Special Element Operations

Several functions are available only for elements of certain maximal orders.

The maximal orders of QuadraticField(d) for d = - 1, - 2, - 3, - 7, - 11, 2, 3, 5 and 13 are Euclidean with respect to the Norm. The division algorithm, Euclidean algorithm, GCD and LCM are available for these orders only. Below, we will refer to these orders as the "special Euclidean orders".


Division Algorithm

a div b : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
This operation is available for all orders, but its behaviour depends on whether the order R containing a and b is one of the special Euclidean orders listed above.

When R is not a special Euclidean order, this returns the exact quotient of a and b. An error results if a is not exactly divisible by b in R.

When R is a special Euclidean order, this performs the division algorithm in R. It finds uniquely determined elements q and r in R such that a = q b + r and Norm(r) < Norm(b), and returns q.

a mod b : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
This operation requires a and b to belong to one of the special Euclidean orders listed above. It performs the same calculation as div, and returns the remainder r.
GreatestCommonDivisor(a, b) : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
Gcd(a, b) : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
GCD(a, b) : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
The greatest common divisor of a and b, which must be elements of one of the special Euclidean orders listed above.
LeastCommonMultiple(a, b) : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
Lcm(a, b) : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
LCM(a, b) : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
The least common multiple of a and b, which must be elements of one of the special Euclidean orders listed above.
Modexp(a, e, n) : RngQuadElt, RngInt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
This returns ae mod n, where a and n must be elements of one of the special Euclidean orders listed above.


Magma's factorization in maximal orders of quadratic number fields is based upon factoring the norm in the integers. Thus, the comments that are made about the Factorization command in the integers also apply here. Moreover, since the factorization may be off by a unit power, that power is also returned (the unit being -1, Sqrt( - 1), or (1 + Sqrt( - 3))/2).

Factorization(n) : RngQuadElt -> SeqEnum, Tup
Factorisation(n) : RngQuadElt -> SeqEnum, Tup
The factorization of n in the maximal order of the quadratic number field Q(Sqrt(d)), where d is one of: -1, -2, -3, -7, or -11. Returns the factorization along with the appropriate power of a unit (the unit being -1, Sqrt( - 1), or (1 + Sqrt( - 3))/2).
TrialDivision(n, B) : RngQuadElt, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum, SeqEnum, Tup
Trial division of n by primes of relative norm ≤ B in the maximal order of Q(Sqrt(d)), where d is one of: -1, -2, -3, -7, or -11. Returns the factored part, the unfactored part, and the power of the unit that the factorization is off by (the unit being -1, Sqrt( - 1), or (1 + Sqrt( - 3))/2).


ComplexConjugate(a) : FldQuadElt -> FldQuadElt
ComplexConjugate(a) : RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
The complex conjugate of quadratic field element a; returns a in a real quadratic field and bar a=x - ySqrt(d) if a=x + ySqrt(d) in an imaginary quadratic field Q(Sqrt(d)).
Conjugate(a) : FldQuadElt -> FldQuadElt
Conjugate(a) : RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
The conjugate x - ySqrt(d) of a=x + ySqrt(d) in the quadratic field Q(Sqrt(d)).

Other Element Functions

For the ring of integers of Q(i) the biquadratic residue symbol (generalizing the Legendre symbol) is available.

BiquadraticResidueSymbol(a, b) : RngQuadElt, RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
Given a Gaussian integer a and a primary, non-unit Gaussian integer b, where a and b are coprime, return the value of the biquadratic character ( (a/b))4. The value of this character is equal to ik, for some k∈{0, 1, 2, 3}. If a and b have a factor in common, the function returns 0, if b is not primary or b is a unit an error results.
Primary(a) : RngQuadElt -> RngQuadElt
Return the unique associate bar a of the Gaussian integer a that satisfies bar a ≡ 1 mod (1 + i)3,

or 0 in case a is divisible by 1 + i.

Example FldQuad_Represent (H37E6)

The following example checks for primes p with 65≤p≤1000 and p ≡ 1mod 4 a result that was conjectured by Euler and proved by Gauss, namely that z4 ≡ 2 mod p has a solution iff p=x2 + 64y2 for some x, y.

We use the function NormEquation to find the prime above p in the Gaussian integers, and we build the set of such primes for which 2 is a biquadratic residue (which means that z4 ≡ 2 mod p for some z).

> s := { };
> Q := QuadraticField(-1);
> M := RingOfIntegers(Q);
> for p := 65 to 1000 by 4 do
>    if IsPrime(p) then
>       _, x := NormEquation(Q, p);
>       if BiquadraticResidueSymbol(2, Primary(M!x[1])) eq 1 then
>          Include(~s, p);
>       end if;
>    end if;
> end for;
> s;
{ 73, 89, 113, 233, 257, 281, 337, 353, 577, 593, 601, 617, 881, 937 }
Next we create the set of all primes as above that are of the form x2 + 64y2. Note that we have to use NormEquation on a suborder of Q now, because we want to solve x2 + 64y2=p, while QuadraticField(-64) returns just Q(i) in which we can only solve x2 + y2=p.
> S := sub<MaximalOrder(Q) | 8>;
> t := { };
> for p := 65 to 1000 by 4 do
>    if IsPrime(p) then
>       if NormEquation(S, p) then
>           Include(~t, p);
>       end if;
>    end if;
> end for;
> t;
{ 73, 89, 113, 233, 257, 281, 337, 353, 577, 593, 601, 617, 881, 937 }
V2.28, 13 July 2023