I + J : RngIntRes, RngIntRes -> RngIntRes
I * J : RngIntRes, RngIntRes -> RngIntRes
I meet J : RngIntRes, RngIntRes -> RngIntRes
a in I : RngIntResElt, RngIntRes -> BoolElt
a notin I : RngIntResElt, RngIntRes -> BoolElt
I eq J : RngIntRes, RngIntRes -> BoolElt
I ne J : RngIntRes, RngIntRes -> BoolElt
I subset J : RngIntRes, RngIntRes -> BoolElt
I notsubset J : RngIntRes, RngIntRes -> BoolElt
The ideal of the residue ring R generated by the greatest common divisor of
the elements ai and the modulus of R.
Gcd(a, b) : RngIntResElt, RngIntResElt -> RngIntResElt
GCD(a, b) : RngIntResElt, RngIntResElt -> RngIntResElt
Greatest common divisor of the elements a and b of R, that is,
a generator for the R-ideal (a) + (b).
Gcd(Q) : [RngIntResElt] -> RngIntResElt
GCD(Q) : [RngIntResElt] -> RngIntResElt
Greatest common divisor of the sequence of elements Q, that is,
a generator for the R-ideal generated by the elements in Q.
Lcm(a, b) : RngIntResElt, RngIntResElt -> RngIntResElt
LCM(a, b) : RngIntResElt, RngIntResElt -> RngIntResElt
Least common multiple of the elements a and b of R, that is,
a generator for the R-ideal (a)∩(b).
Lcm(Q) : [RngIntResElt] -> RngIntResElt
LCM(Q) : [RngIntResElt] -> RngIntResElt
Least common multiple of the sequence of elements Q, that is,
a generator for the R-ideal formed by the intersection of the
principal ideals generated by elements of Q.
V2.28, 28 February 2025