Algebras are viewed as free modules over a ring R with an additional
multiplication. There are no a priori conditions imposed on the ring
except that it must be unital, but some functions may require that
an echelonization algorithm is available for modules
over R and sometimes it is also required that R is a field. For example,
quotients of algebras can only be constructed over fields, since otherwise the
quotient module is not necessarily a free module over R.
The most general way to define an algebra is by structure constants,
but for special types of algebras Magma uses more efficient representations.
At present, Magma contains seven main categories of algebras:
- (1)
- General algebras represented by structure constants:
category AlgGen;
- (2)
- Associative algebras represented by structure constants:
category AlgAss;
- (3)
- Quaternion algebras as special types of associative algebras;
category AlgQuat;
- (4)
- Lie algebras represented by structure constants:
category AlgLie;
- (5)
- Group algebras: category AlgGrp with a special type
AlgGrpSub for subalgebras of group algebras;
- (6)
- Matrix algebras: category AlgMat;
- (7)
- Finitely presented algebras: category AlgFP.
The hierarchy of these categories is such that
AlgGen is on the top
level and
AlgAss and
AlgLie are on the next level inheriting the
functions available for
AlgGen. The categories
AlgGrp and
AlgMat are on a third level inheriting the
functions available for
AlgAss. Finitely presented algebras
are independent of the other categories.
V2.28, 24 February 2025