


This chapter describes a set of tools for working with finite almost-simple groups (AS-groups). In the program for computing with non-soluble finite groups, the goal is to reduce the solution of many problems concerning a non-soluble group G to that of solving the same problem for the non-abelian simple composition factors of G. We are concerned with very specific types of computation with AS-groups.

The techniques described in this chapter are under development and are very incomplete in their coverage. The material falls roughly into two main categories.

Functions which try to identify a particular group S known to be almost simple with a standard copy T of that AS-group. In addition, if such an isomorphism is found, it is often desirable to explicitly construct it so that questions concerning S can be answered by mapping them into the "standard" group T. Hence the recognition functions are divided into those which perform non-constructive recognition (they assert the existence of an isomorphism between S and T) and those that perform constructive recognition (an explicit isomorphism between S and T is returned).

Functions which allow the user to determine information about an AS-group. These functions are usually implemented separately for each family of simple groups. Thus, for each family of simple groups our goal is to provide machinery for constructing key properties of any group T in that family in the context of a standard representation of the group. Using the isomorphism constructed in (a), this information can then be transferred back to the user's group S. Examples of such information include, information about element conjugacy, maximal subgroups, and Sylow p-subgroups.

The functions described in this chapter do not assume that a BSGS-representation can be constructed available. Thus, the techniques described here apply to groups possibly having both much larger order and/or much larger dimension than those that can be handled with the techniques of Chapters PERMUTATION GROUPS and MATRIX GROUPS OVER GENERAL RINGS.

V2.28, 13 July 2023