Other Information Procedures

The following procedures print information about the current state of Magma.

ShowMemoryUsage() : ->
(Procedure.) Show Magma's current memory usage.
ShowIdentifiers() : ->
(Procedure.) List all identifiers that have been assigned to.
ShowValues() : ->
(Procedure.) List all identifiers that have been assigned to with their values.
Traceback() : ->
(Procedure.) Display a traceback of the current Magma function invocations.
ListSignatures(C) : Cat ->
    Isa: BoolElt                        Default: true
    Search: MonStgElt                   Default: "Both"
    ShowSrc: BoolElt                    Default: false
List all intrinsic functions, procedures and operators having objects from category C among their arguments or return values. The parameter Isa may be set to false so that any categories which C inherit from are not considered. The parameter Search, with valid string values Both, Arguments, ReturnValues, may be used to specify whether the arguments, the return values, or both, are considered (default both). ShowSrc can be used to see where package intrinsics are defined. Use ListCategories for the names of the categories.
ListSignatures(F, C) : Intrinsic, Cat ->
    Isa: BoolElt                        Default: true
    Search: MonStgElt                   Default: "Both"
    ShowSrc: BoolElt                    Default: false
Given an intrinsic F and category C, list all signatures of F which match the category C among their arguments or return values. The parameters are as for the previous procedure.
ListCategories() : ->
ListTypes() : ->
Procedure to list the (abbreviated) names for all available categories in Magma.
V2.28, 13 July 2023