, SetEnum -> GrpPerm
Given a transitive permutation group G with natural G-set X and a G-invariant partition P of X, construct the kernel of the action of G on the blocks of P. In the second form, P is specified by giving a single block of the partition.

Example GrpPerm_BlocksActions (H64E28)

An imprimitive group of degree 100 constructed by Capel has several different block systems.
> G := sub< Sym(100) |
>   (1,21,41,61,81)(2,82,62,42,22)(3,23,43,63,83)(4,84,64,44,24)
>     (5,25,45,65,85)(6,86,66,46,26)(7,27,47,67,87)(8,88,68,48,28)
>     (9,29,49,69,89)(10,90,70,50,30)(11,31,51,71,91)(12,92,72,52,32)
>     (13,33,53,73,93)(14,94,74,54,34)(15,35,55,75,95)(16,96,76,56,36)
>     (17,37,57,77,97)(18,98,78,58,38)(19,39,59,79,99)(20,100,80,60,40),
>   (1,4,6,7,10)(2,3,5,8,9)(11,19,17,15,14)(12,20,18,16,13)(21,24,26,27,30)
>      (22,23,25,28,29)(31,39,37,35,34)(32,40,38,36,33)(41,44,46,47,50)
>      (42,43,45,48,49)(51,59,57,55,54)(52,60,58,56,53)(61,64,66,67,70)
>      (62,63,65,68,69)(71,79,77,75,74)(72,80,78,76,73)(81,84,86,87,90)
>      (82,83,85,88,89)(91,99,97,95,94)(92,100,98,96,93),
>   (1,11,2,12)(3,13,4,14)(5,16,6,15)(7,17,8,18)(9,20,10,19)(21,31,22,32)
>      (23,33,24,34)(25,36,26,35)(27,37,28,38)(29,40,30,39)(41,51,42,52)
>      (43,53,44,54)(45,56,46,55)(47,57,48,58)(49,60,50,59)(61,71,62,72)
>      (63,73,64,74)(65,76,66,75)(67,77,68,78)(69,80,70,79)(81,91,82,92)
>      (83,93,84,94)(85,96,86,95)(87,97,88,98)(89,100,90,99) >;
> MaxPart := MaximalPartition(G);
> #MaxPart;
> MaxPart;
GSet{ at
    { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
    36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 71,
    72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
    98, 99, 100 },
    { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
    29, 30, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 61, 62, 63, 64,
    65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 }
> MinPart := MinimalPartition(G);
> #MinPart;

We see that the group has a (maximal) system of imprimitivity consisting of 2 blocks of size 50 and a (minimal) system of imprimitivity consisting of 50 blocks of size 2.

> Parts := MinimalPartitions(G);
> [ #p : p in Parts ];
[ 50, 50, 50, 50, 20, 50 ]

Thus the group has six distinct minimal G-invariant partitions. Of these five have 50 blocks of size two while the remaining one has 20 blocks of size 5. We examine the action of G on one of the partitions into 50 blocks of size 2.

> f, Im, Ker := BlocksAction(G, Parts[1]);
> f;
Mapping from: GrpPerm: G to GrpPerm: Im
> Im;
Permutation group Im acting on a set of cardinality 50
Order = 7812500 = 2^2 * 5^9
    (1, 11, 31, 32, 12)(2, 13, 33, 34, 14)(3, 15, 35, 36, 16)
         (4, 17, 37, 38, 18) (5, 19, 39, 40, 20)(6, 21, 41, 42, 22)
         (7, 23, 43, 44, 24)(8, 25, 45, 46, 26)(9, 27, 47, 48, 28)
         (10, 29, 49, 50, 30)
    (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)(6, 10, 9, 8, 7)(11, 14, 16, 17, 20)(12, 13, 15, 18, 19)
         (21, 29, 27, 25, 24)(22, 30, 28, 26, 23)(31, 34, 36, 37, 40)
         (32, 33, 35, 38, 39)(41, 49, 47, 45, 44)(42, 50, 48, 46, 43)
    (1, 6)(2, 7)(3, 8)(4, 9)(5, 10)(11, 21, 12, 22)(13, 23, 14, 24)
        (15, 26, 16, 25)(17, 27, 18, 28)(19, 30, 20, 29)(31, 41, 32, 42)
        (33, 43, 34, 44)(35, 46, 36, 45)(37, 47, 38, 48)(39, 50, 40, 49)
> Ker;
Permutation group Ker acting on a set of cardinality 100
Order = 1

Thus, G acts faithfully on this block system.

Example GrpPerm_BlocksActions-2 (H64E29)

When analyzing a permutation group, it is sometimes necessary to reduce it to its primitive components. This can be done by using the constituent homomorphism and blocks homomorphism functions. We illustrate their use by analyzing the group of Rubik's cube, represented as a permutation group on 48 letters:
> G := sub<Sym(48) |
>     (1,3,8,6)(2,5,7,4)(9,48,15,12)(10,47,16,13)(11,46,17,14),
>     (6,15,35,26)(7,22,34,19)(8,30,33,11)(12,14,29,27)(13,21,28,20),
>     (1,12,33,41)(4,20,36,44)(6,27,38,46)(9,11,26,24)(10,19,25,18),
>     (1,24,40,17)(2,18,39,23)(3,9,38,32)(41,43,48,46)(42,45,47,44),
>     (3,43,35,14)(5,45,37,21)(8,48,40,29)(15,17,32,30)(16,23,31,22),
>     (24,27,30,43)(25,28,31,42)(26,29,32,41)(33,35,40,38)(34,37,39,36) >;
> O1 := Orbits(G);
> O1;
    GSet{ at 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 24, 26, 27, 29,
     30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 46, 48 atbrace,
    GSet{ at 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28,
     31, 34, 36, 37, 39, 42, 44, 45, 47 atbrace

Thus, G has two orbits, each of size 24. We consider the restriction of the action of G to the first of these orbits.

> f1, Im1, Ker1 := OrbitAction(G, O1[1]);
> FactoredOrder(Im1);
[ <2, 7>, <3, 9>, <5, 1>, <7, 1> ]
> IsPrimitive(Im1);
> P1 := MinimalPartition(Im1);
> #P1;
> f2, Im2, Ker2 := BlocksAction(Im1, P1);
> FactoredOrder(Im2);
[ <2, 7>, <3, 2>, <5, 1>, <7, 1> ]
> IsPrimitive(Im2);
> IsSymmetric(Im2);
> FactoredOrder(Ker2);
[ <3, 7> ]
> IsElementaryAbelian(Ker2);

Hence the group obtained by restricting G to its first orbit is isomorphic to Sym(8) acting on an elementary abelian normal subgroup of order 37. We next investigate the kernel Ker1 of the restriction of G to the first orbit of length 24. We know that Ker1 must fix all the points in the first orbit of G so we first take its restriction to the second orbit.

> f3, Im3, Ker3 := OrbitAction(Ker1, O1[2]);
> IsTransitive(Im3);
> FactoredOrder(Im3);
[ <2, 20>, <3, 5>, <5, 2>, <7, 1>, <11, 1> ]
> FactoredOrder(Ker3);
> IsPrimitive(Im3);

The kernel acts transitively and faithfully on the second orbit. As it is imprimitive, we look at its action on a system of imprimitivity.

> P := MinimalPartition(Im3);
> f4, Im4, Ker4 := BlocksAction(Im3, P);
> Im4;
Permutation group Im4 acting on a set of cardinality 12
Order = 239500800 = 2^9 * 3^5 * 5^2 * 7 * 11
    (10, 12, 11)
    (9, 12, 11)
    (8, 12, 9)
    (7, 9)(8, 12)
    (6, 9, 10)
    (5, 6, 9)
    (4, 6, 9)
    (3, 6, 9)
    (2, 6, 9, 5)(4, 10)
    (1, 9, 6, 5)(4, 10)
> IsPrimitive(Im4);
> IsAlternating(Im4);
> FactoredOrder(Ker4);
[ <2, 11> ]
> IsElementaryAbelian(Ker4);

The kernel of the restriction of G to the first orbit is isomorphic to Alt(12) acting on an elementary abelian group of order 211. So we now know the composition factors of G together with an indication of how they fit together.

Action on a Coset Space

CosetAction(G, H: parameters) : Grp, Grp -> Hom(Grp), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
RegularRepresentation(G, H: parameters) : Grp, Grp -> Hom(Grp), GrpPerm, GrpPerm
Given a subgroup H of the group G, construct the permutation representation of G given by the action of G on the set of (right) cosets of H in G. The function returns:
The natural homomorphism f: G -> L;
The induced group L;
The kernel K of the action (a subgroup of G).

Note that G may be any type of group. If G is a finitely presented group, then K may be returned undefined.

     Al: MonStgElt                       Default: em "Default"
Al := "Wang": Construct the coset action using Wang da Fang's algorithm which builds the action up the stabilizer chains of G and H, using a sequence of induction and block image operations. This algorithm is particularly efficient when H has fixed points that are not fixed points of G, and is the default choice when H is trivial.

Al := "Canonical": Compute the cosets using an orbit algorithm, which describes each coset found by computing a canonical element of that coset. The canonical element is one with the minimal base image in the group G. The algorithm is due to Richardson, [Ric73].

Al := "Default": Choose one of the above to use.

CosetImage(G, H: parameters) : Grp, Grp -> GrpPerm
Given a subgroup H of the group G, construct the image L of G given by the action of G on the set of (right) cosets of H in G. L is returned as a permutation group. Possible parameters are as for the previous function.
CosetKernel(G, H) : Grp, Grp -> Grp
Given a subgroup H of the group G, construct the kernel of the action of G on the set of (right) cosets of H in G.

Reduced Permutation Actions

If a permutation group is intransitive or imprimitive, then orbit actions and blocks actions provide natural permutation representations of lower degree.

TransitiveQuotient(G) : GrpPerm -> GrpPerm, Hom, GrpPerm
Returns the transitive constituent of G acting on its longest orbit, together with the action homomorphism and the kernel of the action. If G is transitive then the return values are G, the identity map on G, and the trivial subgroup of G.
PrimitiveQuotient(G) : GrpPerm -> GrpPerm, Hom, GrpPerm
For a transitive group G, returns the blocks image of G acting on a maximal block system, together with the action homomorphism and the kernel of the action. If G is primitive then the return values are G, the identity map on G, and the trivial subgroup of G.
DegreeReduction(G) : GrpPerm -> GrpPerm, Hom
Use a combination of orbit images and blocks images to attempt to find a faithful permutation representation of G with lower degree than G. The second return value is the isomorphism from G to the representation found. If no lower degree faithful representation is found then G and the identity map on G is returned.

The Jellyfish Algorithm

The Jellyfish reduction algorithm was introduced in [LNPS06]. See this article for an explanation of the name "Jellyfish". It attempts to find faithful low degree permutation representations for a family of large-base primitive permutation groups. We now define the target family as given in [LNPS06]. Consider the group W = Sn wreath Sr, as a permutation group in its primitive action on the set of r-tuples of k-subsets of the chosen n-set (see PrimitiveWreathProduct). Let M be the socle of W, M = Anr. Let G be any subgroup of W, with M≤G, such that the conjugation action of G on the r copies of An in M is transitive. A group T is in the target family of the algorithm if T is permutation isomorphic to some such G, having n > 2rk2, and rk > 1. The degree of such a T is (n choose k)r, and any such T is primitive. The image sought by the algorithm has degree nk. The utility of the algorithm is that any primitive group not in the target family is either alternating, symmetric, or has a short base.

The algorithm is one-sided Monte-Carlo in that, if it reports success, then it has found a faithful representation of the group. There is a small probability that the algorithm will find no faithful representation, even when the group given is in the target family.

Note that the Jellyfish algorithm implemented in Magma may succeed even when the input group is not in the target family. In all cases, success of the algorithm guarantees a faithful representation of the group.

The Magma implementation offers functions for testing the group for applicability of the Jellyfish algorithm. If successful, this test constructs data structures as in the cited article for quick evaluation of the homomorphism to the low-degree representation found and stores these with the group. There are also functions to compute the image and preimage of elements under the representation map. The preimage function is an addition to the algorithms given in [LNPS06], using an extension of their data structure. The preimage algorithm is nearly linear in the degree of the large degree primitive group.

JellyfishConstruction(G: parameters) : GrpPerm -> BoolElt
    Limit: RngIntElt                    Default: 
Attempt to construct a set of jellyfish for G. If unsuccessful, return false. Otherwise, construct data structures corresponding to T1 and T5 of [LNPS06], attach them to G, and return true. The parameter Limit controls how many attempts are made to find the orbits of the point stabilizer of G, which is the initial step in constructing a jellyfish. This construction phase terminates after a sequence of Limit random elements of G fails to change the orbits found. If the orbits found so far are not the orbits of a point stabilizer in G, the algorithm may fail. The same limit is used in the next phase, constructing the first jellyfish. The current default is the maximum of 15 and 2⌊log2 d⌋, where d is the degree of G.
JellyfishImage(G) : GrpPerm -> GrpPerm
If the JellyfishConstruction function applied to G has returned true, return the faithful image of G found by the jellyfish algorithm. Otherwise an error results. If the JellyfishConstruction has not yet been applied to G, then it is applied first with default parameters. A failure here results in an error.
JellyfishImage(G, x: parameters) : GrpPerm, GrpPermElt -> GrpPermElt
JellyfishImage(G, H: parameters) : GrpPerm, GrpPerm -> GrpPermElt
    KnownInGroup: BoolElt               Default: false
If the JellyfishConstruction function applied to G has returned true, return the image of x as a permutation of the jellyfish, or the image of H as a permutation group acting on the jellyfish. The function will attempt this for any x in the same symmetric group as G and any subgroup of this symmetric group. The algorithm may fail when x∉G or H is not a subgroup of G, in which cases an error results. It is possible for this map to succeed when x is not in G or H is not a subset of G. In recognition of this, the parent of the result will be a symmetric group. This can be varied by setting the texttt{KnownInGroup} parameter to be true, which should only be done when it is known that x∈G or H≤G, which will dispense with checking the validity of the operation, and give an element (or group) that is flagged as contained in the jellyfish image of G. If the JellyfishConstruction has not yet been applied to G, then it is applied first with default parameters. A failure here results in an error.
JellyfishPreimage(G, x: parameters) : GrpPerm, GrpPermElt -> GrpPermElt
JellyfishPreimage(G, I: parameters) : GrpPerm, GrpPerm -> GrpPermElt
    KnownInGroup: BoolElt               Default: false
If the JellyfishConstruction function applied to G has returned true, return the preimage of x as a permutation in the symmetric group of G. The element x is assumed to be a permutation of the jellyfish for G. The function will attempt this for any x in the same symmetric group as the JellyfishImage of G. The algorithm may fail when x is not in the image group, in which case an error results. It is possible for this map to succeed when x is not in the image group. In recognition of this, the parent of the result will be a symmetric group. The function may also gbe applied to a subgroup, I of the jellyfish image group of G. If the texttt{KnownInGroup} parameter is set to true then it will be assumed that taking the preimage of x (or I) will be valid and that the result will lie in G. If the JellyfishConstruction has not yet been applied to G, then it is applied first with default parameters. A failure here results in an error.
V2.28, 13 July 2023