Category(R) : RngGal -> Cat
Parent(R) : RngGal -> PowerStructure
Centre(R) : RngGal -> RngGal
PrimeRing(R) : RngGal -> RngGal
PrimeField(R) : RngGal -> RngGal
FieldOfFractions(R) : RngGal -> RngGal
The characteristic of R, which is pa where R is considered
as Z_(p^a)[x]/<D>.
The cardinality of R, which is pad where R is considered
as Z_(p^a)[x]/<D> and d is the degree of D.
The degree of R, which is the degree of D, where R is considered
as Z_(p^a)[x]/<D>.
The residue field of R, which is the finite field Zp[x]/< D >,
where R is considered as Z_(p^a)[x]/<D>.
The following functions are described for rings in general in
Section Predicates and Boolean Operations.
IsCommutative(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsUnitary(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsFinite(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsOrdered(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsField(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsEuclideanDomain(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsPID(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsUFD(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsDivisionRing(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsEuclideanRing(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsPrincipalIdealRing(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
IsDomain(R) : RngGal -> BoolElt
R eq G : RngGal, Rng -> BoolElt
R ne G : RngGal, Rng -> BoolElt
V2.28, 13 July 2023