
This chapter provides basic instructions for using the parallelism facilities provided in the current release of Magma. This version of Magma provides some general tools for implementing parallelism as well as the explicit parallelisation of some key algorithms in the areas of linear algebra, commutative algebra, integral lattices and linear codes.


Approaches to Parallelism

The fact that Moore's law no longer applies to the development of ever faster computers has greatly increased interest in exploiting multiple processors for computations that use large amounts of CPU time. In 2019 a project was commenced to develop tools for parallelising some classes of computations in Magma. Two approaches are being taken:-

The parallelisation of key algorithms in the Magma kernel. This utilises multiple cores on a single compute node using POSIX threads, multiple machines by distributing tasks across a nework, and GPUs.

A framework for the manager/worker model of parallelism has been constructed which allows users to parallelise their Magma code when the underlying algorithm lends itself to being parallelised.

A key element of this project has been the development of tools that support asynchronous communication between copies of Magma running on different machines. As part of this work, the serialisation of Magma objects is being undertaken. This machinery is described in Chapter INPUT AND OUTPUT on Input and Output.

In Magma, when parallelism is selected, the execution is parallelised for the following intrinsics, or for intrinsics which are called (directly or indirectly) in the listed algorithms:

Multiplication of matrices over a finite field GF(pk), where p is a prime such that 2 ≤p ≤223.5. As a consequence, other intrinsics such as EchelonForm, inverse (A - 1), Rank, Determinant, Nullspace, RowSpace, Solution, IsConsistent, and MinimalPolynomial (if the Keller-Gehrig algorithm is specified) are also parallelised.

Construction of a Gröbner basis for a system of polynomials defined over a finite field GF(pk), where either k=1 and p is a prime such that 2 ≤p < 263, or 2< pk ≤220. Includes optimised asynchronous version for the dense variant of the Faugere F4 over GF(2).

Construction of the affine variety (by calling Variety(I)) of an ideal of a multivariate polynomial ring defined over a small finite field K of size q (by exhaustive evaluation of k variables at a time at all q elements of K, thus yielding many smaller systems to solve in parallel). Point counting variant VarietySize(I) gives the size only without constructing all the solutions.

Multiplication of high-degree univariate polynomials defined over prime finite fields or integer residue rings with large integer coefficients; multiplication of high-degree univariate polynomials defined over finite fields of characteristic 2 (Karatsuba and Cantor algorithms).

Bivariate resultant of two univariate polynomials (this also speeds up factorization of polynomials in Z[x]).

Factorisation of large integers (via ECM or MPQS algorithms).

LLL reduction of an integral lattice or basis matrix.

Enumeration of vectors in an integral lattice having small norm (directly in intrinsics ShortVectors and ShortestVectors). As a consequence the lattice intrinsics Minimum, KissingNumber, PackingRadius, HermiteNumber, CentreDensity, Density, and ThetaSeries are also effectively parallelised amongst others.

Enumeration of vectors in an integral lattice that are close to a given vector which need not be in the lattice (CloseVectors), etc.).

Minimum weight of a linear error-correcting code defined over a finite field. As well as MinimumWeight, the related intrinsics MinimumDistance and MinimumWord are also parallelised.

Weight distribution of a linear error-correcting code defined over a finite field. As well as WeightDistribution the related intrinsics WeightEnumerator and DualWeightDistribution are also parallelised.

Class group of a number field or an order (intrinsic ClassGroup).

V2.28, 13 July 2023