Let V be a vector space of dimension n over a field K.
If σ is an automorphism of K, a σ-sesquilinear form
on the vector space V over K is a map β : V x V to K such that
β(u1 + u2, v) &= β(u1, v) + β(u2, v),
β(u, v1 + v2) &= β(u, v1) + β(u, v2)
β(au, bv) &= aσ(b)β(u, v).)
for all u, u1, u2, v, v1, v2∈V and all a, b∈K. If σ is the identity, the form is said to be bilinear.
A linear transformation g of V is an isometry if g preserves β; it is a similarity if it preserves β up to a non-zero scalar multiple.
A σ-sesquilinear form β is reflexive if for all u, v∈V,
β(u, v) = 0 implies β(v, u) = 0. Any non-zero multiple of a reflexive form is again reflexive with the same group of isometries. By a theorem of Brauer [Bra36] (but sometimes referred to as the Birkhoff--von Neumann theorem), up to a non-zero scalar multiple, there are three types of non-degenerate reflexive forms:
polar space. Similarly, there are polar spaces associated with quadratic forms (see Section Quadratic Forms). But throughout this chapter by polar space we shall simply mean a vector space furnished with either a reflexive σ-sesquilinear form or a quadratic form. See [Bue95, Chap. 2] for an account of polar spaces in a more general context.
Let K0 be the fixed field of σ. Multiplying an alternating, symmetric or hermitian form by a non-zero element of K0 leaves the type of the form unchanged.
However, multiplying an hermitian form by a non-zero element of K produces a sesquilinear form ξ and an element ε∈K such that for all u, v ∈V, ξ(v, u) = εσξ(u, v), where εσ(ε) = 1. In this case ξ is said to be ε-hermitian.
If β is a bilinear form, a quadratic form with polar form
β is a function Q : V to K such that
Q(av) &= a2Q(v)
β(u, v) &= Q(u + v) - Q(u) - Q(v))
for all u, v∈V and all a∈K. We have β(v, v) = 2Q(v) and therefore, if the characteristic of K is not two, β determines Q.
We extend the notion of polar space to include vector spaces V with an associated quadratic form Q. The pair (V, Q) is an orthogonal geometry and V is a quadratic space.