Classical Groups

Given the matrix F of a bilinear or sesquilinear form, the functions described in the previous section can be used to construct classical groups which preserve F or preserve F up to a scalar.

Similar code can be used to construct the orthogonal group and the conformal orthogonal group preserving a quadratic form or the unitary group and conformal unitary group preserving an hermitian form.

However, to construct a group strictly between the isometry group and the similarity group of a form some more work is needed. The following example illustrates how this may be carried out for an hermitian form.

Example FldForms_fixaltform (H30E23)

For example the following code constructs the symplectic group G and the conformal symplectic group C preserving the non-degenerate alternating form F.
> F := Matrix(GF(5),4,4,[0,-1,-1,1, 1,0,1,-1, 1,-1,0,1, -1,1,-1,0]);
> V := SymplecticSpace(F);
> G := IsometryGroup(V);
> C := SimilarityGroup(V);
> f1, _ := IsIsomorphic(G,Sp(4,5));
> f2, _ := IsIsomorphic(C,CSp(4,5));
> f1, f2;
true true
If only the symplectic group is needed this can be obtained on one line
> G := IsometryGroup(SymplecticSpace(F));

Example FldForms_fixhermform (H30E24)

This example constructs the group of unitary matrices of determinant 1 which preserve an hermitian form F. The first step is to define a Magma function which takes the form as its only argument. The base field and dimension of F can be recovered from F itself and then an isometry varphi is constructed from the unitary space of the standard form to the unitary space of F. This is used to transform the generators of a standard copy of the special unitary group to the group preserving the form.
> specialUnitaryGrp := function(F)
>   K := BaseRing(F); n := NumberOfRows(F);
>   J, sigma := StandardHermitianForm(n,K);
>   V := UnitarySpace(F,sigma);
>   S := UnitarySpace(J,sigma);
>   flag, phi := IsIsometric(S,V);
>   assert flag;
>   T := Matrix(K,n,n,[phi(S.i) : i in [1..n]]);
>   H := SpecialUnitaryGroup(n,K);
>   return sub<IsometryGroup(V) | [T^-1*H.i*T : i in [1..NumberOfGenerators(H)]]>;
> end function;

To complete the example we define an hermitian form F and then use the above function to find the special unitary group that preserves F.

> K<z> := GF(9);
> F := Matrix(K,4,4,[1,z^7,z^6,2, z^5,2,z^6,z^6,  z^2,z^2,1,z^3, 2,z^2,z,0]);
> G := specialUnitaryGrp(F);
> flag where flag is IsIsomorphic(G,SU(4,3));
V2.28, 13 July 2023