Verbose Levels

By turning verbose printing on for certain modules within Magma, some information on computations that are performed can be obtained. For each option, the verbosity may have different levels. The default is level 0 for each option.

There are also 5 slots available for user-defined verbose flags. The flags can be set in user programs by SetVerbose("Usern", true) where n should be one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and the current setting is returned by GetVerbose("Usern").

SetVerbose(s, i) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt ->
SetVerbose(s, b) : MonStgElt, BoolElt ->
Set verbose level for s to be level i or b. Here the argument s must be a string. The verbosity may have different levels. An integer i for the second argument selects the appropriate level. A second argument i of 0 or b of false means no verbosity. A boolean value for b of true for the second argument selects level 1. (See above for the valid values for the string s).
GetVerbose(s) : MonStgElt -> RngIntElt
Return the value of verbose flag s as an integer. (See above for the valid values for the string s).
IsVerbose(s) : MonStgElt -> BoolElt
Return the whether the value of verbose flag s is non-zero. (See above for the valid values for the string s).
IsVerbose(s, l) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
Return the whether the value of verbose flag s is greater than or equal to l. (See above for the valid values for the string s).
ListVerbose() : ->
List all verbose flags. That is, print each verbose flag and its maximal level.
ClearVerbose() : ->
Clear all verbose flags. That is, set the level for all verbose flags to 0.
V2.28, 13 July 2023