Integral Lattices


Lattice Vector Enumeration


Two types of lattice vector enumeration are provided:-

Enumeration of all vectors in a lattice L having norm less than or equal to n.

Enumeration of all vectors in a lattice L whose distance from a non-zero vector w is equal or less than n. Note that the vector w does not have to be in L.

The enumeration of vectors in a lattice is usually very expensive both in terms of CPU time and memory. The kernel of Magma contains code for POSIX threads parallelisation for both short and close vector enumerations. Further, kernel code is provided for distributed computation on top of the POSIX threads. Enumeration lends itself to very efficient parallelisation and the speedup factor achieved is close to the number of cores being used.

Enumeration of Short Vectors

The following intrinsics for enumerating short vectors in a lattice can be executed in parallel:-

ShortVectors(L, B) : Lat, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum
A sequence containing all vectors in the lattice L having norm less than or equal to the integer B.
ShortVectors(L, A, B) : Lat, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> LatElt
A sequence containing all vectors in the lattice L having norm equal of greater then the integer A and less than or equal to the integer B.
ShortestVectors(L) : Lat -> SeqEnum
A sequence containing all vectors in the lattice L having minimum non-zero norm.

If the vectors of minimal norm are required then the intrinsic ShortestVectors(L) should be used as it is faster. The above intrinsics all include a parameter Max which terminates the enumeration and returns the vectors found once Max vectors satisfying the conditions have been enumerated.

The reader should consult Chapter LATTICES on Lattices for a full description of these functions. In particular, each of them has several parameters giving the user some control over the enumeration. The progress of an enumeration can be tracked using SetVerbose("Enum", 2) .

Example Par_vector_enum (H5E12)

We enumerate all non-zero vectors having norm 6 or less in lattice number 6 of rank 64 in the Magma version of the Nebe-Sloane database of lattices using 32 threads on a 16 core machine.
> SetNthreads(32);
> L := Lattice(LatticeDatabase(), 64, 6);
> time sv6 := ShortVectors(L, 6);
> #sv6;

So the 1,305,600 non-zero vectors having norm 6 or less in L were enumerated in 63,278 seconds.

A Single Shortest Vector

For some applications it suffices to find a single vector satisfying the norm condition. There at least three ways of doing this efficiently.

If a non-zero vector of minimum norm is sought when the minimum is known, then an application of strong lattice reduction, for example using LLL or BKZ reduction, may produce such a vector much more cheaply than enumeration.

If a non-zero vector of minimum norm is sought when an upper bound on the mimimum is known, then the intrinsic Minimum, which determines the minimum non-zero norm of a lattice, can be used. It has a parameter NormBound which allows the user to supply an upper bound on the size of the minimum norm. The intrinsic Minimum returns the minimum together with a vector having minimum norm. When the minimum in known this could provide a relatively fast method for obtaining a vector of minimum norm.

The intrinsics listed below perform a normal short vctor enumeration but terminate as soon as one non-zero vector satisfying the norm condition has been found. It is equivalent to using the ShortVectors or ShortestVectors intrinsics with the parameter Max set to 1.

ShortVector(L, B) : Lat, RngIntElt -> LatElt
A single non-zero vector of the lattice L having norm at most B, or the zero vector if there is no such vector.
ShortVector(L, A, B) : Lat, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> LatElt
A single non-zero vector v of the lattice L having norm such that A ≥(Norm)(v) ≤B, where A and B are integers.
ShortestVector(L) : Lat -> LatElt
A single non-zero vector of the lattice L having minimum norm.

Example Par_ShortVector1 (H5E13)

The theta series for lattice number 1 of rank 105 in the Nebe-Sloane lattice database shows that there are vectors of norm 40. We find one such vector using 32 threads on a 16 core machine.

> SetNthreads(32);
> L := Lattice(LatticeDatabase(), 105, 1);
> sv40 := ShortVector(L, 40, 40);
> sv40;
(1 -15 9 -10 0 3 -6 4 -2 6 2 0 3 -3 1 -3 -1 4 4 -5 7 10 3 -2 5 -2 7
    -5 -1 1 7 -2 -2 -3 -3 -1 0 1 -1 2 -2 1 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 -1 1 1 1 0
     0 1 1 2 2 2 -1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 -1 1 0 -1 -1 2 -1 -3 1 -2 1 -2 -1
     0 0 -1 1 -2 -2 1 0 1 -2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 -2 1 0)
> Norm(sv40);

The computation took 901 seconds real time.

Enumeration of Close Vectors

The intrinsics for enumerating close vectors are similar to those for enumerating short vectors. Again the parameter Max allows early termination.

The following functions which enumerate close vectors in a lattice can be executed in parallel:-

CloseVectors(L, w, B) : Lat, ModTupRngElt, RngElt -> SeqEnum
A sequence containing all vectors v in the lattice L close to the vector w such that Norm(v - w) ≤B. The vector w need not belong to the lattice L.
CloseVectors(L, w, A, B) : Lat, ModTupRngElt, RngElt, RngElt -> SeqEnum
A sequence containing all vectors v in the lattice L close to the vector w such that A ≤(Norm)(v - w) ≤B. The vector w need not belong to the lattice L.
ClosestVectors(L, w) : Lat, ModTupRngElt -> SeqEnum
A sequence containing all vectors v in the lattice L such that Norm(v, w) is a minimum. The vector w need not belong to the lattice L.

Example Par_CloseVector1 (H5E14)

Lattice number 1 of rank 105 in the Nebe-Sloane lattice database is created and an arbitrary vector w is found. We then enumerate the vectors of norm 40 using 32 hyperthreads on a machine with 16 cores.

> SetNthreads(32);
> L := Lattice(LatticeDatabase(), 105, 1);
> B := Basis(L);
> w := 3* B[23] + 7*B[37];
> time cv40 := CloseVectors(L, w, 40, 40);
Time: 1820.750[r]
> #cv40;

So there are 478,548 vectors at distance 40 from the vector w. The real time for the computation was 1,854 seconds while the total CPU time was 55,825 seconds.

Example Par_CloseVector2 (H5E15)

A lattice D of dimension 120 is constructed by forming the direct sum of five copies on the 24-dimensional Leech lattice. A vector w is constructed and the non-zero vectors closest to it are enumerated. The computation was run on a manager machine node1 with 16 cores/32 hyperthreads together with 4 worker machines each with 16 cores/32 hyperthreads.

The following were executed on the master machine node1:-

> SetNthreads(32);
> StartWorkers("node2", 32); // start worker with 32 threads on node2
> StartWorkers("node3", 32); // start worker with 32 threads on node3
> StartWorkers("node4", 32); // start worker with 32 threads on node4
> StartWorkers("node5", 32); // start worker with 32 threads on node5
> L := Lattice(LatticeDatabase(),"Leech");
> D := DirectSum([L, L, L, L, L]);
> w := (D.9+D.24+D.31+D.44+D.67+D.60+D.75+D.82+D.97)/2;
> Time cv, m := ClosestVectors(D, w);
Time: 45008.000[r]
> #cv;

The enumeration found 10, 616, 832 = 2 x 484 lattice vectors each of distance 9 from the vector w. The real time for the computation was 45,008 seconds while the total CPU time was 1,377,986 seconds.

A Single Closest Vector
CloseVector(L, w, B) : Lat, ModTupRngElt, RngElt -> LatElt
A single non-zero vector w of the lattice L such that Norm(v - w) ≤B, or the zero vector if there is no such vector.
CloseVector(L, w, A, B) : Lat, ModTupRngElt, RngElt, RngElt -> LatElt
A single non-zero vector w of the lattice L such that A ≤(Norm)(v - w) ≤B or the zero vector if there is no such vector.
ClosestVector(L, w) : Lat, ModTupRngElt -> LatElt
A single non-zero vector of the lattice L that is closest to w.

Example Par_CloseVector (H5E16)

A vector closest to a random vector w is found in a random lattice L of rank 60. The computation was run using 32 hyperthreads on a machine with 16 cores.
> SetNthreads(32);
> d := 60;
> B:= Matrix(d, d, [Random([-99..99]) : i in [1..d^2]]);
> L := LatticeWithBasis(B);
> L:Minimal;
Lattice of rank 60 and degree 60
> w := Vector([Random([-99..99]) : i in [1..d]]);
> w;
(50 -85 -21 -40 4 -72 32 -90 51 -78 -93 -84 -12 60 90 35 55 91 -54 -87 -92 -82
    -92 -7 75 72 -4 55 22 -81 88 56 23 94 1 -91 -16 -8 38 -93 -26 -41 -75 57 49
    -6 -55 56 31 41 -34 -28 34 -22 -74 23 24 31 -80 -35)
> Norm(w);
> time sv := ClosestVector(L, w);
Time: 90.270[r]
>  sv;
(68 -68 -130 -10 -68 -154 88 -76 122 -113 -156 -37 34 43 77 -17 -9 -119 -202 -79
    -117 -86 -77 -1 53 41 24 -64 34 -106 125 101 79 -11 143 -12 62 -9 -13 -131
    -47 -19 47 140 73 -39 -25 4 -94 1 -104 -45 -83 -52 -89 -18 -41 30 -86 66)
> Norm(sv);
> Norm(sv - w);

The total CPU time was 1540 seconds while the real time was 90 seconds.

Intrinsics that Use Enumeration

If parallelism is turned on then the computation of each of the following lattice properties is parallelised to the extent that vector enumeration is used:-

Minimum: Minimum
Kissing number: KissingNumber
Packing radius: PackingRadius
Hermite invariant: HermiteNumber
Centre density: CentreDensity
Density of the lattice packing: Density
Covering radius: CoveringRadius
Theta series: ThetaSeries

Computing each of the above items involves the enumeration of lattice vectors. In some, such as PackingRadius it is the dominant part of the computation, while in others, such as KissingNumber and CoveringRadius, it may be only a small part.

Example Par_LatticeMinimum1 (H5E17)

We compute the minimum of lattice number 6 of dimension 64 in the Magma version of the Nebe-Sloane database by firstly doing a serial computation and then using 32 POSIX threads on a single 16-core/32 hyperthreads machine.

Note that lattices loaded from the database often contain some properties of the lattice and so these need to be removed in order to avoid Magma using the data from the database instead of computing it.

> // Serial computation (1 thread)
> L := Lattice(LatticeDatabase(), 64, 6);
> time m := Minimum(L); m;
Time: 2566.750
> // Parallel computation (32 threads)
> SetNthreads(32);
> L := Lattice( LatticeDatabase(), 64, 6);
> time m := Minimum(L); m;
Time: 125.850

The multithread calculation is 20.4 times faster than the serial computation. For harder problems the ratio of serial time to multicore time approaches n, where n is the number of threads being used. When using a machine with hyperthreading there may be benefit in setting the number of threads to be used higher than the number of cores as in the case above.

Example Par_LatticeMinimum2 (H5E18)

In this example we use two machines each with 16 cores and 32 hyperthreads to compute the minimum of another lattice of dimension 64 from the Nebe-Sloane database of lattices. So we have a manager and one worker each using 32 threads.

The manager input is:

> SetNthreads(32);
> StartWorkers("node2", 32); // start worker with 32 threads on node2
> L := Lattice( LatticeDatabase(), 64, 4);
> time m := Minimum(L);

This is a hard enumeration as the minimum turns out to be 12 and so all possible combinations of basis vectors that could produce a vector of norm less than 12 have to be considered. The serial time is 239,741 seconds while the real time for the parallel run is 5,647 seconds. The use of 32 POSIX threads on the manager reduces the runtime by a factor of 21. Using a second machine (a worker) cuts that time in half, giving us a speed up by factor of 42.45, which is what we expect. A small amount of data suggests that using two identical workers results in cutting the single machine using POSIX threads time by a factor close to 3.

Example Par_KissingNumber (H5E19)

We determine the kissing number of the first lattice of dimension 48 in the Nebe-Sloane database. We use 32 threads on a 16-core machine.

> SetNthreads(32);
> L := Lattice( LatticeDatabase(), 48, 1 );
> kn := KissingNumber(L : NormBound := 8);
> kn;

The minimum of the lattice is 8 and we find that the kissing number is 9,828,000. The runtime was 87,940 seconds. As a comparison, computing the minimum took 3,295 seconds also using 32 threads.

Theta Series

If the first few terms of the theta series of a lattice can be computed cheaply then it provides some important information about the lattice. The intrinsic for computing the first n terms of the theta series for lattice L is ThetaSeries (L, n). The direct computation of the terms is similar to an application of ShortVectors and so it benefits directly from the parallelisation of enumeration.

The theta series of an integral lattice L is (the q-expansion of) a modular form whose weight is half the dimension of the lattice. The space of modular forms having even weight, level and character is finite dimensional, which means that the theta series is uniquely characterised as an element of that space from a knowledge of finitely many of its coefficients. Techniques for identifying the modular form in that space are being developed and this is likely to be a useful method when calculating the theta series of many lattices. One benefit of this approach is that it yields the entire theta series in the sense that the user can request any number of terms given the modular form of the lattice.

Example Par_theta_ex (H5E20)

We compute 8 terms of the theta series for a lattice of dimension 40 using Pthreads on a single 16-core machine.
> SetNthreads(32);
> L := Lattice(LatticeDatabase() 40, 10);
> time ts<t> := ThetaSeries(L, 8);

The real time for the computation was 1,936 seconds and the CPU time was 57,722 seconds. The computation produces the following terms of the theta series:- 1 + 39600 t4 + 1048576 t5 + 45916160 t6 + 817889280 t7 + 10378028080 t8 + O(t9)

Example Par_theta_ex_2 (H5E21)

The coefficients of the theta series of the lattice of dimension 105 in the Nebe-Sloane database grow very slowly and so determining the first 46 terms can be achieved using direct enumeration:-
> SetNthreads(32);
> L := Lattice(LatticeDatabase() 105, 1);
> time ts<t> := ThetaSeries(L, 46);
> ts;

The computation was done on a single 16-core machine using Pthreads. The real time for the computation was 16,944 seconds and the CPU time was 524,539 seconds. The computation produces the following terms of the theta series:- displaylines(1 + 1890 t24 + 3780 t28 + 15120 t34 + 57960 t36 + 45360 t38 + 478548 t40 + 635040 t42 +
2381400 t44 + 5276880 t46 + O(t47))

Example Par_lat_72 (H5E22)

In the case of a lattice of dimension 72 recently studied by G. Nebe and M. Watkins the only property that could be determined directly was its minimum. However, the modular form method does succeed in computing its theta series after a rather lengthy computation. Here we display the first 40 terms:- displaylines(1 + 6218175600 t8 + 15281788354560 t10 + 9026867482214400 t12 + 1989179450818560000 t14 +
213006159759990870000 t16 + 3144087517631410995200 t18 +
525100718690287495741440 t20 + 14756609779472604266496000 t22 +
310160311536865273422120000 t24 + 5108106498702230684344320000 t26 +
68347693198345293752360140800 t28 + 764604200349778385836033966080 t30 +
7318835829467289011348969122800 t32 + 61087852878139533146733527040000 t34 +
451627409037619180720939253760000 t36 + 2996530109404572751301781710438400 t38 +
1372164648655533855 t40 + O(t42))

This calculation made heavy use of the parallel enumeration code and the real time was 276,498 seconds on a 16 core machine running no other jobs.

V2.28, 28 February 2025