Matrices and Modules

Since Spν and Suν are Euclidean, we can work with canonical forms and modules over these rings. We consider Spν first.



The row-echelon form of a matrix over Spν has pivot entries which are polynomials of the form ud + ∑j=0d - 1 bjujqquad(where)qquad v(bj) + ν j >ν d for j in the sum, so that the Weierstrass degree is d and the Gauss valuation is dν.

The Hermite form additionally assures that the other entries in the columns with pivots are polynomials of smaller degree, via taking Quotrem. This can be made unique via suitable choices, and so provides a way of testing equality of modules.

The Smith form is computed by creating a matrix of pivots corresponding to a Hermite on the matrix and then a Hermite on the transpose. One also demands recursive divisibility of the resulting diagonal terms.

Over Suν the picture is the same, except that pivot entries of the echelon form are all CanonicalElements, with similar changes thereon. E.g., the Hermite form will have elements of smaller valuation above the pivots.

SpMatrixSpace (S, r, c) : SpRng, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> SpMatRng
SuMatrixSpace (S, r, c) : SuRng, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> SuMatRng
Given an Spν of Sνu ring and a (nonnegative) number of rows and columns, construct the matrix space.
IdentityMatrix (S, n) : SpRng, RngIntElt -> SpMat
IdentityMatrix (S) : SpMatRng -> SpMat
ZeroMatrix (S) : SpMatRng -> SpMat
ZeroMatrix (S, n) : SpRng, RngIntElt -> SpMat
ZeroMatrix (S, r, c) : SpRng, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> SpMat
IdentityMatrix (S, n) : SuRng, RngIntElt -> SuMat
IdentityMatrix (S) : SuMatRng -> SuMat
ZeroMatrix (S) : SuMatRng -> SuMat
ZeroMatrix (S, n) : SuRng, RngIntElt -> SuMat
ZeroMatrix (S, r, c) : SuRng, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> SuMat
Different ways of obtaining the zero matrix or identity matrix (if applicable) of a matrix ring.
SpMatrix (A) : SeqEnum -> SpMat
SpMatrix (r, c, A) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, SeqEnum -> SpMat
SpMatrix (v) : SeqEnum -> SpMat
SpMatrix (A) : SeqEnum -> SpMat
SuMatrix (r, c, A) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, SeqEnum -> SuMat
SuMatrix (v) : SeqEnum -> SuMat
Various ways of obtaining an SpMat or SuMat. The first takes a sequence of sequences of SpElements or SuElements, the second takes a row and column count and a sequence of SpElements or SuElements, and the third takes a sequence of SpVecs or SuVecs.
GaussValuations (M) : SpMat -> SeqEnum
GaussValuations (M) : SuMat -> SeqEnum
Returns a sequence of sequences of the Gauss valuations of the elements of a matrix. Since these can be ExtendedReals, the valuations themselves are put in an array rather than a matrix.
WeierstrassDegrees (M) : SpMat -> SeqEnum
WeierstrassDegrees (M) : SuMat -> SeqEnum
Returns a sequence of sequences of the Weierstrass degrees of the elements of a matrix. Since these can be ExtendedReals, the valuations themselves are put in an array rather than a matrix.
LeadingTerms (M) : SpMat -> Mtrx
LeadingTerms (M) : SuMat -> Mtrx
Returns a matrix (defined over the underlying power or Laurent series ring) which has the leading term of each element.
WeierstrassTerms (M) : SpMat -> Mtrx
WeierstrassTerms (M) : SuMat -> Mtrx
Returns a matrix (defined over the underlying power or Laurent series ring) which has the Weierstrass term of each element.
IsWeaklyZero (M) : SpMat -> BoolElt
IsWeaklyZero (M) : SuMat -> BoolElt
Returns whether every element in the matrix is nearly zero.
EchelonForm (M) : SpMat -> SpMat, SpMat
EchelonForm (M) : SuMat -> SuMat, SuMat
    Transform: BoolElt                  Default: false
Returns the (row) echelon form E, and (if desired) the transform T such that E=TM.
HermiteForm (M) : SpMat -> SpMat, SpMat
HermiteForm (M) : SuMat -> SuMat, SuMat
    Transform: BoolElt                  Default: false
Returns the Hermite form H, and (if desired) the transform T such that H=TM.
SmithForm (M) : SpMat -> SpMat, SpMat, SpMat
SmithForm (M) : SuMat -> SuMat, SuMat, SuMat
Returns the Smith form S, and (if desired) the transforms P, Q such that S=PMQ.
Kernel (M) : SpMat -> SpSpc
Kernel (M) : SuMat -> SuSpc
Image (M) : SpMat -> SpSpc
Image (M) : SuMat -> SuSpc
Return the kernel or image of an Spν or Suν matrix as a module space. The Image also has a Transform parameter that gives the inclusion.

Example RngSlope_sp-matrices (H56E3)

Here are some basic examples of operations with matrices over Sνp.
> S<u> := SpRing (pAdicField (3, 20), 1/2); // slope 1/2
> M := SpMatrix (2, 3, [ S | u^2/3,u/3^2,0, u^3,3^2*u,3*u ]);
> E, T := EchelonForm (M : Transform); assert E eq T*M;
> LeadingTerms (E);
[(3^-1 + O(3^19))*$.1^2  (3^-2 + O(3^18))*$.1  O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20)               (3^2 + O(3^18))*$.1   (3 + O(3^21))*$.1]
> WeierstrassTerms (E); // not the same
[(3^-1 + O(3^19))*$.1^2  (3^-2 + O(3^18))*$.1    O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20)              -(3^-1 + O(3^19))*$.1^2  (3 + O(3^21))*$.1]
> S<u> := SpRing (pAdicField (5, 10), 3/2); // slope 3/2
> M := SpMatrix (3,5,[S|5^3,u,u^2/5,0,0, 0,0,25,u^3/25,3*5, 0,0,0,0,5^2]);
> H, T := HermiteForm (M : Transform); assert H eq T*M;
> WeierstrassTerms(H);
[5^3 + O(5^13)  $.1        O($.1^20)     -(5^-5 + O(5^5))*$.1^5  O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20)      O($.1^20)  5^2 + O(5^9)  (5^-2 + O(5^8))*$.1^3   O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20)      O($.1^20)  O($.1^20)     O($.1^20)               5^2 + O(5^12)]
> X, P, Q := SmithForm (M : Transform); assert P*M*Q eq X;
> WeierstrassTerms(X); // note that 5^3 divides 5^2 in this ring!
[5^3 + O(5^13)  O($.1^20)     O($.1^20)      O($.1^20)  O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20)      5^2 + O(5^9)  O($.1^20)      O($.1^20)  O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20)      O($.1^20)     5^2 + O(5^12)  O($.1^20)  O($.1^20)]

Example RngSlope_su-matrices (H56E4)

Here are similar examples over Sνu.
> S<u> := SuRing (pAdicField (5, 15), 2/3); // slope 2/3
> M := SuMatrix (2, 3, [ S | 5^2/u,0,u^2, u,5*u^2,5^3/u^2 ]);
> E, T := EchelonForm (M : Transform); assert E eq T*M;
> LeadingTerms (E);
[$.1        (5 + O(5^16))*$.1^2   (5^3 + O(5^18))*$.1^-2]
[O($.1^20)  5^3 + O(5^15)         (5^5 + O(5^20))*$.1^-4]
> WeierstrassTerms (E); // not the same, in lower right
[$.1        (5 + O(5^16))*$.1^2  (5^3 + O(5^18))*$.1^-2]
[O($.1^20)  5^3 + O(5^15)        -$.1^2]
> A := [S | 25/u,u,u^2/5,0,0, 0,0,25,125/u^2,50*u, 0,0,0,0,5*u^2];
> M := SuMatrix (3, 5, A);
> H, T := HermiteForm (M : Transform); assert H eq T*M;
> W := WeierstrassTerms(H); W;
[$.1^2 (5^-2 + O(5^13))*$.1^4 (5^-3 + O(5^12))*$.1^5 O($.1^20) O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20) O($.1^20) 5^2 + O(5^17) (5^3 + O(5^18))*$.1^-2 O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20) O($.1^20) O($.1^20) O($.1^20) (5 + O(5^16))*$.1^2]
> assert CanonicalElement (S, 4/3) eq S!W[1,1];
> assert CanonicalElement (S, 2) eq S!W[2,3];
> assert CanonicalElement (S, 7/3) eq S!W[3,5];
> X, P, Q := SmithForm (M : Transform); assert X eq P*M*Q;
> WeierstrassTerms(X);
[(5^-1 + O(5^14))*$.1^2 O($.1^20) O($.1^20) O($.1^20) O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20) (5 + O(5^16))*$.1 O($.1^20) O($.1^20) O($.1^20)]
[O($.1^20) O($.1^20) (5 + O(5^16))*$.1^2 O($.1^20) O($.1^20)]


These are implemented as "vectors" over Sνp or Sνu.

SpSpace (R, n) : SpRng, RngIntElt -> SpSpc
SuSpace (R, n) : SuRng, RngIntElt -> SuSpc
Given an Sνp or Sνu ring and a nonnegative integer, construct the module of that degree.
SpSpace (M) : SpMat -> SpSpc
SuSpace (M) : SuMat -> SuSpc
Given an Sνp or Sνu matrix, construct the associated module space. This always computes the Hermite form to use as the basis.
SpSpace (v) : SeqEnum -> SpSpc
SuSpace (v) : SeqEnum -> SuSpc
Given a sequence of SpVecs or SuVecs, construct the module space generated by them. Again this always computes the Hermite form for the basis.
Ambient (S) : SpSpc -> SpSpc
Ambient (S) : SuSpc -> SuSpc
Given a module space, return the (full) ambient space of dimension equal to the degree.
Parent (v) : SpVec -> SpSpc
Parent (v) : SuVec -> SuSpc
The Parent of an SpVec or SuVec is always its Ambient space.
ZeroVector (S) : SpSpc -> SpVec
ZeroVector (S) : SuSpc -> SuVec
Return the zero vector of a module space.
SpVector (e) : SeqEnum -> SpVec
SuVector (e) : SeqEnum -> SuVec
Given a sequence of Sνp or Sνu elements, construct the vector of them.
Basis (S) : SpSpc -> SeqEnum
Basis (S) : SuSpc -> SeqEnum
Given a module space, return a basis as a sequence of vectors.
BasisMatrix (S) : SpSpc -> SpMat
BasisMatrix (S) : SuSpc -> SuMat
Given a module space, return a basis as a matrix.
Dimension (S) : SpSpc -> RngIntElt
Dimension (S) : SuSpc -> RngIntElt
Degree (S) : SpSpc -> RngIntElt
Degree (S) : SuSpc -> RngIntElt
The dimension and degree of a module space.
LeadingTerms (v) : SpVec -> ModTupRngElt
LeadingTerms (v) : SuVec -> ModTupRngElt
The leading term of each element in an SpVec or SuVec.
WeierstrassTerms (v) : SpVec -> ModTupRngElt
WeierstrassTerms (v) : SuVec -> ModTupRngElt
The Weierstrass term of each element in an SpVec or SuVec.
GaussValuations (v) : SpVec -> SeqEnum
GaussValuations (v) : SuVec -> SeqEnum
Returns a sequence of sequences of the Gauss valuations of the elements of a matrix. Since these can be ExtendedReals, the valuations themselves are put in an array rather than a vector.
WeierstrassDegrees (v) : SpVec -> SeqEnum
WeierstrassDegrees (v) : SuVec -> SeqEnum
Returns a sequence of sequences of the Weierstrass degrees of the elements of a vector. Since these can be ExtendedReals, the valuations themselves are put in an array rather than a vector.
IsWeaklyZero (v) : SpVec -> BoolElt
IsWeaklyZero (v) : SuVec -> BoolElt
Return whether an SpVec or SuVec is weakly zero.
M1 + M2 : SpSpc, SpSpc -> SpSpc
M1 + M2 : SuSpc, SuSpc -> SuSpc
DirectSum (M1, M2) : SpSpc, SpSpc -> SpSpc
DirectSum (M1, M2) : SuSpc, SuSpc -> SuSpc
M1 meet M2 : SpSpc, SpSpc -> SpSpc
M1 meet M2 : SuSpc, SuSpc -> SuSpc
The sum and intersection of two module spaces. The use of DirectSum requires the summands to be disjoint.
S * M : SpSpc, SpMat -> SpSpc
S * M : SuSpc, SuMat -> SuSpc
The transformation of a module space by a matrix. The basis of the reuslting space will be given in Hermite form.
IsConsistent (M, v) : SpMat, SpVec -> BoolElt, SpVec
IsConsistent (M, v) : SuMat, SuVec -> BoolElt, SuVec
IsConsistent (M, e) : SpMat, SeqEnum -> BoolElt, SeqEnum
IsConsistent (M, e) : SuMat, SeqEnum -> BoolElt, SeqEnum
IsConsistent (M, W) : SpMat, SpMat -> BoolElt, SpMat, SpMat
IsConsistent (M, W) : SuMat, SpMat -> BoolElt, SuMat, SuMat
v in M : SpVec, SpMat -> BoolElt, SpVec
v in M : SuVec, SpMat -> BoolElt, SuVec
Determines whether xM=v is solvable, and it so returns such an x. The second version takes an a sequence of vectors, and the third takes a matrix (and also includes the kernel as a third return value).
IsSubspace (A, B) : SpSpc, SpSpc -> BoolElt, SpMat
IsSubspace (A, B) : SuSpc, SuSpc -> BoolElt, SuMat
Determines whether A is a subspace of B, and if so gives an inclusion map. Equality can be determined via symmetric inclusion, or alternatively via the Hermite form (which should be unique) of the basis matrix.

Example RngSlope_sp-mod-basics (H56E5)

Here are some basic examples of usage for modules.

> S<u> := SpRing (pAdicField (5, 25), 1/2); // slope 1/2
> A := SpSpace (S, 3);
> A.1;
[ 1 + O(5^25) + O(u^20), O(u^20), O(u^20) ]
> M := SpMatrix (2, 3, [ S | 5*u,5,u^2, 1/5,u^3,u ]);
> B := SpSpace (M); assert Dimension(B) eq 2;
> LeadingTerms(BasisMatrix(B));
[5^-1 + O(5^24) O($.1^20)    $.1]
[O($.1^20)      -5 + O(5^26) (24 + O(5^25))*$.1^2]
> B eq SpSpace (VerticalJoin (M, M)); // also gives inclusion
> A meet B eq B;
> Image(M) eq B; // by definition
> IsConsistent (M, A.1);
> IsConsistent (M, B.1);
> SpSpace([B.1]) + SpSpace([B.2]) eq B;
> SpSpace([B.1]) + SpSpace([u * B.2]) eq B; // u does not invert
> SpSpace([1/5 * B.1]) + SpSpace([5 * B.2]) eq B;
> sub<B|[B.1+B.2]> + sub<B|[B.2-B.1]> eq sub<B|[B.1,B.2]>;

Example RngSlope_sp-kernel (H56E6)

Here is an example over Sνp with a nontrivial kernel.

> S<u> := SpRing (pAdicField (7, 30), 1); // slope 1
> M := SpMatrix(3,5,[S|1,0,u,u^2,u,  u^2/7,0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0,u^4/7^2]);
> ROWS := Rows(M);
> V := u * ROWS[1] + u^2/7 * ROWS[3]; // create a kernel
> MAT := SpMatrix(ROWS cat [Universe(ROWS)|V]); // 4 x 5
> Dimension (SpSpace (MAT)); // 3
> K := Kernel (MAT); K;
SpSpace of degree 4, dimension 1 over Sp-slope ring of slope 1 given
 by Power series ring in $.1 over pAdicField(7, 30)
Basis given by:
[ (-1 + O(7^30))*u + O(u^21), O(u^21),
  (-7^-1 + O(7^29))*u^2 + O(u^21), 1 + O(7^30) + O(u^21) ]
> KK := Kernel(BasisMatrix(K)); KK;
SpSpace of degree 1, dimension 0 over Sp-slope ring of slope 1 given
 by Power series ring in $.1 over pAdicField(7, 30)
> assert ZeroVector(Ambient(KK)) in KK;

Example RngSlope_su-module (H56E7)

Here is an example over Sνu.

> S<u> := SuRing (pAdicField (7, 20), 5/4); // slope 5/4
> A := SuSpace (S, 3);
> B := SuSpace ([A.1, A.3]); // dimension 2
> SuSpace([B.1]) + SuSpace([7^5/u^4 * B.2]) eq B; // slope 5/4
> Basis(sub<A|[A.1+A.3]>)[1] in B;
> M := SuMatrix (2, 3, [S | 7^2/u,7,5*7*u, 7,u^3,u^2 ]);
> V := SuSpace(M);
> I := V meet B; assert Dimension(I) eq 1;
> v := Basis(I)[1]; assert v in I;
> WeierstrassTerms(v);
(7 + O(7^21) O($.1^20) $.1^2)
> WeierstrassDegrees(v);
[ 0, -Infinity, 2 ]
> I + B eq B; assert v in B;
> J := VerticalJoin (M, M);
> SetSeed(1); // ensure example works
> JJ := (SuMatrixSpace(S,4,4)!RandomSLnZ(4,8,16)) * J;
> assert Dimension(Kernel(JJ)) eq 2;
> assert Dimension(Image(JJ)) eq 2;

Note that the final commands, with the dimension of the kernel/image of the given space, can sometimes fail for various reasons involving precision loss.

V2.28, 13 July 2023