The functions described in this section require the existence of a nilpotent covering group. They are based on algorithms published in [Lo98].
Given elements g and h and a group G, which are contained in some nilpotent common group, return the value true if there exists c∈G such that gc = h. If so, the function returns such a conjugating element as second value.
Given groups G, H and K with a nilpotent common covering group, return the value true if there exists c∈G such that Hc = K. If so, the function returns such a conjugating element as second value.
> F<t, a,b, c,d> := FreeGroup(5); > G<t, a,b, c,d> := quo<GrpGPC: F | a^2, b^16, b^a=b^15, > c^2, d^16, d^c=d^15, > t^2, a^t=c, b^t=d, c^t=a, d^t=b>; > IsNilpotent(G); trueSince G is nilpotent, a test for conjugacy in G is available.
We define the following subgroups of G: D1 generated by a and b, D2 generated by c and d and D3 generated by ac and bd.
> D1 := sub<G|a,b>; > D2 := sub<G|c,d>; > D3<u,v> := sub<G|a*c, b*d>; >D1 and D2 are, of course, conjugate in G; t is a conjugating element.
> IsConjugate(G, D1, D2); true tThe elements b and d - 1 are conjugate in G; we compute a conjugating element.
> IsConjugate(G, b, d^-1); true t * a * cHowever, neither the subgroups D1 and D2 nor the elements b and d - 1, are conjugate in the subgroup D3.
> IsConjugate(D3, D1, D2); false > IsConjugate(D3, b, d^-1); false