Automorphism Groups

Automorphisms of an algebraic field and the group they form can be calculated. Furthermore, field invariants that relate to the automorphism group can be determined.

Automorphisms(F) : FldAlg -> [ Map ]
    Abelian: BoolElt                    Default: false
    SetVerbose("AutomorphismGroup", n):  Maximum: 3
Given an algebraic field F, return the automorphisms of F as a sequence of maps. If the extension is known to be abelian, the parameter Abelian should be set to true in which case a much more efficient algorithm [Klü97], [AK99] will be employed. If F is not a normal extension, the automorphisms are obtained by a variation of the polynomial factorisation algorithm.
AutomorphismGroup(F) : FldAlg -> GrpPerm, PowMap, Map
    Abelian: BoolElt                    Default: false
    SetVerbose("AutomorphismGroup", n):  Maximum: 3
Given an algebraic field F, that is either a simple normal extension of Q or simple abelian extension of Q, return the automorphism group G of K as a permutation group of degree n, where n is the degree of the extension. If the extension is known to be abelian, the parameter Abelian should be set to true in which case a much more efficient algorithm [Klü97], [AK99] will be employed. If F is not a normal extension of Q an error will occur. In addition to returning G, the function also returns the power structure Aut of all automorphisms of F, and the transfer map φ from G into Aut.

Example RngOrdGal_Automorphisms (H40E1)

We consider the extension obtained by adjoining a root of the irreducible polynomial x4 - 4x2 + 1 to Q.
> Q := RationalField();
> R<x> := PolynomialRing(Q);
> K<w> := NumberField(x^4 - 4*x^2 + 1);
> A := Automorphisms(K);
> A;
    Mapping from: FldNum: K to FldNum: K,
    Mapping from: FldNum: K to FldNum: K,
    Mapping from: FldNum: K to FldNum: K,
    Mapping from: FldNum: K to FldNum: K
> for phi in A do phi(w); end for;
w^3 - 4*w
-w^3 + 4*w
Taking the same field K we use instead the function AutomorphismGroup:
> G, Aut, tau := AutomorphismGroup(K);
> for x in G do tau(x)(w); end for;
w^3 - 4*w
-w^3 + 4*w
AutomorphismGroup(K, F) : FldAlg, FldAlg -> GrpPerm, PowMap, Map
AutomorphismGroup(K, F) : FldRat, FldAlg -> GrpPerm, PowMap, Map
AutomorphismGroup(K, F) : FldAlg, FldRat -> GrpPerm, PowMap, Map
Computes the group of K automorphisms of F as a permutation group together with a list of all automorphisms and a map between the permutation group and explicit automorphisms of the field.

This function computes the automorphism group of F over Q first.

DecompositionGroup(p) : RngIntElt -> GrpPerm
DecompositionGroup(p) : RngOrdIdl -> GrpPerm
For an ideal p of the maximal order of some absolute normal field F with group of automorphisms G, compute the decomposition group, i.e. the subgroup U of the automorphism group such that: U := { s ∈G | s(p) = p }

If F is not a normal extension of Q an error will occur.

RamificationGroup(p, i) : RngOrdIdl, RngIntElt -> GrpPerm
For an ideal p of the maximal order M of some absolute normal field F with group of automorphisms G, compute the i-th ramification group, i.e. the subgroup U of the automorphism group such that: U := { s ∈G | s(x) - x ∈pi + 1 for all x in M }

If F is not a normal extension of Q an error will occur.

RamificationGroup(p) : RngOrdIdl -> GrpPerm
This is just an abbreviation for RamificationGroup(p, 1).
InertiaGroup(p) : RngOrdIdl -> GrpPerm
This is just an abbreviation for RamificationGroup(p, 0).
FixedField(K, U) : FldAlg, GrpPerm -> FldNum, Map
Given a normal field K over Q and a subgroup U of AutomorphismGroup(K), this returns the largest subfield of K that is fixed by U.

This function is inverse to FixedGroup.

If K is not a normal extension of Q an error will occur.

FixedField(K, S) : FldAlg, [Map] -> FldAlg, Map
Given a field K and a sequence of automorphisms of K, this returns the largest subfield of K that is fixed by the given automorphisms.
FixedGroup(K, L) : FldAlg, FldAlg -> GrpPerm
Given a normal field K over Q and a subfield L, compute the subgroup U of the AutomorphismGroup(K) that fixes L.

This function is inverse to FixedField.

If K is not a normal extension of Q an error will occur.

FixedGroup(K, L) : FldAlg, [FldAlgElt] -> GrpPerm
Given a normal field K over Q and a sequence of number field elements L, compute the subgroup U of the AutomorphismGroup(K) that fixes L.

If K is not a normal extension of Q an error will occur.

FixedGroup(K, a) : FldAlg, FldAlgElt -> GrpPerm
Given a normal field K over Q and a number field element a, compute the subgroup U of the AutomorphismGroup(K) that fixes a.

This function is inverse to FixedField.

If K is not a normal extension of Q an error will occur.

DecompositionField(p) : RngOrdIdl -> FldNum, Map
This is an abbreviation for FixedField(K, DecompositionGroup(p)) where K is the number field of the order of p.
RamificationField(p, i) : RngOrdIdl, RngIntElt -> FldNum, Map
This is an abbreviation for FixedField(K, RamificationGroup(p, i)) where K is the number field of the order of p.
RamificationField(p) : RngOrdIdl -> FldNum, Map
This is an abbreviation for FixedField(K, RamificationGroup(p)) where K is the number field of the order of p.
InertiaField(p) : RngOrdIdl -> FldNum, Map
This is an abbreviation for FixedField(K, InertiaField(p)) where K is the number field of the order of p.

Example RngOrdGal_Ramification (H40E2)

We will demonstrate the various groups and fields. In order to do so, we first construct a non-trivial normal field.
> o := MaximalOrder(ext<Rationals()|>.1^4-3);
> os := MaximalOrder(SplittingField(NumberField(o)));
> P := Decomposition(os, 2)[1][1];
> G, M := RayClassGroup(P^3);
> G;
Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/2
Defined on 1 generator
    2*G.1 = 0
Since G is cyclic and the module P invariant under the automorphisms of os, the class field corresponding to G will be normal over Q. It Galois group over Q will be an extension of D4 by C2.
> A := AbelianExtension(M);
> O := MaximalOrder(EquationOrder(A));
> Oa := AbsoluteOrder(O);
> Ka := NumberField(Oa);
> Gal, _, Map := AutomorphismGroup(Ka);
> Gal;
Permutation group Gal acting on a set of cardinality 16
Order = 16 = 2^4
    (1, 2, 7, 5)(3, 8, 6, 10)(4, 12, 14, 9)(11, 16, 13, 15)
    (1, 3, 7, 6)(2, 8, 5, 10)(4, 13, 14, 11)(9, 16, 12, 15)
    (1, 4)(2, 9)(3, 11)(5, 12)(6, 13)(7, 14)(8, 15)(10, 16)
Now, let us pick some ideals. The only interesting primes are the primes dividing the discriminant, which in this case will be the primes over 2 and 3.
> P2 := Decomposition(Oa, 2)[1][1];
> P3 := Decomposition(Oa, 3)[1][1];
First, the valuation of the different of Oa at P2 should be ∑i=0^∞(#G(P2, i) - 1) where G(P2, i) is the i-th ramification group.
> s := 0; i := 0;
> repeat
>   G := RamificationGroup(P2, i);
>   s +:= #G-1;
>   print i, "-th ramification group is of order ", #G;
>   i +:= 1;
> until #G eq 1;
0 -th ramification group is of order  8
1 -th ramification group is of order  8
2 -th ramification group is of order  2
3 -th ramification group is of order  2
4 -th ramification group is of order  2
5 -th ramification group is of order  2
6 -th ramification group is of order  1
> s;
> Valuation(Different(Oa), P2);
According to the theory, P2 should be totally ramified over the inertia field and unramified over Q:
> K2 := InertiaField(P2);
> M2 := MaximalOrder(K2);
> K2r := RelativeField(K2, Ka);
> M2r := MaximalOrder(K2r);
> p2 := M2 meet (MaximalOrder(K2r)!!P2);
> IsInert(p2);
> IsTotallyRamified(M2r!!P2);
Now we try the same for P3. Since 3 is split in Ka, we may consider an additional field: the decomposition field. It should be the maximal subfield if K such that 3 is neither inert (f=1) nor ramified (e=1), therefore 3 has to split totally.
> D3 := DecompositionField(P3);
> D3M := MaximalOrder(D3);
> IsTotallySplit(3, D3M);
The inertia field is the maximal subfield such that 3 is unramified. It has to be an extension of D3.
> I3 := InertiaField(P3);
> I3;
Number Field with defining polynomial $.1^4 +
    80346384509631057182412*$.1^3 +
    1^2 + 2795818092855476469056989739955845736579291605177\
    3809455107173769804*$.1 +
    41147104301325760481728833650060994 over the Rational
> Discriminant($1);
This (polynomial) discriminant is huge, in fact it is so large that we should avoid the factorisation. We already know the discriminant of Ka. The discriminant of I3 has to be a divisor - so we can use the Discriminant parameter to MaximalOrder: (We are going to need the MaximalOrder for the following embedding.)
> I3M := MaximalOrder(EquationOrder(I3):
> Discriminant := Discriminant(Oa));
> I3M := MaximalOrder(I3);
D3 should be a subfield of I3, so lets verify it:
> IsSubfield(D3, I3);
true Mapping from: FldNum: D3 to FldNum: I3
As a side-effect, Magma is now aware of the embedding and will use it. Without the IsSubfield call, the RelativeField function will fail.
> I3r := RelativeField(D3, I3);
> I3rM := MaximalOrder(I3r);
> K3r := RelativeField(D3, Ka);
> K3rM := MaximalOrder(K3r);
> IsInert(K3rM!!P3 meet D3M, I3rM);
The last step: verify that P3 is totally ramified over I3:
> K3r := RelativeField(I3, Ka);
> K3rM := MaximalOrder(K3r);
> IsTotallyRamified(K3rM!!P3 meet I3M, K3rM);
Using the decomposition group, we can get the splitting behaviour of any prime in any subfield of Ka.
> L := SubgroupLattice(Gal);
> [ IsNormal(Gal, L[x]) : x in [1..#L]];
[ true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false,
false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ]
> U := L[5];
> k := FixedField(Ka, U);
> kM := MaximalOrder(EquationOrder(k) :
>                    Discriminant := Discriminant(Oa));
> kM := MaximalOrder(k);
> Kr := RelativeField(k, Ka);
> KrM := MaximalOrder(Kr);
> P43 := Decomposition(Oa, 43)[1][1];
> V := DecompositionGroup(P43);
The splitting behaviour is determined by the double coset decomposition of Gal with respect to U and V:
> f, I := CosetAction(Gal, U);
> orbs := Orbits(f(V));
> reps := [];
> for o in orbs do
>   _, x := IsConjugate(I, 1, Rep(o));
>   Append(~reps, x @@ f);
> end for;
> reps;
    (1, 2, 7, 5)(3, 8, 6, 10)(4, 12, 14, 9)(11, 16, 13, 15),
    (1, 7)(2, 5)(3, 6)(4, 14)(8, 10)(9, 12)(11, 13)(15, 16),
    (1, 8)(2, 6)(3, 5)(4, 15)(7, 10)(9, 13)(11, 12)(14, 16),
> #reps;
So there will be at least 4 prime ideals over 43 in k:
> L := [ ];
> for i in reps do
>   Append(~L, kM meet KrM !! Map(i)(P43));
> end for;
> [ IsPrime(x) : x in L];
[ true, true, true, true ]
> LL := Decomposition(kM, 43);#LL;
> [ Position(L, x[1]) : x in LL];
[ 4, 3, 1, 2 ]
FrobeniusElement(K, p) : FldNum, RngIntElt -> GrpPermElt
Compute a Frobenius element at p in the Galois group of the Galois closure of K. This is a permutation on the roots of a polynomial defining K, which can be recovered as DefiningPolynomial(A) for any Artin representation A of K; the Frobenius element is well-defined up to conjugacy and modulo inertia.

Example RngOrdGal_nf-sig-FrobeniusElement (H40E3)

We take a polynomial whose Galois group is D5 and compute Frobenius elements at p=2 and p=5. They in two different conjugacy classes of 5-cycles in the Galois group.
> load galpols;
> f:=PolynomialWithGaloisGroup(5,2);
> assert IsIsomorphic(GaloisGroup(f),DihedralGroup(5));
> K:=NumberField(f);
> FrobeniusElement(K,2);
(1, 5, 4, 3, 2)
> FrobeniusElement(K,5);
(1, 3, 5, 2, 4)
V2.28, 13 July 2023