Subsemigroups, Ideals and Quotients


Subsemigroups and Ideals

sub<S | L1, ..., Lr> : SgpFP, SgpFPElt, ..., SgpFPElt -> SgpFP
Construct the subsemigroup R of the fp-semigroup S generated by the words specified by the terms of the generator list L1, ..., Lr.

A term Li of the generator list may consist of any of the following objects:

A word;
A set or sequence of words;
A sequence of integers representing a word;
A set or sequence of sequences of integers representing words;
A subsemigroup of an fp-semigroup;
A set or sequence of subsemigroups.

The collection of words and semigroups specified by the list must all belong to the semigroup S, and R will be constructed as a subgroup of S.

The generators of R consist of the words specified directly by terms Li together with the stored generating words for any semigroups specified by terms of Li. Repetitions of an element and occurrences of the identity element are removed (unless R is trivial).

ideal<S | L1, ..., Lr> : SgpFP, SgpFPElt, ..., SgpFPElt -> SgpFPIdl
Construct the two-sided ideal I of the fp-semigroup S generated by the words specified by the terms of the generator list L1, ..., Lr.

The possible forms of a term Li of the generator list are the same as for the sub-constructor.

lideal<G | L1, ..., Lr> : SgpFP, SgpFPElt, ..., SgpFPElt -> SgpFPIdl
Construct the left ideal I of the fp-semigroup S generated by the words specified by the terms of the generator list L1, ..., Lr.

The possible forms of a term Li of the generator list are the same as for the sub-constructor.

rideal<G | L1, ..., Lr> : SgpFP, SgpFPElt, ..., SgpFPElt -> SgpFPIdl
Construct the right ideal I of the fp-semigroup S generated by the words specified by the terms of the generator list L1, ..., Lr.

The possible forms of a term Li of the generator list are the same as for the sub-constructor.


quo< F | relations > : SgpFP, Rel, ..., Rel -> SgpFP
Given an fp-semigroup F, and a list of relations relations over the generators of F, construct the quotient of F by the ideal of F defined by relations.

The expression defining F may be either simply the name of a previously constructed semigroup, or an expression defining an fp-semigroup.

Each term of the list relations must be a relation, a relation list or, if S is a monoid, a word.

A word is interpreted as a relator if S is a monoid.

A relation consists of a pair of words, separated by `='. (See above).

A relation list consists of a list of words, where each pair of adjacent words is separated by `=': w1 = w2 = ... = wr. This is interpreted as the relations w1 = wr, ..., wr - 1 = wr.

Note that the relation list construct is only meaningful in the context of the fp semigroup-constructor.

In the context of the quo-constructor, the identity element (empty word) of a monoid may be represented by the digit 1.

Note that this function returns:

The quotient semigroup S;
The natural homomorphism φ : F -> S.
V2.28, 13 July 2023