Finite FP-Groups

In this section a number of intrinsics that apply only to finite fp-group will be described. Of course most of the intrinsics designed for working with general fp-groups will also apply to finite fp-groups.


Concrete Representations

If a finitely-presented group is known to have moderate order, it may be useful to write it concretely as a permutation or PC-group. There are two utilities provided for this purpose.

PermutationGroup(G) : GrpFP -> GrpPerm, GrpHom
Construct a faithful permutation representation of G, and the isomorphism from G to the representation. The algorithm first computes the order of G, then takes the regular representation of G, and then tries to reduce the degree. Thus, the intrinsic is restricted to groups of order a million (depending upon the amount of memory available).
PCGroup(G) : GrpFP -> GrpPC, GrpHom
Construct a faithful PC-group representation of G, and the isomorphism from G to the representation. The algorithm first computes the order of G, then computes the soluble quotient of G with the order found. Thus the command is restricted to small soluble groups.

The Cayley Graph

Given a finite fp-group G of moderate order we can construct its Cayley graph. This graph can then be studied using the extensive tools provided in magma for graphs.

CayleyGraph(G) : GrpFP -> GrphVertSet, GrphEdgeSeto
    Labelled: BoolElt                   Default Default: true
Given a finite group G defined on generating set X, construct the Cayley graph C of G relative to the generating set X. This graph is defined as follows: The vertices correspond to the elements of G and two vertices u, v are adjacent if and only if there exists an generator x in X such that u * x = v.

The optional parameter Labelled (Labelled := true by default) can be set to false to prevent the graph being labelled. If this is not done, then the vertices of C will be labelled with the appropriate elements of G and the (directed) edge from u to v will be labelled with the appropriate generator x as defined above.

SchreierGraph(G, H) : Grp, Grp -> Grph, GrphVertSet, GrphEdgeSet
    Labelled: BoolElt                   Default Default: true
    Directed: BoolElt                   Default Default: true
Given a finite fp-group G defined on the generating set X and a subgroup H of G, construct the Schreier coset graph S for G over H, relative to X. The graph S is defined as follows: The vertices correspond to the cosets of H in G, and two vertices u, v are adjacent in S if and only if there exists an element x in X such that u * x = v.

The graph returned may be a labelled or unlabelled version and directed or undirected. These versions are controlled by the parameters Labelled and Directed, which are both true by default.

Example GrpFP_cayley-graph (H78E52)

We define the Cayley graph of the dihedral group of order 12 and then construct its directed Cayley graph.
> G<x, y> := DihedralFPGroup(6);
> C, V, E := CayleyGraph(G);  C;
Vertex  Neighbours
1       2 3 ;
2       5 6 ;
3       1 7 ;
4       1 7 ;
5       9 10 ;
6       2 3 ;
7       4 11 ;
8       4 11 ;
9       8 12 ;
10      5 6 ;
11      8 12 ;
12      9 10 ;

We next find the diameter d of the graph and then construct the word corresponding to a path of length d.

> d := Diameter(C);  d;
> p := DiameterPath(C);  p;
[ 1, 2, 5, 9, 8 ]
> word := &* [ Label(E![p[i], p[i+1]]) : i in [1..d]];
> word;

We next construct the automorphism group of the unlabelled, undirected graph underlying C.

> D := UnderlyingGraph(C);  D;
Vertex  Neighbours
1       2 3 4 ;
2       1 5 6 ;
3       1 6 7 ;
4       1 7 8 ;
5       2 9 10 ;
6       2 3 10 ;
7       3 4 11 ;
8       4 9 11 ;
9       5 8 12 ;
10      5 6 12 ;
11      7 8 12 ;
12      9 10 11 ;
> A := AutomorphismGroup(D);  A;
Permutation group A acting on a set of cardinality 12
Order = 24 = 2^3 * 3
    (2, 4)(5, 8)(6, 7)(10, 11)
    (1, 2)(3, 6)(4, 5)(7, 10)(8, 9)(11, 12)
    (1, 3)(2, 6)(4, 7)(5, 10)(8, 11)(9, 12)
Finally we check that S has the dihedral group of order 12 as a subgroup.
> subs := Subgroups(A);
> P := PermutationGroup(G);
> exists(j){ i : i in [1..#subs] | IsIsomorphic(P, subs[i]`subgroup)};
> j;
So subgroup 25 is isomorphic to G. In fact there are four conjugacy classes of subgroups in A that are isomorphic to G.
V2.28, 28 February 2025