
For a general description of homomorphisms, we refer to Chapter MAPPINGS. This section describes some special aspects of homomorphisms whose domain is in the category GrpBrd.


General Remarks

An important special case of homomorphisms with domain in the category GrpBrd is the following. A homomorphism f:B -> G, where B and Bprime are braid groups on n and m strings, respectively, and f is an embedding of B in G induced by si - - > sprimek + e i (i=1, ..., n - 1) where the si are the Artin generators of B, the sprimej are the Artin generators of Bprime, |e| = 1 and k is a suitable constant.

The Magma implementation uses special optimisation techniques, if a homomorphism with domain in the category GrpBrd has the additional properties listed above. Compared to the general case, this results in faster evaluation of such homomorphisms, in particular in the case e = 1.

Computing preimages under homomorphisms with domain in the category GrpBrd currently is only supported for the special case described above. Moreover, computing the preimage of an element u under a map f may fail, even if u is contained in the image of f.

Constructing Homomorphisms

hom< B -> G | S : parameters > : Struct , Struct -> Map
    Check: BoolElt                      Default: true
Returns the homomorphism from the braid group B to the group G defined by the assignment S. S can be the one of the following:
A list, sequence or indexed set containing the images of all k Artin generators B.1, ..., B.k of B. Here, the i-th element of S is interpreted as the image of B.i, that is, the order of the elements in S is important.
A list, sequence, enumerated set or indexed set, containing k tuples <xi, yi> or arrow pairs xi - > yi, where xi is a generator of B and yi∈G (i=1, ..., k) and the set {x1, ..., xk} is the full set of Artin generators of B. In this case, yi is assigned as the image of xi, hence the order of the elements in S is not important.

Note, that it is currently not possible to define a homomorphism by assigning images to the elements of an arbitrary generating set of B.

If the category of the codomain supports element arithmetic and element comparison, by default the constructed homomorphism is checked by verifying that the would-be images of the Artin generators satisfy the braid relations of B. In this case, it is assured that the returned map is a well-defined homomorphism. The most important situation in which it is not possible to perform checking is the case in which the domain is a finitely presented group (FPGroup; cf. Chapter INTRODUCTION TO FP-GROUPS) which is not free. Checking may be disabled by setting the parameter Check to false.

Accessing Homomorphisms

e @ f : GrpBrdElt, Map -> GrpElt
f(e) : Map, GrpBrdElt -> GrpElt
Given a homomorphism whose domain is a braid group B and an element e of B, return the image of e under f as element of the codomain of f.
B @ f : GrpBrd, Map -> Grp
f(B) : Map, GrpBrd -> Grp
Given a homomorphism whose domain is a braid group B, return the image of B under f as a subgroup of the codomain of f.

This function is not supported for all codomain categories.

u @@ f : GrpElt, Map -> GrpBrdElt
Given a homomorphism whose domain is a braid group B and an element u of the image of f, return the preimage of u under f as an element of B.

This function currently is only supported if f is an embedding of one braid group into another as described in Section General Remarks. Note, moreover, that computing the preimage of u may fail, even if u is contained in the image of f.

Domain(f) : Map -> Grp
The domain of the homomorphism f.
Codomain(f) : Map -> Grp
The codomain of the homomorphism f.
Image(f) : Map -> Grp
The image or range of the homomorphism f as a subgroup of the codomain of f.

This function is not supported for all codomain categories.

Example GrpBrd_Homomorphisms (H80E10)

The symmetric group on n letters is an epimorphic image of the braid group on n strings, where for 0 < i < n the image of the Artin generator ai is given by the transposition (i, i + 1).

We construct this homomorphism for the case n = 10.

> Bn := BraidGroup(10);
> Sn := Sym(10);
> f := hom< Bn->Sn | [ Sn!(i,i+1) : i in [1..Ngens(Bn)] ] >;
Of course, the image of f is the full symmetric group.
> Image(f) eq Sn;
Now we compute the image of a pseudo-random element of Bn under f.
> f(Random(Bn));
(1, 5, 8)(2, 4, 9, 7, 6, 3)
(Key exchange as proposed in [KLC+00])

Consider a collection of l + r strings t1, ..., tl + r and the braid group B acting on t1, ..., tl + r with Artin generators s1, ..., sl + r - 1 . The subgroups of B fixing the strings tl + 1, ..., tl + r and t1, ..., tl may be identified with braid groups L on l strings and R on r strings, respectively, with the Artin generators of L and R corresponding to s1, ..., sl - 1 and sl + 1, ..., sl + r - 1, respectively.

We set up these groups for l = 6 and r = 7 using the BKL presentations.

> l := 6;
> r := 7;
> B := BraidGroup(l+r : Presentation := "BKL");
> L := BraidGroup(l : Presentation := "BKL");
> R := BraidGroup(r : Presentation := "BKL");
We now construct the embeddings f : L -> B and g : R -> B.
> f := hom< L-> B | [ L.i -> B.i : i in [1..Ngens(L)] ] >;
> g := hom< R-> B | [ R.i -> B.(l+i) : i in [1..Ngens(R)] ] >;
To complete the preparatory steps, we choose a random element of B which is not too short.
> x := Random(B, 15, 25);
The data constructed so far is assumed to be publicly available. Each time two users A and B require a shared key, the following steps are performed.
A chooses a random secret element a∈L and sends the normal form of y1 := xa to B.
B chooses a random secret element b∈R and sends the normal form of y2 := xb to A.
A receives y2 and computes the normal form of y2a.
B receives y1 and computes the normal form of y1b.

Note the following.

Transmitting y1 and y2 in normal form disguises their structure as products a - 1xa and b - 1xb, provided the words used are long enough and prevents simply reading off the conjugating elements a and b.
Since the subgroups L and R of B commute, we have ab = ba, which implies y2a = xba = xab = y1b. Thus, the normal forms computed by A and B in steps (c) and (d), respectively, must be identical and can be used to extract a secret shared key.

We illustrate this, using the groups set up above. For step (a):

> a := Random(L, 15, 25);
> y1 := NormalForm(x^f(a));
Now for step (b):
> b := Random(R, 15, 25);
> y2 := NormalForm(x^g(b));
We now verify that A and B arrive at the same information in steps (c) and (d).
> K_A := NormalForm(y2^f(a));
> K_B := NormalForm(y1^g(b));
> AreIdentical(K_A, K_B);
We see that the information computed by A and B in steps (c) and (d) is indeed identical and hence can be used (in suitable form) as a common secret. Note, however, that the number of strings and the lengths of the elements used in the example above are much smaller than the values suggested for real cryptographic purposes.
(Attack on key exchange)

We now show an attack on the key exchange outlined above using conjugacy search based on ultra summit sets.

An eavesdropper can try to compute an element c conjugating x to y1. While this is not guaranteed to reproduce the braid a, the chances for a successful key recovery are quite good.

We decide to change to the Artin presentation of B and use the function MyIsConjugate from Example H80E8 for computing a conjugating element c as above.

> SetPresentation(~B, "Artin");
> time _, c := MyIsConjugate(x, y1);
42 elements computed
Time: 0.020
Finding a conjugating element is no problem at all. Using the conjugating element, we can try to recover the shared secret. In this example we are lucky.
> NormalForm(y2^c) eq K_A;

In the conjugacy search above, a conjugating element was found after computing 42 ultra summit elements. The ultra summit set itself is larger, but can still be computed very easily.

> time Ux := UltraSummitSet(x);
Time: 3.150
> #Ux;

The super summit set is, even in this small example, too large to be computed; conjugacy search based on super summit sets would quite likely fail.

> time Sx := SuperSummitSet(x);
Current total memory usage: 4055.1MB
System error: Out of memory.

Finally, we show that the attack using conjugacy search based on ultra summit sets is also applicable to larger examples. We try to recover a key, which is generated using elements with canonical lengths between 500 and 1000 in a braid group on 100 strings.

> l := 50;
> r := 50;
> B := BraidGroup(l+r);
> L := BraidGroup(l);
> R := BraidGroup(r);
> f := hom< L-> B | [ L.i -> B.i : i in [1..Ngens(L)] ] >;
> g := hom< R-> B | [ R.i -> B.(l+i) : i in [1..Ngens(R)] ] >;
> x := Random(B, 0, 1, 500, 1000);
> a := Random(L, 0, 1, 500, 1000);
> y1 := NormalForm(x^f(a));
> b := Random(R, 0, 1, 500, 1000);
> y2 := NormalForm(x^g(b));
> K_A := NormalForm(y2^f(a));
> K_B := NormalForm(y1^g(b));
> AreIdentical(K_A, K_B);

We again try to recover the key by computing an element conjugating x to y1. This time, we use the built-in Magma function for efficiency reasons.

> time _, c := IsConjugate(x, y1);
Time: 18.350
> K_A eq NormalForm(y2^c);

Bad luck. -- We managed to compute a conjugating element, but this failed to recover the key.

We try with an element conjugating x to y2.

> time _, c := IsConjugate(x, y2);
Time: 3.800
> K_B eq NormalForm(y1^c);
Success! -- Good that we didn't use this key to encrypt our credit card number!

Representations of Braid Groups

This section describes the functions available for creating a number of well known representations of braid groups.

SymmetricRepresentation(B) : GrpBrd -> Map
Given a braid group B on n strings, return the natural epimorphism from B onto the symmetric group on n points, induced by the action of B on the strings by which B is defined.
BurauRepresentation(B) : GrpBrd -> Map
Given a braid group B on n strings, return the Burau representation of B as homomorphism from B to the matrix algebra of degree n over the rational function field over the integers.
BurauRepresentation(B, p) : GrpBrd, RngIntElt -> Map
Given a braid group B on n strings and a prime p, return the p-modular Burau representation of B as homomorphism from B to the matrix algebra of degree n over the rational function field over the field with p elements.

Example GrpBrd_Representations (H80E11)

We construct the Burau representation of the braid group on 4 strings.
> B := BraidGroup(4);
> f := BurauRepresentation(B);
Its codomain is a matrix algebra of degree 4 over the rational function field over the integers.
> A := Codomain(f);
> A;
GL(4, FunctionField(IntegerRing()))
> F := BaseRing(A);
> F;
Univariate rational function field over Integer Ring
Variables: $.1
To obtain nicer printing, we assign the name t to the generator of the function field F.
> AssignNames(~F, ["t"]);
Now we can check easily whether we remembered the definition of the Burau representation correctly.
> f(B.1);
[-t + 1      t      0      0]
[     1      0      0      0]
[     0      0      1      0]
[     0      0      0      1]
> f(B.2);
[     1      0      0      0]
[     0 -t + 1      t      0]
[     0      1      0      0]
[     0      0      0      1]
> f(B.3);
[     1      0      0      0]
[     0      1      0      0]
[     0      0 -t + 1      t]
[     0      0      1      0]
V2.28, 28 February 2025