Check: BoolElt Default: true
Global: BoolElt Default: true
Let k be a field and K = k(x) or K = k(x, α1, ..., αr) some finite extension of k(x). Given an irreducible and separable polynomial f ∈K[y] of degree greater than zero with coefficients within K, create the algebraic function field F= K[y] / < f > = k(x, α1, ..., αr, α) obtained by adjoining a root α of f to K. F will be viewed as a (finite) extension of K. The polynomial f is also allowed to be ∈k[x][y].The optional parameter Check may be used to prevent some conditions from being tested. The default is Check := true, so that f is verified to be irreducible and separable. The optional parameter Global may be used to allow another copy of the field to be returned if it is set to false, otherwise if a field has already been constructed using f over K and has not been deleted then the existing field will be returned.
The angle bracket notation may be used to assign the root α to an identifier: F<a> := FunctionField(f).
Check: BoolElt Default: true
Global: BoolElt Default: true
Let k be a field. Given an irreducible polynomial f ∈k[x, y] of degree greater than zero, create the algebraic function field F which is the field of fractions of k[x, y] / < f >. The polynomial f must be separable in at least one variable. F will be viewed as (infinite) extension of k.The optional parameter Check may be used to prevent some conditions from being tested. The default is Check := true, so that f is verified to be irreducible and separable in at least one variable. The optional parameter Global may be used to allow another copy of the field to be returned if it is set to false, otherwise if a field has already been constructed using f over K and has not been deleted then the existing field will be returned.
The angle bracket notation may be used to assign the images of x, y in F to identifiers: F<a, b> := FunctionField(f).
Check: BoolElt Default: true
Return the function field F whose defining polynomials are the polynomials in the sequence S. If Check is set to false then it will not be checked the polynomials actually define a field.
Create the Hermitian function field F = GF(q2)(x, α) defined by αq + α = xq + 1, where q is the d-th power of the prime number p.
The subfield of the function field F containing the elements in the sequence S or the elements si.
Procedure to change the name of the generating element(s) in the function field F (a in F) to the contents of the sequence of strings s, which must have length 1 or 2 in this case.This procedure only changes the name(s) used in printing the elements of F. It does not assign to any identifier(s) the value(s) of the generator(s) in F; to do this, use an assignment statement, or use angle brackets when creating the field.
Note that since this is a procedure that modifies F, it is necessary to have a reference ~F to F (or a) in the call to this function.
Global: BoolElt Default: true
Type: Cat Default: {hbox FldFunRat}
Return the rational function field over R in one variable. If Global is false then create a new copy of the field, otherwise reuse any globally created field which already exists. If Type is FldFun create the field as an algebraic function field, otherwise create as a rational function field.
Let GF(5) be the finite field of five elements. To create the function field extension GF(5)(x, α) / GF(5)(x), where α satisfies α2 = 1/x, one may proceed in the following, equivalent ways:
> R<x> := FunctionField(GF(5)); > P<y> := PolynomialRing(R); > F<alpha> := FunctionField(y^2 - 1/x); > F; Algebraic function field defined over Univariate rational function field over GF(5) Variables: x by y^2 + 4/xor
> R<x> := PolynomialRing(GF(5)); > P<y> := PolynomialRing(R); > F<alpha> := FunctionField(x*y^2 - 1); > F; Algebraic function field defined over Univariate rational function field over GF(5) Variables: x by x*y^2 + 4or
> R<x> := FunctionField(GF(5)); > P<y> := PolynomialRing(R); > F<alpha> := ext< R | y^2 - 1/x >; > F; Algebraic function field defined over Univariate rational function field over GF(5) Variables: x by y^2 + 4/x
> R<y> := PolynomialRing(F); > FF<beta> := FunctionField(y^3 - x/alpha : Check := false); > FF; Algebraic function field defined over F by y^3 + 4*x^2*alpha
> R<x> := FunctionField(GF(5)); > P<y> := PolynomialRing(R); > FF<alpha, beta> := FunctionField([y^2 - 1/x, y^3 + x]); > FF; Algebraic function field defined over Univariate rational function field over GF(5) by y^2 + 4/x y^3 + x
> P<y> := PolynomialRing(F); > FF<beta, gamma> := FunctionField([y^2 - x/alpha, y^3 + x]); > FF; Algebraic function field defined over F by y^2 + 4*x^2*alpha y^3 + x
The creation of an Hermitian function field:
> F := HermitianFunctionField(9); > F; Algebraic function field defined over GF(3^4) by y^9 + y + 2*x^10
Equation orders, maximal orders and other orders of algebraic function fields can be constructed.
For more information about the Montes algorithm which can be used to compute maximal orders, see Section The Montes Algorithm.
Create the `finite' equation order of the function field F/k(x, α1, ..., αr), i.e. k[x, d1 α1, ..., dr αr, d α] where dj, d ∈k[x] is chosen such that dj αj, d α are integral over k[x].
Al: MonStgElt Default:
Construct the `finite' maximal order of the function field F/k(x, α1, ..., αr). This is the integral closure of k[x, d1 α1, ..., dr αr] in F. If F is an extension of a rational function field over Q or Fq by a single monic integral polynomial and the parameter Al is set to "Montes" then the Montes algorithm [Sta18] will be used for the computation.
Create the `infinite' equation order of the function field F/k(x, α1, ..., αr), i.e. o∞[α1, ..., αr, β] where o∞ denotes the valuation ring of the degree valuation in k(x) and β is a primitive element of F/k(x, α1, ..., αr) which is integral over o∞.
Create the `infinite' maximal order of the function field F/k(x, α1, ..., αr). This is the integral closure of o∞ in F.
The integral closure of the subring R of the function field F in itself.
The equation order of the order O. An order whose basis is a transformation of that of O and is a power basis.
Discriminant: Any Default:
Ramification: SeqEnum Default:
Al: MonStgElt Default: "Auto"
SetVerbose("MaximalOrder", n): Maximum: 5
The maximal order of the order O of an algebraic function field.If O is a radical (pure) extension then specific code is used to calculate each p-maximal order, rather than the Round 2 method. In this case we can compute a pseudo basis for the p-maximal orders knowing only the valuation of the constant coefficient of the defining polynomial at p [Sut12].
If O is an Artin--Schreier extension then the maximal order can be computed directly without computing the p-maximal orders. The proof of Proposition III.7.8 of [Sti93] gives us a start on some elements which are a basis for the maximal order [Sut13].
If the Discriminant or Ramification parameters are supplied an algorithm ([BL94], Theorems 1.2 and 7.6) which can compute the maximal order given the discriminant of the maximal order will be used. Discriminant must be an element of the coefficient ring of O if O is a non relative order and must be an ideal of O if O is a relative order. Ramification must contain elements of the coefficient ring if O is a non relative order and must contain ideals of O if O is a relative order. The ramification sequence is taken to contain prime factors of the discriminant. Only one of these parameters can be specified and if one of them is then Al cannot be specified.
If O is an extension of a polynomial ring over Q or Fq by a single monic integral polynomial and the parameter Al is set to "Montes" then the Montes algorithm [Sta18] will be used to compute the maximal order. Otherwise Al may be set to "Round2" to avoid using the algorithms for the special cases above.
Set the order O of a function field to be maximal if b is true and to be non--maximal if b is false.
Check: Bool Default: true
The order O with a root of f adjoined.
> PR<x> := PolynomialRing(Rationals()); > P<y> := PolynomialRing(PR); > FR1<a> := FunctionField(y^3 - x*y^2 + y + x^4); > P<y> := PolynomialRing(FR1); > FR2<c> := FunctionField(y^2 + y - a/x^5); > EFR1F := EquationOrderFinite(FR1); > MFR1F := MaximalOrderFinite(FR1); > EFR1I := EquationOrderInfinite(FR1); > MFR1I := MaximalOrderInfinite(FR1); > EFR2F := EquationOrderFinite(FR2); > MFR2F := MaximalOrderFinite(FR2); > EFR2I := EquationOrderInfinite(FR2); > MFR2I := MaximalOrderInfinite(FR2); > MaximalOrder(EFR2I); >> MaximalOrder(EFR2I); ^ Runtime error in 'MaximalOrder': Order must be defined over a maximal order > MFR2I; Maximal Order of FR2 over MFR1I > P<y> := PolynomialRing(FR1); > MaximalOrder(ext<MFR1F | y^2 + y - a*x^5>); MFR2F; Maximal Equation Order of Algebraic function field defined over FR1 by y^2 + y - x^5*a over EFR1F Maximal Order of FR2 over EFR1F > MaximalOrder(ext<MFR1I | y^2 - 1/a>); Maximal Order of Algebraic function field defined over FR1 by y^2 + 1/x^4*a^2 - 1/x^3*a + 1/x^4 over MFR1I
> R<x> := FunctionField(GF(5)); > P<y> := PolynomialRing(R); > f := y^3 + (4*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 2*x + 2)*y^2 + (3*x + 3)*y + 2; > F<alpha> := FunctionField(f); > IntegralClosure(R, F); Algebraic function field defined over GF(5) by y^3 + (4*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 2*x + 2)*y^2 + (3*x + 3)*y + 2 > IntegralClosure(PolynomialRing(GF(5)), F); Maximal Order of F over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(5) > IntegralClosure(ValuationRing(R), F); Maximal Order of F over Valuation ring of Rational function field of rank 1 over GF(5) Variables: x with generator 1/x
Check: BoolElt Default: true
Create the order whose basis is that of the order O multiplied by the matrix T over the coefficient ring of O divided by the scalar d. If the parameter Check is set to false then it will not be checked that the result is actually an order (potentially expensive). Note that this can result in a non-order being constructed which may cause errors later.
NFBasis: BoolElt Default: true
Check: BoolElt Default: true
Create the order whose basis is that of the order O multiplied by the dedekind module M. If the parameter Check is set to false then it will not be checked that the result is actually an order (potentially expensive). Note that this can result in a non-order being constructed which may cause errors later. If the parameter NFBasis is set to false then the PseudoGenerators of the module M will be used rather than the PseudoBasis, however these pseudo generators must also be a pseudo basis.
Verify: BoolElt Default: true
IsBasis: BoolElt Default: false
Given a sequence S of elements in an algebraic function field F create the minimal order R of F which contains all elements of S.The order O may be an order of F which will be used as the suborder of R, in which case its coefficient ring should be maximal, or O may be a maximal order of the coefficient field of F.
If Verify is true, it is verified that the elements of S are integral algebraic numbers. This can be a lengthy process if the field is of large degree.
Setting IsBasis to true assumes that the given elements actually form a basis for the new order, thus it avoids testing for multiplicative closure. Without this parameter the order returned will have a canonical basis chosen with no direct relation to the input. By default, products of the generators will be added until the module is closed under multiplication. Note that setting IsBasis to true can result in a non-order being constructed if the elements in the sequence are not a basis which may cause errors later.
If IsBasis is set to true to specify the basis of the resulting order rather than avoid the expense of the multiplicative closure computation, it can be checked that the result O is an order using Order(SubOrder(O), Matrix(CoefficientRing(O), M*d), d) where d is Denominator(M) where M is BasisMatrix(O);. If O is not an order this will cause an error.
Return the order O as a direct transformation of its equation order, instead of a composition of transformations.
The smallest common over order of O1 and O2 where O1 and O2 have the same equation order.
The intersection of orders O1 and O2 which must have the same equation order.
Return the order O1 as a transformation of the order O2 where O1 and O2 have the same coefficient ring.
> P<x> := PolynomialRing(GF(5)); > P<y> := PolynomialRing(P); > F<a> := FunctionField(y^3 - x^4); > O := Order(EquationOrderFinite(F), MatrixAlgebra(Parent(x), 3)!1, Parent(x)!3); > O; Order of F over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(5) > Basis(O); [ 2, 2*a, 2*a^2 ] > P<y> := PolynomialRing(O); > EO := ext<MaximalOrder(O) | y^2 + O!(2*a)>; > V := KModule(F, 2); > M := Module([V | [1, 0], [4, 3], [9, 2]]); > M; Module over Maximal Order of F over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(5) Ideal of Maximal Order of F over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(5) Generator: 1 car Ideal of Maximal Order of F over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(5) Generator: 2 > O2 := Order(EO, M); > O2; Order of Algebraic function field defined over F by $.1^2 + 2*a over Maximal Order of F over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(5) Transformation of EO Transformation Matrix: [[ 1, 0, 0 ] [ 0, 0, 0 ]] [[ 0, 0, 0 ] [ 1, 0, 0 ]] > Basis(O2); [ 1, $.1 ]
Orders may be created using ideals of other orders. Ideals are discussed in Section Ideals.
Returns the multiplicator ring of the ideal I of the order O, that is, the subring of elements of the field of fractions of O that multiply I into itself.
The p-maximal over order of O where p is a prime polynomial or ideal of the coefficient ring of O or an element of valuation 1 of the valuation ring.If O is a Kummer extension then specific code is used to calculate each p-maximal order, rather than the Round 2 method. In this case we know 1 or 2 elements which generate the p-maximal order and can write the order down.
If O is an Artin--Schreier extension then we can also write down a basis for the p-maximal order and avoid the Round 2 algorithm. We use [Sti93] Proposition III.7.8 to get a start on computing these elements.
Returns the p-radical of an order O for a prime p (polynomial or ideal of the coefficient ring or element of valuation 1 of the valuation ring), defined as the ideal consisting of elements of O for which some power lies in the ideal pO.It is possible to call this function even if p is not prime. In this case the p-trace-radical will be computed, i.e. { x∈F | Tr(xO)⊆C} for F the field of fractions of O and C the order of p (if p is an ideal) or the parent of p otherwise. If p is square free and all divisors are larger than the field degree, this is the intersection of the radicals for all l dividing p.