Invariant Forms

Given a group G which acts on a vector space V over a finite field F, the space of all G-invariant bilinear forms is isomorphic to HomG(V, V * ), where V * is the dual space of V. The isomorphism associates the form β to θ∈HomG(V, V * ), where β(u, v) = < v, uθ > and where < v, varphi > denotes the action of varphi on v. If v1, v2, ..., vn is a basis for V with dual basis ω1, ω2, ..., ωn, the matrix of θ with respect to these bases is J = (β(ei, ej)).

A linear transformation with matrix A preserves the form if and only if AJA^(tr) = J.

If the characteristic of the field is not 2, then J = (1/2)(J + J^(tr)) + (1/2)(J - J^(tr)). Therefore, in this case, every G-invariant form is the sum of a G-invariant symmetric form and a G-invariant alternating form. If the characteristic of the field is 2, every alternating form is symmetric. Thus in this case the space of G-invariant alternating forms is a subspace of the space of G-invariant symmetric forms. If the G-module is irreducible these two spaces coincide.

If G acts irreducibly on a vector space V of dimension n over a (finite) field F and if θ0 : V to V * is a G-invariant isomorphism, then D to HomG(V, V * ) : θ |-> θθ0 is an isomorphism of vector spaces, where D = EndG(V). The algebra D is a division ring and hence a field (since F is finite). Thus V becomes a vector space of dimension m over D, where n = m|D:F| and G is isomorphic to a subgroup of GL(m, D).

If the characteristic of the field is not two and if J is a symmetric bilinear form there is a unique upper triangular matrix Q such that J = Q + Q^(tr).

On the other hand, if the characteristic is two and J is alternating, the upper triangular matrices Q such that J = Q + Q^(tr) form an affine space of dimension dim V.

Suppose that the characteristic is two. If G preserves a symmetric bilinear form which is not alternating, then G is reducible. Conversely, if G is irreducible and if J is the matrix of a symmetric form preserved by G, then the form must be alternating and there is a unique G-invariant quadratic form Q such that J = Q + Q^(tr).

Given a group G which acts on a vector space V over a finite field F with an automorphism F to F :a |-> /line(a) of order 2, the space of G-invariant sesquilinear forms is isomorphic to the space of G-invariant semilinear maps from V to V * ; equivalently it is isomorphic to HomG(V, /line(V) * ), where /line(V) * is the semilinear dual of V, namely the space of all semilinear maps from V to F.

If θ∈HomG(V, /line(V) * ), the corresponding sesquilinear form β is defined by β(u, v) = < v, uθ > where, as before, < v, varphi > denotes the action of varphi on v.


InvariantBilinearForms(G) : GrpMat -> SeqEnum[AlgMatElt], SeqEnum[AlgMatElt]
Given a matrix group G this function returns two sequences: a basis for the space of G-invariant symmetric forms and a basis for the space of G-invariant alternating forms.

Example FldForms_reducible (H30E28)

In this example the group G is reducible but (up to a scalar multiple) there is a unique G-invariant bilinear form.
> F<x> := GF(25);
> G := MatrixGroup< 4, F |
>    [ 1, 0, 0, 0,  0, 1, 0, 0,  0, x^14, 1, 0,  0, 0, 0, 1 ],
>    [ 3, x^23, x^20, x^10,  2, 3, 0, x^13,  4, x^10, x^13, x^23,
>      x^5, x^11, x, x^17 ] >;
> IsIrreducible(G);
> InvariantBilinearForms(G);
    [   0    0    0    1]
    [   0    0    1    0]
    [   0    4    0    0]
    [   4    0    0    0]

Example FldForms_nonabs (H30E29)

If G acts irreducibly on V, the spaces of symmetric and alternating G-invariant forms are isomorphic (as vector spaces) to subfields of EndG(V) and therefore their dimensions are either 0 or divide dimF(V).
> F<a> := GF(25);
> G := MatrixGroup< 4, F |
>   [ a^10, a^21, a^4, 4,
>     a^16, 4, a^9, a^8,
>     a^20, 4, 4, a^13,
>     0, a^2, a^11, a ] >;
> IsIrreducible(G), #G;
true 626
> sym, alt := InvariantBilinearForms(G);
> #sym,#alt;
2 2
InvariantQuadraticForms(G) : GrpMat -> SeqEnum[AlgMatElt]
A basis for the space of quadratic forms preserved by the irreducible matrix group G.

Example FldForms_invquadform (H30E30)

In the following example the quadratic forms which are invariant under the action of a cyclic group H of order 13 form a vector space of dimension 3 over GF(4).
> F<z> := GF(4);
> H := MatrixGroup<6,F |
>     [ z, 0, z^2, z, z, 1,
>       1, z, 0, z, z, z,
>       0, z^2, z, 1, z^2, z^2,
>       z, 1, z, 1, 1, 0,
>       1, z^2, z, z, 0, 1,
>       1, 0, 1, 0, z^2, 1 ] >;
> InvariantQuadraticForms(H);
    [  1   1   0   1   0   0]
    [  0   0   1 z^2 z^2   z]
    [  0   0   1   0 z^2   z]
    [  0   0   0   0   0   z]
    [  0   0   0   0 z^2   z]
    [  0   0   0   0   0 z^2],
    [  1   0   1 z^2   1   0]
    [  0   z   1   1   1   z]
    [  0   0   z   0   1   0]
    [  0   0   0 z^2 z^2 z^2]
    [  0   0   0   0 z^2   1]
    [  0   0   0   0   0   1],
    [  0   0   0   0   0   1]
    [  0   0   0   0   1   0]
    [  0   0   1   1   0   0]
    [  0   0   0   z   0   0]
    [  0   0   0   0   0   0]
    [  0   0   0   0   0   0]
SemilinearDual(M, mu) : ModGrp,Map -> ModGrp
The semilinear dual of the G-module M with respect to the field automorphism mu.
InvariantSesquilinearForms(G) : GrpMat -> SeqEnum[AlgMatElt]
A basis for the space of hermitian forms preserved by the matrix group G.

Example FldForms_sesquiforms (H30E31)

Let F0 be the fixed field of the involution. The set H of G-invariant hermitian forms is a vector space over F0 and if the characteristic of F is not 2, then HomG(V, /line(V) * ) simeq (H) tensor F0 F.
> F<x> := GF(5,2);
> mu := hom< F->F | x :-> x^5 >;
> H := MatrixGroup< 5, F |
>    [ 0, x^3, 0, 1, x^9, x^8, 1, 0, x^11, x^7, x^20, x^16, 1,
>     x^11, x^3, x^21, 4, 1, x^3, x^23, x^4, x^3, x, x^3, 2 ] >;
> M := GModule(H);
> D := SemilinearDual(M,mu);
> E := AHom(M,D);
> Dimension(E);
> herm := InvariantSesquilinearForms(H);
> #herm;

Example FldForms_hermandalt (H30E32)

If an irreducible group preserves both a bilinear and a sesquilinear form then it is realisable over a subfield of its base field. Conversely, this observation can be used to construct an example:
> F<x> := GF(81);
> H := MatrixGroup< 4, F | [ChangeRing(g,F) : g in Generators(Sp(4,9))]>;
> InvariantBilinearForms(H);
    [   0    0    0    1]
    [   0    0    1    0]
    [   0    2    0    0]
    [   2    0    0    0]
> InvariantSesquilinearForms(H);
    [   0    0    0 x^45]
    [   0    0 x^45    0]
    [   0  x^5    0    0]
    [ x^5    0    0    0]
InvariantFormBases(G) : GrpMat -> SeqEnum[AlgMatElt], SeqEnum[AlgMatElt], SeqEnum[AlgMatElt], SeqEnum[AlgMatElt]
This function returns four sequences: bases for the spaces of symmetric, alternating, hermitian and quadratic forms preserved by the matrix group G.

Semi-invariant Forms

Given a vector space V over a finite field F and a group G which acts on V, a bilinear form β : V x V to F is semi-invariant if for all g∈G there is a scalar λ(g) such that β(ug, vg) = λ(g)β(u, v) for all u, v∈V. The function λ : G to F x is a homomorphism and its kernel contains the derived group of G. The twisted dual V * λ of the G-module V is the dual space of V with G-action given by < v, varphi g > = λ(g)< vg - 1, varphi >; thus if A is the matrix of g acting on V the matrix of the action on Vλ * with respect to the dual basis is λ(g)A^(-tr).

The space of all semi-invariant bilinear forms is isomorphic to HomG(V, Vλ * ). The isomorphism associates the form β to θ∈HomG(V, Vλ * ), where β(u, v) = < v, uθ >.

If β is a bilinear form with matrix J, then the linear transformation g with matrix A preserves the form up to multiplication by λ(g) if and only if AJA^(tr) = λ(g)J.

TwistedDual(M, lambda) : ModGrp, Map -> ModGrp
The twisted dual of the G-module M with respect to the linear character lambda.
SemiInvariantBilinearForms(G) : GrpMat -> SeqEnum
A sequence of triples < L, S, A > where L is a sequence of field elements (one for each generator) which define a homomorphism from the matrix group G to its base field and S and A are bases for the spaces of symmetric and alternating forms preserved by G (up to multiplication by scalars).
SemiInvariantQuadraticForms(G) : GrpMat -> SeqEnum
A sequence of pairs < L, Q > where L is a sequence of field elements (one for each generator) which define a homomorphism from the matrix group G to its base field and Q is a basis for the space of quadratic forms preserved by G (up to multiplication by scalars).

TwistedSemilinearDual(M, lambda, mu) : ModGrp, Map, Map -> ModGrp
The twisted semilinear dual of the G-module M with respect to the linear character λ and the field automorphism μ.
SemiInvariantSesquilinearForms(G) : GrpMat -> SeqEnum
A sequence of pairs < L, H > where L is a sequence of field elements (one for each generator) which define a homomorphism from the matrix group G to the field F0, where the base field of G is a quadratic extension of F0, and H is a basis for the space of hermitian forms preserved by G (up to multiplication by scalars).

Example FldForms_semiinv (H30E33)

In this example H is a normal subgroup of the absolutely irreducible group N an H is irreducible but not absolutely irreducible.
> F<x> := GF(3,2);
> H := MatrixGroup<3,F|
>   [x^2,x^7,x^3, x,0,1, x^3,x^6,2],
>   [x^3, 0, 0, 0, x^3, 0, 0, 0, x^3 ] >;
> N := MatrixGroup<3,F|H.1,H.2,[x^5,x^5,2, 0,x^2,x^6, x^7,x^7,2]>;
> IsNormal(N,H);
> IsIrreducible(H), IsAbsolutelyIrreducible(H);
true false
> IsIrreducible(N), IsAbsolutelyIrreducible(N);
true true
> SemiInvariantSesquilinearForms(H);
    <[ 1, 2 ],
        [  1   x   x]
        [x^3   0 x^3]
        [x^3   x   1],
        [  0 x^3   x]
        [  x   0 x^5]
        [x^3 x^7   0],
        [  0   0   1]
        [  0   1   0]
        [  1   0   0]
> SemiInvariantSesquilinearForms(N);
    <[ 1, 2, 1 ],
        [  0   0   1]
        [  0   1   0]
        [  1   0   0]
V2.28, 13 July 2023