Operations on Structure Constant Algebras and Elements


Operations on Structure Constant Algebras

IsCommutative(A) : AlgGen -> BoolElt
Returns true if the algebra A is commutative; otherwise false.

IsAssociative(A) : AlgGen -> BoolElt
Returns true if the algebra A is associative; otherwise false.

Note that for a structure constant algebra of dimension n this requires up to n3 tests.

IsLie(A) : AlgGen -> BoolElt
Returns true if the algebra A is a Lie algebra; otherwise false.

Note that for a structure constant algebra of dimension n this requires about n3/3 tests of the Jacobi identity.

DirectSum(A, B) : AlgGen, AlgGen -> AlgGen
Construct a structure constant algebra of dimension n + m where n and m are the dimensions of the algebras A and B, respectively. The basis of the new algebra is the concatenation of the bases of A and B and the products a * b where a ∈A and b ∈B are defined to be 0.

Example AlgCon_jordan (H87E1)

We define a structure constant algebra which is a Jordan algebra.

> M := MatrixAlgebra( GF(3), 2 );
> B := Basis(M);
> C := &cat[Coordinates(M,(B[i]*B[j]+B[j]*B[i])/2) : j in [1..#B], i in [1..#B]];
> A := Algebra< GF(3), #B | C >;
> #A;
> IsAssociative(A);
> IsLie(A);
> IsCommutative(A);
This is a good start, as one of the defining properties of Jordan algebras is that they are commutative. The other property is that the identity (x2 * y) * x = x2 * (y * x) holds for all x, y ∈A. We check this on a random pair.
> x := Random(A); y := Random(A); print (x^2*y)*x - x^2*(y*x);
(0 0 0 0)
The algebra is small enough to check this identity on all elements.
> forall{<x, y>: x, y in A | (x^2*y)*x eq x^2*(y*x)};
So the algebra is in fact a Jordan algebra (which was clear by construction). We finally have a look at the structure constants.
> BasisProducts(A);
    [ (1 0 0 0), (0 2 0 0), (0 0 2 0), (0 0 0 0) ],
    [ (0 2 0 0), (0 0 0 0), (2 0 0 2), (0 2 0 0) ],
    [ (0 0 2 0), (2 0 0 2), (0 0 0 0), (0 0 2 0) ],
    [ (0 0 0 0), (0 2 0 0), (0 0 2 0), (0 0 0 1) ]

Indexing Elements

a[i] : AlgGenElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt
If a is an element of a structure constant algebra A of dimension n and 1 ≤i≤n is a positive integer, then the i-th component of the element a is returned (as an element of the base ring R of A).
a[i] := r : AlgGenElt, RngIntElt, RngElt -> AlgGenElt
Given an element a belonging to a structure constant algebra of dimension n over R, a positive integer 1 ≤i≤n and an element r ∈R, the i-th component of the element a is redefined to be r.

The Module Structure of a Structure Constant Algebra

Module(A) : AlgGen -> ModTupRng
The module Rn underlying the structure constant algebra A.
Degree(A) : AlgGen -> RngIntElt
The degree (= dimension) of the module underlying the algebra A.
Degree(a) : AlgGenElt -> RngIntElt
Given an element belonging to the structure constant algebra A of dimension n, return n.
ElementToSequence(a) : AlgGenElt -> SeqEnum
Eltseq(a) : AlgGenElt -> SeqEnum
The sequence of coefficients of the structure constant algebra element a.
Coordinates(S, a) : AlgGen, AlgGenElt -> SeqEnum
Let a be an element of a structure constant algebra A and let S be a subalgebra of A containing a. This function returns the coefficients of a with respect to the basis of S.
InnerProduct(a, b) : AlgGenElt, AlgGenElt -> RngElt
The (Euclidean) inner product of the coefficient vectors of a and b, where a and b are elements of some structure constant algebra A.
Support(a) : AlgGenElt -> SetEnum
The support of the structure constant algebra element a; i.e. the set of indices of the non-zero components of a.


hom< A -> B | Q > : AlgGen, AlgGen, [ AlgGenElt ] -> Map
hom< A -> B | Q > : AlgGen, TupMod, [ TupModElt ] -> Map
Given a structure constant algebra A of dimension n over R and either a structure constant algebra B over R or a module B over R, construct the homomorphism from A to B specified by Q. The sequence Q may be of the form [b1, ..., bn], bi ∈B, indicating that the i-th basis element of A is mapped to b1 or of the form [<a1, b1>, ..., <an, bn>] indicating that ai maps to bi, where the ai (1 ≤i ≤n) must form a basis of A.

Note that this is in general only a module homomorphism, it is not checked whether it is an algebra homomorphism.

Example AlgCon_cayley (H87E2)

We construct the real Cayley algebra, which is a non-associative algebra of dimension 8, containing 7 quaternion algebras. If the basis elements are labelled 1, ..., 8 and 1 corresponds to the identity, these quaternion algebras are spanned by { 1, (n + 1) mod 7 + 2, (n + 2) mod 7 + 2, (n + 4) mod 7 + 4 }, where 0 ≤n ≤6. We first define a function, which, given three indices i, j, k constructs a sequence with the structure constants for the quaternion algebra spanned by 1, i, j, k in the quadruple notation.

> quat := func<i,j,k | [<1,1,1, 1>, <i,i,1, -1>, <j,j,1, -1>, <k,k,1, -1>,
>   <1,i,i, 1>, <i,1,i, 1>, <1,j,j, 1>, <j,1,j, 1>, <1,k,k, 1>, <k,1,k, 1>,
>   <i,j,k, 1>, <j,i,k, -1>, <j,k,i, 1>, <k,j,i, -1>, <k,i,j, 1>, <i,k,j, -1>]>;
We now define the sequence of non-zero structure constants for the Cayley algebra using the function quat. Some structure constants are defined more than once and we have to get rid of these when defining the algebra.
> con := &cat[quat((n+1) mod 7 +2, (n+2) mod 7 +2, (n+4) mod 7 +2):n in [0..6]];
> C := Algebra< Rationals(), 8 | Setseq(Set(con)) >;
> C;
Algebra of dimension 8 with base ring Rational Field
> IsAssociative(C);
> IsAssociative( sub< C | C.1, C.2, C.3, C.5 > );
The integral elements in this algebra are those where either all coefficients are integral or exactly 4 coefficients lie in 1/2 + Z in positions i1, i2, i3, i4, such that i1, i2, i3, i4 are a basis of one of the 7 quaternion algebras or a complement of such a basis. These elements are called the integral Cayley numbers and form a Z-algebra. The units in this algebra are the elements with either one entry ∓ 1 and the others 0 or with 4 entries ∓ 1/2 and 4 entries 0, where the non-zero entries are in the positions as described above. This gives 240 units and they form (after rescaling with Sqrt(2)) the roots in the root lattice of type E8.
> a := (C.1 - C.2 + C.3 - C.5) / 2;
> MinimalPolynomial(a);
$.1^2 - $.1 + 1
> MinimalPolynomial(a^-1);
$.1^2 - $.1 + 1
> MinimalPolynomial(C.2+C.3);
$.1^2 + 2
> MinimalPolynomial((C.2+C.3)^-1);
$.1^2 + 1/2
Tensoring the integral Cayley algebra with a finite field gives a finite Cayley algebra. As the Z-algebra generated by the chosen basis for C has index 24 in the full integral Cayley algebra, we can get the finite Cayley algebras by applying the ChangeRing function for finite fields of odd characteristic. The Cayley algebra over GF(q) has the simple group G2(q) as its automorphism group. Since the identity has to be fixed, every automorphism is determined by its image on the remaining 7 basis elements. Each of these has minimal polynomial x2 + 1, hence one obtains a permutation representation of G2(q) on the elements with this minimal polynomial. As ∓-pairs have to be preserved, this number can be divided by 2.
> C3 := ChangeRing( C, GF(3) );
> f := MinimalPolynomial(C3.2);
> f;
$.1^2 + 1
> #C3;
> time Im := [ c : c in C3 | MinimalPolynomial(c) eq f ];
Time: 3.099
> #Im;
> C5 := ChangeRing( C, GF(5) );
> f := MinimalPolynomial(C5.2);
> f;
$.1^2 + 1
> #C5;
> time Im := [ c : c in C5 | MinimalPolynomial(c) eq f ];
Time: 238.620
> #Im;
In the case of the Cayley algebra over GF(3) we obtain a permutation representation of degree 351, which is in fact the smallest possible degree (corresponding to the representation on the cosets of the largest maximal subgroup U3(3):2). Over GF(5), the permutation representation is of degree 7875, corresponding to the maximal subgroup L3(5):2, the smallest possible degree being 3906.
V2.28, 28 February 2025