p-Groups of Tame Genus

The TameGenus package contains polynomial-time algorithms to decide isomorphism, construct automorphism groups, and build canonical labels of a class of p-groups of nilpotency class 2 and exponent p. We say such groups have tame genus, and we provide a function called IsTameGenusGroup to check whether the functions in TameGenus can be applied to the given group. This class includes d-generated groups of order pd + 2, exponent p, and class 2.For definitions, theorems, and descriptions of algorithms, see [BMW17]. When appropriate, intrinsics for groups also work for bilinear maps (TenSpcElt).


Verbose Printing

We have included intrinsics to allow for verbose printing. The string "TameGenus" is now accepted by SetVerbose with print levels between 0 and 2. Level 0 turns off all printing. Level 1 will print out the steps in the algorithms, and level 2 will print timings and extra structural information along the way.

Example GrpPC_VerbosePrinting (H69E38)

We demonstrate the verbose printing by constructing a random genus 2 group of order 320 + 2.
> G := RandomGenus2Group(3, [4, 6, 10]);
> #G eq 3^(4 + 6 + 10 + 2);
> Genus(G);

With the verbose printing, we can see steps of the algorithm.

> SetVerbose("TameGenus", 1);
> A := TGAutomorphismGroup(G);
Extracting the p-central tensor and computing pseudo-isometries.
Checking the radicals.
        dim(Rad_V) = 0
        dim(Rad_W) = 0
Writing tensor over its centroid.
Tensor has genus 2.
Computing the adjoint algebra.
        dim(Adj) = 40
Decomposing tensor into flat and sloped subtensors.
        Block dims = [ 4, 6, 10 ]
Number of sloped blocks to lift: 3.
Field is small enough, applying Pfaffian method.
Number of flat blocks to lift: 0.
Constructing the isometry group.
   |   Sp ( 2 , 3 ^ 2 )
   |   Sp ( 2 , 3 ^ 3 )
   |   Sp ( 2 , 3 ^ 5 )
   |   3 ^ 0    (unipotent radical)
Constructing automorphism group from pseudo-isometries.


We introduce functions to construct groups of genus ≤2.

TGRandomGroup(q, n, g : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> GrpPC
    Exponentp: BoolElt                  Default: true
Given q=pm, n>0, and g>0, returns a p-group G with genus ≤g and order qn + g. The algorithm is based on the Universal Coefficients Theorem, see [LGM02, Chapter 9] for the statement and proof. There is one optional parameter: Exponentp.
Exponentp: Set to false if the constructor should not force exponent p.

Example GrpPC_RandomGenusGroups (H69E39)

We construct a random group using the TGRandomGroup constructor. Specifically, we create a group G with exponent 5 such that the commutator tensor [, ] has centroid containing K=GF(57) with genus at most 2 and where (dim)K (G/Φ(G)) = 8. First, we create the group.
> G := TGRandomGroup(5^7, 8, 2);
> #G eq 5^(7*(8 + 2));

We check that the genus of our group G is at most 2.

> Genus(G);

We verify that the commutator tensor has a centroid containing the field of order 57.

> t := pCentralTensor(G, 1, 1);
> t;
Tensor of valence 3, U2 x U1 >-> U0
U2 : Full Vector space of degree 56 over GF(5)
U1 : Full Vector space of degree 56 over GF(5)
U0 : Full Vector space of degree 28 over GF(5)
> C := Centroid(t);
> Dimension(C);
> IsSimple(C);
RandomGenus2Group(q, d : parameters) : RngIntElt, [RngIntElt] -> GrpPC
    Exponentp: BoolElt                  Default: true
Given q=pm and d=[d1, ..., dk], where di>0, return a genus 2 group G whose commutator tensor [, ] : V x V ↣ W which is GF(q)-bilinear and whose perp-decomposition has blocks of the prescribed dimensions d1, ..., dk over GF(q). Each di=1 increases the dimension of the radical of [, ] by 1 over GF(q). There is one optional parameter: Exponentp.
Exponentp: Set to false if the constructor should not force exponent p.

Example GrpPC_PrescribedBlocks (H69E40)

Unlike the TGRandomGroup constructor, if we want to construct a genus 2 group with prescribed block dimensions, we can do this with RandomGenus2Group. If we want an elementary abelian direct factor, we can append a sequence of 1s whose sum is the rank of such a factor. We construct a genus 2 group G with an indecomposable blocks of dimensions 10, 7, 4, 4, and 1. Therefore, G isomorphic to H x Z/(p), where H is directly indecomposable and of order 725 + 2.
> G := RandomGenus2Group(7, [10, 7, 4, 4, 1]);
> #G eq 7^(10 + 7 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 2);

We can see these blocks with the genus 2 signature of the group. See TGSignature for a description of the output.

> S := TGSignature(G);
> S;
[* <7, 25, 2>, <1, 0>,
    [ 7 ],
        [ 1, 0, 1 ],
        [ 1, 4, 5 ],
        [ 1, 3, 3, 2, 6, 3 ]
RandomGenus1Group(q, d, r : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> GrpPC
    Exponentp: BoolElt                  Default: true
Given q=pm, d>0, and r≥0, return a group G with genus 1 and of order q2d + r + 1. The center of G has order qr + 1, and G is m(2d + r)-generated. There is one optional parameter: Exponentp.
Exponentp: Set to false if the constructor should not force exponent p.

Example GrpPC_Heisenbergs (H69E41)

The classic Heisenberg group over a field is an example of a genus 1 group, and one can generalize this construction in a number of ways. We will create a matrix group, over GF(81), as a polycyclic group.
> G := RandomGenus1Group(81, 2, 0);
> #G eq 81^(2*2 + 1);

We verify that G has genus 1 and that the derived subgroup is isomorphic to (Z/(3))4.

> D := DerivedSubgroup(G);
> IsElementaryAbelian(D);
> #D eq 3^4;

Although the underlying field GF(81) is hidden within the relations of the polycyclic presentation, we can still construct it and compute the genus over this larger field.

> Genus(G);
Genus2Group(f) : RngUPolElt -> GrpPC
Genus2Group(f) : RngMPolElt -> GrpPC
Given either a univariate or homogeneous multivariate polynomial in two variables over GF(q), return a group G whose commutator GF(q)-tensor has a Pfaffian in the same Γ(L)(2, q)-orbit as f.

Example GrpPC_Pfaffians (H69E42)

We construct the genus 2 group G whose (univariate) Pfaffian is equivalent to f(x) = x3(x - 1)2(x - 2) in GF(9)[x]. Therefore, we expect |G|=92.6 + 2.
> P<x> := PolynomialRing(GF(9));
> f := x^3*(x-1)^2*(x-2);
> G := Genus2Group(f);
> #G eq 9^(2*6 + 2);

The genus 2 signature reveals the block structure. All six perp-indecomposable subspaces are 2-dimensional.

> S := TGSignature(G);
> S;
[* <9, 12, 2>, <0, 0>,
        [ 1, 1 ],
        [ 1, 0, 0 ],
        [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]

The output shows that the homogenization of f is equivalent to the polynomial g(x, y) = x2y3(x + y) in GF(q)[x, y].

Direct Indecomposability

Determining the genus of a group G requires knowing the direct indecomposable factors of G, so there are functions to decide if G is indecomposable.

IsIndecomposable(G) : GrpPC -> BoolElt
Given a group G, decide if G is directly indecomposable. This algorithm is based on algorithms by Wilson in [Wil12].
IsIndecomposable(t) : TenSpcElt -> BoolElt
Given a tensor t, decide if t is directly indecomposable. This algorithm is based on algorithms by Wilson in [Wil12].

Example GrpPC_DecomposableGroups (H69E43)

We create a decomposable genus 2 group from the TameGenus constructors. For example, the group G with a Pfaffian equivalent to xy is decomposable.
> P<x, y> := PolynomialRing(GF(7), 2);
> f := x*y;
> G := Genus2Group(f);
> G;
GrpPC : G of order 117649 = 7^6
G.3^G.1 = G.3 * G.5,
G.4^G.2 = G.4 * G.6
> IsIndecomposable(G);

This example also shows that TGRandomGroup may return a group that is directly decomposable.

Example GrpPC_DirectNotCentral (H69E44)

We create a directly indecomposable group G that is a central product of two genus 2 groups.
> G := RandomGenus2Group(5, [3, 4]);
> #G eq 5^(3 + 4 + 2);
> IsIndecomposable(G);

We observe the central factors from the genus 2 signature of G. We see that G is a central product of genus 2 groups of order 55 and 56.

> TGSignature(G);
[* <5, 7, 2>, <0, 0>,
    [ 3 ],
        [ 1, 0, 2 ]


Genus(G) : GrpPC -> RngIntElt
Given a directly indecomposable p-group G, return the genus of G as defined in [BMW17].
Genus(t) : TenSpcElt -> RngIntElt
Given a directly indecomposable tensor t: V x V ↣ W, return the rank of W as a C-module. Only implemented for algebras C such that C/J(C) is simple, where J(C) is the Jacobson radical.

Example GrpPC_Genus (H69E45)

We determine the genus of some groups in the Small Group library. Let G be the group of order 36 with ID number 440. Its derived subgroup is isomorphic to (Z/(3))2, and G is genus 2.
> G := SmallGroup(3^6, 440);
> #DerivedSubgroup(G) eq 3^2;
> IsElementaryAbelian(DerivedSubgroup(G));
> Genus(G);

Let H be the group of order 36 with ID number 469. Its derived subgroup is isomorphic to (Z/(3))2 also, but H is genus 1.

> H := SmallGroup(3^6, 469);
> #DerivedSubgroup(H) eq 3^2;
> IsElementaryAbelian(DerivedSubgroup(H));
> Genus(H);

We can see this difference in genus in multiple ways. If we extract the commutator tensor from both groups, one is bilinear over a quadratic field extension where the other tensor is not. The algebra that records this is the centroid of a tensor, see Centroid.

> s := pCentralTensor(G, 1, 1);
> t := pCentralTensor(H, 1, 1);
> C_G := Centroid(s);
> C_H := Centroid(t);
> C_G;
Matrix Algebra of degree 6 with 2 generators over GF(3)
> C_H;
Matrix Algebra of degree 6 with 2 generators over GF(3)

The centroid associated to the tensor s is 2-dimensional but with a nontrivial Jacobson radical. The centroid associated to the tensor t is 2-dimensional and a simple GF(3)-algebra.

> Dimension(C_G);
> Dimension(C_H);
> WedderburnDecomposition(C_G);
Matrix Algebra of degree 6 with 1 generator over GF(3)
Matrix Algebra of degree 6 with 1 generator over GF(3)
> IsSimple(C_H);
IsTameGenusGroup(G) : Group -> BoolElt
Decides if the functions in the TameGenus package (prefixed with TG) can be applied to the given group G.
IsTameGenusTensor(t) : TenSpcElt -> BoolElt
Decides if the functions in the TameGenus package (prefixed with TG) can be applied to the given tensor t.

Example GrpPC_NonExample (H69E46)

We create a group that is not covered by the TameGenus package. The small groups of order 36 with IDs 440 and 469 both have tame genus: 2 and 1 respectively. The direct product of the two groups has genus 2, but because the group is not directly indecomposable, the current implementation of TameGenus cannot handle it.
> H1 := SmallGroup(3^6, 440);
> H2 := SmallGroup(3^6, 469);
> G := DirectProduct(H1, H2);
> G;
GrpPC : G of order 531441 = 3^12
    G.2^G.1 = G.2 * G.5,
    G.3^G.1 = G.3 * G.6,
    G.3^G.2 = G.3 * G.5,
    G.4^G.1 = G.4 * G.5,
    G.8^G.7 = G.8 * G.11,
    G.9^G.7 = G.9 * G.12,
    G.9^G.8 = G.9 * G.11^2 * G.12,
    G.10^G.7 = G.10 * G.11 * G.12,
    G.10^G.8 = G.10 * G.11
> IsTameGenusGroup(G);

Example GrpPC_AllTheSmallGroups (H69E47)

We use the IsTameGenusGroup to filter large databases down to the ones covered by TameGenus. We do that with the Small Group library for groups of order 36, and we find there are seven such groups. Recall, that these groups must have prime exponent.
> G2_SG := [*G : G in SmallGroups(3^6) | IsTameGenusGroup(G)*];
> #G2_SG;

We further filter these groups based on their genus, and we find that there are six groups of positive genus and one abelian group.

> G1 := [*G : G in G2_SG | Genus(G) eq 1*];
> G2 := [*G : G in G2_SG | Genus(G) eq 2*];
> #G1;
> #G2;

We determine the tame genus signatures to show that all these groups yield different signatures. We first consider the genus 1 groups.

> for G in G1 do
>     TGSignature(G);
> end for;
[* <9, 2, 1>, <0, 0>, [* *], [* *] *]
[* <3, 2, 1>, <3, 0>, [* *], [* *] *]
[* <3, 4, 1>, <1, 0>, [* *], [* *] *]

The genus 2 groups have the following signatures.

> for G in G2 do
>     TGSignature(G);
> end for;
[* <3, 3, 2>, <1, 0>,
    [ 3 ],
    [* *]
[* <3, 4, 2>, <0, 0>,
        [ 0, 0, 1 ]
[* <3, 4, 2>, <0, 0>,
        [ 1, 0 ],
        [ 0, 1 ]


TGIsIsomorphic(G, H : parameters) : GrpPC, GrpPC -> BoolElt
    Cent: BoolElt                       Default: true
    Constructive: BoolElt               Default: true
    Method: RngIntElt                   Default: 0
Given class ≤2, exponent p, directly indecomposable odd-ordered p-groups G and H of genus ≤2, decide if G isomorphic to H. This will accept groups G of the form G isomorphic to A x K, where A is abelian and K is directly indecomposable. There are three optional parameters: Cent, Constructive, and Method.
Cent: If G and H are known to have genus ≤2 over the prime field, then set to false to save some time.
Constructive: Set to false if an explicit isomorphism is not needed.
Method: Input from { 0, 1, 2} is acceptable. This determines the method for handling the sloped part of the tensor. If the adjoint-tensor method should be used, set to 1. If the Pfaffian method should be used, set to 2. The default will try to find the optimal method based on the input; see [BMW17] for details.

Example GrpPC_IsomorphismTesting (H69E48)

We create an isomorphic pair of groups in two different ways, and then we construct an isomorphism between the two. This example can be seen as verifying Theorem 1.1 of [LM18]. We construct groups G and H from two random irreducible cubic polynomials in GF(67)[x].
> f := RandomIrreduciblePolynomial(GF(67), 3);
> g := RandomIrreduciblePolynomial(GF(67), 3);
> f, g;
$.1^3 + 36*$.1^2 + 26*$.1 + 33
$.1^3 + 57*$.1^2 + 24*$.1 + 65
> G := Genus2Group(f);
> H := Genus2Group(g);

In this case, the default method will run the adjoint-tensor method. We can see this if we turn on verbose printing.

> SetVerbose("TameGenus", 1);
> isomorphic, phi := TGIsIsomorphic(G, H);
Extracting p-central tensors and deciding pseudo-isometry.
Checking the radicals.
        dim(Rad_V) = 0
        dim(Rad_W) = 0
Checking the radicals.
        dim(Rad_V) = 0
        dim(Rad_W) = 0
Writing tensor over its centroid.
Writing tensor over its centroid.
Computing the adjoint algebra.
        dim(Adj_s) = 12
        dim(Adj_t) = 12
Computing the adjoint algebra.
Genus 2 case.
Decomposing tensors into flat and sloped subtensors.
        Block dims = [ 6 ]
PGammaL is larger than symmetric group, applying adjoint-tensor method.

We see that the two groups are isomorphic, and φ is such an isomorphism.

> isomorphic;
> phi;
Homomorphism of GrpPC : G into GrpPC : H induced by
    G.1 |--> H.1 * H.2^41 * H.3^30 * H.4^58 * H.5^43 * H.6^30
    G.2 |--> H.1^53 * H.2^4 * H.3^34 * H.4^54 * H.5^6 * H.6^25
    G.3 |--> H.1^5 * H.2^7 * H.3^49 * H.4^52 * H.5^21 * H.6^7
    G.4 |--> H.1^30 * H.2^4 * H.3^17 * H.4^53 * H.5^40 * H.6^9
    G.5 |--> H.1^14 * H.2^21 * H.3^30 * H.4^24 * H.5^38 * H.6^34
    G.6 |--> H.1^47 * H.2^46 * H.3^66 * H.4^65 * H.5^30 * H.6^30
    G.7 |--> H.7^10 * H.8^18
    G.8 |--> H.7^54 * H.8^12

To run the Pfaffian test, set the Method to 2. This method is noticeably slower for these groups and should not be used for very large primes.

> isomorphic, phi2 := TGIsIsomorphic(G, H : Method := 2);
Extracting p-central tensors and deciding pseudo-isometry.
Checking the radicals.
        dim(Rad_V) = 0
        dim(Rad_W) = 0
Checking the radicals.
        dim(Rad_V) = 0
        dim(Rad_W) = 0
Writing tensor over its centroid.
Writing tensor over its centroid.
Computing the adjoint algebra.
        dim(Adj_s) = 12
        dim(Adj_t) = 12
Computing the adjoint algebra.
Genus 2 case.
Decomposing tensors into flat and sloped subtensors.
        Block dims = [ 6 ]
Method set to Pfaffian.
> phi2;
Homomorphism of GrpPC : G into GrpPC : H induced by
    G.1 |--> H.1^47 * H.2^54 * H.3^54
    G.2 |--> H.1^63 * H.2^33 * H.3^15
    G.3 |--> H.1^26 * H.2^3 * H.3^60
    G.4 |--> H.4^44 * H.5^61 * H.6^16
    G.5 |--> H.4^66 * H.5^26 * H.6^36
    G.6 |--> H.4^57 * H.5^6 * H.6^30
    G.7 |--> H.7^62 * H.8^42
    G.8 |--> H.7^18 * H.8^58
TGIsPseudoIsometric(s, t : parameters) : TenSpcElt, TenSpcElt -> BoolElt, Hmtp
    Cent: BoolElt                       Default: true
    Constructive: BoolElt               Default: true
    Method: RngIntElt                   Default: 0
Given directly indecomposable, alternating tensors s, t : V x V ↣ W, where V and W are GF(q)-vector spaces of odd order, decide if s is pseudo-isometric to t. This will accept tensors with nontrivial radicals and coradicals. There are three optional parameters: Cent, Constructive, and Method.
Cent: If G and H are known to have genus ≤2 over the prime field, then set to false to save some time.
Constructive: Set to false if an explicit isomorphism is not needed.
Method: Input from { 0, 1, 2} is acceptable. This determines the method for handling the sloped part of the tensor. If the adjoint-tensor method should be used, set to 1. If the Pfaffian method should be used, set to 2. The default will try to find the optimal method based on the input; see [BMW17] for details.

Example GrpPC_PseudoIsometries (H69E49)

A pair of alternating matrices determines a tensor of tame genus. We construct a pair of pseudo-isometric tensors by applying a change of bases map. This is essentially how Experiment A from [BMW17] was conducted. Generating random 50 x 50 matrices over GF(3), we construct two tensors s, t : GF(3)50 x GF(3)50 ↣ GF(3)2.
> M := RandomMatrix(GF(3), 50, 50);
> N := RandomMatrix(GF(3), 50, 50);
> Forms1 := [M - Transpose(M), N - Transpose(N)];
> s := Tensor(Forms1, 2, 1);
> s;
Tensor of valence 3, U2 x U1 >-> U0
U2 : Full Vector space of degree 50 over GF(3)
U1 : Full Vector space of degree 50 over GF(3)
U0 : Full Vector space of degree 2 over GF(3)
> IsAlternating(s);

We construct a random invertible co-homotopism varphi = (varphi1, varphi0) such that varphi1∈GL(50, 3) and varphi0∈GL(2, 3). We define a new and pseudo-isometric tensor t=svarphi in this way.

> X := Random(GL(50, 3));
> Y := Random(GL(2, 3));
> Maps := [*X, X, Y*];
> H := Homotopism(Maps, CohomotopismCategory(3));
> t := s @ H;
> t;
Tensor of valence 3, U2 x U1 >-> U0
U2 : Full Vector space of degree 50 over GF(3)
U1 : Full Vector space of degree 50 over GF(3)
U0 : Full Vector space of degree 2 over GF(3)
> s eq t;

We verify that both s and t are pseudo-isometric, and since we do not need to write these tensors over their centroid, we avoid that step by setting Cent to false.

> pisometric, Phi := TGIsPseudoIsometric(s, t : Cent :=false);
> pisometric;
> Phi.0;
[0 1]
[2 2]

Automorphism Groups

TGAutomorphismGroup(G : parameters) : GrpPC -> GrpAuto
    Cent: BoolElt                       Default: true
    Method: RngIntElt                   Default: 0
    Mat: BoolElt                        Default: false
Given a directly indecomposable odd-ordered p-group G, of class ≤2, exponent p, and genus ≤2, return Aut(G). This will accept groups G of the form G isomorphic to A x K, where A is abelian and K is directly indecomposable. This intrinsic provides three optional parameters: Cent, Method, and Mat.
Cent: If G and H are known to have genus ≤2 over the prime field, then set to false to save some time.
Method: Input from { 0, 1, 2} is acceptable. This determines the method for handling the sloped part of the tensor. If the adjoint-tensor method should be used, set to 1. If the Pfaffian method should be used, set to 2. The default will try to find the optimal method based on the input; see [BMW17] for details.
Mat: Set to true for a linear representation of the automorphism group. The row vectors of the matrix correspond to the given polycyclic vectors from the polycyclic presentation.

Example GrpPC_FlatIndecomposable (H69E50)

We build a flat indecomposable genus 2, p-group G and construct its automorphism group. We know that Aut(G) maps surjectivity onto GL(2, p), so we verify that |Aut(G)| is divisible by |GL(2, p)| = (p2 - 1)(p2 - p). This corresponds to the quotient of the pseudo-isometry group by the isometry group.
> p := 541;
> G := RandomGenus2Group(p, [29]);
> #G eq p^(29 + 2);
> A := TGAutomorphismGroup(G);
> IsDivisibleBy(#A, #GL(2, p));

The isometry group of the corresponding commutator tensor has an elementary abelian unipotent radical of rank 28, and so is isomorphic to an extension of GL(1, p) by (Z/(p))28, as seen in [BW12]. Therefore, we verify that we have constructed all automorphisms as

|Aut(G)| = (p - 1)p28 .(p2 - 1)(p2 - p) .p29.2.

> #A eq (p - 1)*p^28 * (p^2 - 1)*(p^2 - p) * p^(29*2);
TGPseudoIsometryGroup(t : parameters) : TenSpcElt -> GrpMat
    Cent: BoolElt                       Default: true
    Method: RngIntElt                   Default: 0
Given a directly indecomposable, alternating tensor t : V x V ↣ W, where V and W are GF(q)-vector spaces for odd q, return the pseudo-isometry group of t as a subgroup of GL(V) x GL(W). This accepts tensors with nontrivial radicals and coradicals. This intrinsic provides two optional parameters: Cent and Method.
Cent: If G and H are known to have genus ≤2 over the prime field, then set to false to save some time.
Method: Input from { 0, 1, 2} is acceptable. This determines the method for handling the sloped part of the tensor. If the adjoint-tensor method should be used, set to 1. If the Pfaffian method should be used, set to 2. The default will try to find the optimal method based on the input; see [BMW17] for details.

Example GrpPC_Extensions (H69E51)

For K-vector spaces V and W, we create a genus 2 alternating tensor t: V x V ↣ W such that t is bilinear over an extension field E/K and (dim)E(W)=2. One way to do this is with the constructors RandomGenus2Group and pCentralTensor.
> G := RandomGenus2Group(3^2, [6]);
> t := pCentralTensor(G, 1, 1);
> t;
Tensor of valence 3, U2 x U1 >-> U0
U2 : Full Vector space of degree 12 over GF(3)
U1 : Full Vector space of degree 12 over GF(3)
U0 : Full Vector space of degree 4 over GF(3)
> Genus(t);

The Pfaffian of t is an irreducible cubic over GF(9), so computing its pseudo-isometry group may contain elements of (Gal)(GF(9)).

> PI := TGPseudoIsometryGroup(t);
> Random(PI);
[0 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0]
[2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0]
[1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0]
[0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0]
[1 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[2 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[2 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0]
[0 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0]
[2 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[2 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0]
[1 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0]
> Factorization(#PI);
[ <2, 8>, <3, 7>, <5, 1>, <7, 1>, <13, 1>, <73, 1> ]

Indeed, the pseudo-isometry group may not be linear over the centroid but semi-linear. To see the discrepancy, we rewrite t over its centroid and determine its pseudo-isometry group as a subgroup of GLE(V) x GLE(W). Note that this group is smaller by a factor of 2. We see that the pseudo-isometry group of t is strictly semi-linear over GF(9), as there exists a Galois involution.

> s := TensorOverCentroid(t);
> s;
Tensor of valence 3, U2 x U1 >-> U0
U2 : Full Vector space of degree 6 over GF(3^2)
U1 : Full Vector space of degree 6 over GF(3^2)
U0 : Full Vector space of degree 2 over GF(3^2)
> PI_C := TGPseudoIsometryGroup(s);
> Random(PI_C);
[    1 $.1^7     1 $.1^2 $.1^2 $.1^5     0     0]
[  $.1     2 $.1^7 $.1^3 $.1^6 $.1^5     0     0]
[$.1^7 $.1^2 $.1^7     1 $.1^6 $.1^2     0     0]
[$.1^7 $.1^7 $.1^7 $.1^3 $.1^7     1     0     0]
[    2 $.1^6 $.1^3 $.1^2 $.1^3     0     0     0]
[$.1^7   $.1 $.1^7 $.1^6 $.1^6 $.1^7     0     0]
[    0     0     0     0     0     0     2 $.1^7]
[    0     0     0     0     0     0 $.1^3 $.1^5]
> Factorization(#PI_C);
[ <2, 7>, <3, 7>, <5, 1>, <7, 1>, <13, 1>, <73, 1> ]

Canonical Labelling

TGSignature(G) : GrpPC -> List
Given an odd-ordered p-group G isomorphic to A x H of genus ≤2, class ≤2, and exponent p, return the canonical tame genus signature as a list with four entries. For groups with genus ≤1, the last two entries will be empty. We describe the entries.
The first is a triple of three integers (q, d, e) such that associated fully nondegenerate commutator tensor of H has the form GF(q)d x GF(q)d ↣ GF(q)e. Here, GF(q) is the largest field F which the commutator tensor is F-bilinear.
The second entry is a pair of integers (r, c), where A isomorphic to (Z/(p))r and c=0.
The third entry is a sequence of odd integers corresponding to the dimensions of the flat indecomposable spaces.
The fourth and last entry is a list sequences in GF(q) of possibly different lengths. A sequence [c1, ..., cd + 1] in the second entry corresponds to the coefficients of the homogeneous polynomial in x and y in degree d:

c1xd + c2 xd - 1y + c3 xd - 2y2 + ... + cd + 1yd.

Because this is a canonical label, two groups are isomorphic if, and only if, their tame genus signatures are equal. See [BMW17] for details on how the last two entries describe a genus 2 group.

TGSignature(t) : TenSpcElt -> List
Given an alternating, directly indecomposable tensor t:V x V ↣ W of genus ≤2, where V and W are GF(q)-vector spaces for odd q, return the canonical tame genus signature as a list with four entries. For tensors with genus ≤1, the last two entries will be empty. We describe the entries.
The first is a triple of three integers (qf, d, e) such that associated fully nondegenerate tensor of t has the form GF(qf)d x GF(qf)d ↣ GF(qf)e. Here, GF(qf) is the largest field F which the associated fully nondegenerate tensor is F-bilinear.
The second entry is a pair of integers (r, c), where the radical of t is r-dimensional and the codimension of the image of t in W is c, both are determined over GF(q).
The third entry is a sequence of odd integers corresponding to the dimensions of the flat indecomposable spaces.
The fourth and last entry is a list sequences in GF(q) of possibly different lengths. A sequence [c1, ..., cd + 1] in the second entry corresponds to the coefficients of the homogeneous polynomial in x and y in degree d:

c1xd + c2 xd - 1y + c3 xd - 2y2 + ... + cd + 1yd.

Because this is a canonical label, two tensors are pseudo-isometric if, and only if, their tame genus signatures are equal. See [BMW17] for details on how the last two entries describe a genus 2 tensor.

Example GrpPC_ManyBlocks (H69E52)

We construct a genus 2 group G isomorphic to A x H, where A is abelian and H is directly indecomposable but is the central product of many smaller genus 2 groups.
> blocks := [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6];
> G := RandomGenus2Group(9, blocks);
> #G eq 9^(&+blocks + 2);

Because G was created with the field GF(9) and since there are three 1-dimensional blocks, we expect |A| = 93 = 36.

> TGSignature(G);
[* <9, 21, 2>, <6, 0>,
    [ 3, 3, 5 ],
        [ 0, 1 ],
        [ 1, 1 ],
        [ 1, 2, 2, 2 ]

The first entry of this list tells us that the group H has order 921 + 2 and that the commutator tensor of H is GF(9)-bilinear. The second entry reports that A isomorphic to (Z/(3))6. The third and fourth entries show that H is a central product of six indecomposable groups: three flats of orders 93 + 2, 93 + 2, and 95 + 2, and three sloped with Pfaffians in GF(9)[x, y] equivalent to

y, x + y, x3 + 2x2y + 2xy2 + 2y3.

Example GrpPC_MoreSmallGroups (H69E53)

We run through all the small groups of order 37 and determine their tame genus signatures. There are 9310 such groups, and 10 of them are covered by TameGenus.
> TG_SG := SmallGroupProcess(3^7, IsTameGenusGroup);
> repeat
>     G := Current(TG_SG);
>     _, ID := CurrentLabel(TG_SG);
>     print "Small group ID:", ID;
>     TGSignature(G);
>     Advance(~TG_SG);
> until IsEmpty(TG_SG);

The loop yields the following output.

Small group ID: 9106
[* <3, 3, 2>, <2, 0>,
    [ 3 ],
    [* *]
Small group ID: 9107
[* <3, 4, 2>, <1, 0>,
        [ 1, 0 ],
        [ 0, 1 ]
Small group ID: 9108
[* <3, 4, 2>, <1, 0>,
        [ 0, 0, 1 ]
Small group ID: 9109
[* <9, 2, 1>, <1, 0>, [* *], [* *] *]
Small group ID: 9110
[* <3, 5, 2>, <0, 0>,
    [ 3 ],
        [ 0, 1 ]
Small group ID: 9111
[* <3, 5, 2>, <0, 0>,
    [ 5 ],
    [* *]
Small group ID: 9302
[* <3, 2, 1>, <4, 0>, [* *], [* *] *]
Small group ID: 9305
[* <3, 4, 1>, <2, 0>, [* *], [* *] *]
Small group ID: 9308
[* <3, 6, 1>, <0, 0>, [* *], [* *] *]
Small group ID: 9310
[* <3, 7, 0>, <7, 0>, [* *], [* *] *]
V2.28, 13 July 2023